Chapter 35

DEAR Elizabeth,

It was a great pleasure to have you and your family attending Antonio's and Hannah's wedding. I feel very strongly that now we have forged these ties which reach back to the past, they must be carried into the future.

Heritage should be valued, not forgotten. Which brings me to your very good advice at the wedding.

You are right. I carry so many memories with me that no one else has. And there are the stories— almost legends now—of all my father achieved from when he first landed in this country. These things should be written down so that future generations can read the family history and know what has brought them to where they are—perhaps even making them what they are as people. The genes are passed on. I see the similarities in your sons and my grandsons. I think the King bloodline must be very strong. But then, so is my father's. It is a good mix.

I shall advertise for a person who is skilled in family research, someone who will know what questions to ask of the older members of the Italian community here, and who can assist me in organising all the accessible information. I must hunt up all the old photographs from the early days, although it is a shame they were always posed in a stiff fashion, not like those taken of Antonio and his bride.

I sit here, looking at a photograph of them taken on their wedding day, and it captures all the joy and love that shone from them. I remember the moment well. The photographer was trying to arrange some formal photographs by the fountain, but Antonio would have none of it.

"Take one of this!" he demanded and scooped Hannah off her feet. "Come fly with me!" he said and whirled her around, her feet kicking through droplets of water, and they laughed at each other, so light-hearted and happy.

A wonderful photograph! I will enclose it with this letter. I'm sure it will bring a smile to your face. Although there is another one I like just as well. When Antonio set Hannah on her feet again, her arms were still around his neck and she looked up at him and said, "I love you, Tony King." You cannot see the words but their faces show the depth of feeling between them. It is beautiful. I shall enclose it, too.

So my dear Elizabeth, another year has almost passed, but I am well satisfied with this one. Hannah told me she wants at least four children and I am sure Antonio will oblige her. Next year perhaps I will have another great-grandchild. I have much to look forward to.

Thank you again for your company at the wedding, and for your very good advice. I shall definitely proceed with recording a family history and it will be most interesting to see what eventuates from this worthwhile enterprise.

Perhaps I will have photographs of Matteo and his bride by the time it is ready for print. For me, it would make the story complete. I know you will understand this, Elizabeth. It is the women who give birth, who nurture families. I must find the right woman for Matteo. Then I can rest in peace.

With sincere respect and affection, Isabella Valeri King