Few days later…
Ye Tian, and the other Spirit Beasts, The Vajra Earth Baboon, Mi Nu, The Bubble Curled Snail, Fa Nan, and the Giant Fire Rat, Ying Da rested in the cave and was treated by Shu Min for the past few days.
At the moment, Ye Tian slowly opened his eyes, and said:
"Hmm? where am I?"
Shu Min who was still checking the others stopped and came towards Ye Tian then replied:
"You finally awake!"
Ye Tian looked around and began to recollect his memories of what had happened. Then, a moment later tears flowed from his eyes as he said:
"*Huwaa* I'm really sorry, if it weren't for my selfishness, Fu She wouldn't have…"
Shu Min tapped Ye Tian's shoulder as he said:
"It's alright, Fu She is still alive somewhere out there, although we can't reach him at the moment, my mark branch on him still feels signs of life from Fu She, you don't need to worry, he would be fine." He then continued. "For now, the most important thing is that you need more rest, I'm glad to know that all of you are still alive."
For a moment, Ye Tian's face got better, but perhaps because he was currently in a body of a 6-year-old boy, made him unable to control his emotions and started to cry again and said:
"*Huwaa* But still, he couldn't manage to come back with us because of me, even with my Ultimate Luck ability."
Shu Min looked at Ye Tian with a serious face and said:
"he's not fated to die yet."
Ye Tian became confused as he wiped his tears and asked:
"What do you mean? How are you so sure about that?"
"Some things are better left unsaid to avoid unexpected problems--" said Shu Min as he closed his eyes.
As they were still conversing, a voice from a chubby worm-like Spirit Beast suddenly stopped their conversation.
"Uhm… Sorry, did Your Truly accidentally interrupt you? Excuse me then…" said the Worm-like Spirit Beast as it started to leave the cave.
"Wait!!" shouted both Ye Tian and Shu Min.
A few moments later…
"Do you really have no intention of eating Your Truly?" said the chubby worm-like Spirit Beast in fear.
"Yes" said Ye Tian and Shu Min while nodding their heads.
"That's weird, other Spirit Beast were always captivated by my beautiful body and tried to eat me right away, wait…" the worm-like Spirit Beast pondered for a moment before tensing up as it continued. "Is this a new method to lure Your Truly into your trap before eating Your Truly?!"
Ye Tian and Shu Min were left speechless. The sorrowful emotion Ye Tian had earlier turned into regret in an instant.
The worm-like Spirit Beast didn't stop there as it act smug and continued:
"Your Truly is the most intelligent and beautiful of all spirit beasts."
"Been cultivating for nine hundred thousand years!"
"The Skydream Ice Worm, Meng Tian that is soon become a million-year Spirit Beast, and yet you think that you could deceive Your Truly?!"
"I'll show you the power of a nine hundred thousand years of Spirit Beast cultivation… Haiyaah!!" shouted the Skydream Ice Worm as it tried to headbutt Shu Min with all its might.
However, …
*Srrt Srrt*
Shu Min immediately turned his hand into a sprouting root and tied the Skydream Ice Worm thoroughly leaving only its head so it could still speak.
"Wuahh!! I knew it, you want to eat Your Truly when Your Truly is off guard!!" The Skydream Ice Worm shrieked.
Somehow both Ye Tian and Shi Min had their nerves popping out of irritation at the Skydream Ice Worm's attitude.
"Rest assured, we don't have any ill intention. I tied you up because you tried to hurt a little kid who is still in recovery." Said Shu Min to calm the Skydream Ice Worm down.
"ohh… I'm sorry, I'm not used to being treated as not food by other Spirit Beasts ever since I came to this continent." The Skydream Ice Worm lowered his head while feeling guilty.
Ye Tian suddenly felt pity for the Skydream Ice Worm, as he recalled the arduous life he had lived through for the past thousands of years from his previous life's memories.
"Uhm... should we call you Meng Tian?" asked Ye Tian all of a sudden.
"You can call me Brother Daydream from now on… ehe" said the Skydream Ice Worm with the brightest smile he had.
"Nice to meet you Brother Daydream, I'm Ye Tian, and this pointy-eared old man is Shu Min…" said Ye Tian as he introduced himself and Shu Min.
From there, they then had a long conversation explaining to Skydream Ice Worm about themselves and the purpose why they saved him.
"Ehhh? You want Your Truly to become your Conscious Spirit Ring?" said Skydream Ice Worm in amazement and continued. "I once also thought of becoming human's Conscious Spirit Ring to help me get my revenge, but…"
"I know this is a selfish request, but do you want to become my Conscious Spirit Ring?" said Ye Tian with a guilty face.
The Skydream Ice Worm pondered for a moment and said:
"It's alright, but I have a few conditions…"
"Please, do tell" said Ye Tian while hiding his excitement.
"First, i want you to avenge me on those Spirit Beasts who had harassed me for thousands of years…" stated the Skydream Ice Worm
Ye Tian nodded his head in all seriousness.
"Second, after you reach rank 20, help me find Ice Jade Scorpion Empress, I'll try to persuade her to become your Conscious Spirit Ring" said the Skydream Ice Worm as he finished stating his conditions.
"Deal!" said Ye Tian excitedly.
As they finished making the deal, they continued to chat casually.
"Brother Daydream, where have you been the last few days? I'm sorry that I could not find you as I was busy treating Ye Tian's and the other's injuries.
"Hehe... it's alright, as Your Truly arrived here, Your Truly went on an adventure around this place searching for way ou—I mean treasure!!" said Skydream Ice Worm confidently.
"Ooh—" Shu Min was in daze and just nodded his head.
"And Then, from deep underground Your Truly happened to find this Ice-Cold Essence Ore!" said the Skydream Ice Worm as he casually withdrew the shiny ice-cold ore from his mouth.
50,000-Year-Old Cold Essence!!
Ye Tian gaped as he looked at the Skydream Ice Worm's luck status which was shining so brightly.