Another Dragon? Run...!


Blue Wind Empire, Cyan Forest Town, Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range...

This place wasn't a town in the strict sense of the word... But in fact, It's just a forest at the foot of the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range...

In the past, this place was a town with hundreds of residents and houses, but with rumors about the appearance of the Scarlet Dragon, the townspeople crawled away from Cyan Forest Town. Soon, vegetation and profound beasts occupied this town, and its name became Cyan Forest Town instead of just Cyan Town.

Behind this place lay the vast southern plains, which were once the pastures of the Cyan Forest Town's people... But unfortunately, it was now deserted.

Although deserted, nature can live without a human being, unlike humans who cannot live without nature.

After leaving the Dark Forest, Kaido passed in his Dragon Form over the southern plains and entered Cyan Forest Town.

Kaido wasn't surprised when he entered another forest, but this one was smaller and looked like a mountain edge, and that's what he actually noticed.

A mountain range long enough to pierce through the clouds was quickly reflected in the dragon's eyes.

Kaido didn't know exactly where he was in the ATG universe, he didn't even know which planet or plane he was in... That's why he was kind of careful and he passively activated his wide sensing of Observation Haki the whole time.

He wished he hadn't been transported to a high-ranking star realm where there were people who could kill him everywhere.

This was because, in his current state, even a random mob in the Divine Origin Realm could kill him a thousand times!

Suddenly, his Observation Haki sensed several powerful life forces approaching his place.

He quickly returned to his human form and descended to a certain angle as his body disappeared among the trees before concealing his profound energy according to the method that came with his profound veins.

He could block all of his profound entrances so that not even a single filament of his energy would come out, although his appearance and aura did not change. In this world, where profound energy was the most important thing, they would judge a person by his level of profound energy.

If he didn't reveal his profound energy level in his humble beginnings, he could use his overwhelming strength to cast the picture of a peerless expert.

(Hmm? Five people can fly?! This means that they are at least in the Sky Profound Realm… Since they are not giving me any life-threatening pressure, it is safe to assume that they are only in the Sky Profound Realm.)

Five cultivators, dressed in black and decorated with red, passed over him, flying at slow speed.

Since they didn't sense his presence, he chased after them to find out their origin, just because he felt a little familiarity with these cultivators as if he had already seen them in the Manhua (Against The Gods) or something.


[[Violent True Profound Beasts Active Ahead, Those Below Nascent Profound Realm Level 10 Must Not Enter.]]

Kaido saw an old sign that contained a warning not to go too deep into the area.

But he didn't care and continued on his way, he had a familiar feeling, he ignored a lot of warning signs, but a certain sign totally caught his attention, that's because the last warning sign was labeled with blood-red colored carved words :

"This scenario is not strange to me…"

[[Scarlet Dragon Prohibited Region!]]

Just as he expected, when he reached the desired area, his expectation was completely fulfilled.

He knew his place in this universe, and most importantly, he knew the time he was transported to!

(Who would have thought I would pass into this world at the beginning of it all... I don't know if that's a good or bad thing for me... But I'll live well anyway.)



"Insatiable humans, you will pay the ultimate price for your arrogance and greed. This king will incinerate you all into dust!"

In front of his eyes, exactly what Kaido knows from the novel happened. To his surprise, an authentic and intact Mandarin Chinese language emerged from the dragon's mouth! The dragon's raspy voice did not prevent him from understanding the language, after all, he had studied languages in his previous life and had perfected over 5 languages, one of the most important of which was Mandarin-Chinese!

That was why he had no difficulty understanding the conversations between an angry dragon and his five enemies.

Four members of the Burning Heaven Clan led by Great Elder Fen Moli attacked the Scarlet Dragon in an attempt to kill it for the dragon fire-attribute Profound Core to their young master.

A fierce battle erupted in the sky.


Seeing the Scarlet Dragon directly made Kaido so excited. He had never seen a dragon other than himself before after all!

There was one, although it was a western dragon unlike him that didn't change the fact that it was a dragon. No matter how pure its blood was... All that mattered was that it was a dragon (Kaido did not know the dragon's gender).

(I don't know if I will be considered a dragon in this universe... Azure Dragon Fruit gives me the ability to become a Dragon... But am I really a Dragon?)

(Why not I see what they will say after seeing me?)

As soon as he decided on his next step, an Overwhelming Conqueror's Haki spread, causing made the clear sky suddenly become overcast with clouds.

The battle between the Heaven Burning Clan's members and the Scarlet Dragon had already reached a critical point, while the crow-haired young man who was stealthily under the influence of Star Concealing Grass nearly entered the Scarlet Dragon Cave in order to find out the thing who summoning him.


At this moment, lightning exploded from the sky as if a terrifying tribulation was descending.

An overwhelming pressure spread out causing the Scarlet Dragon, Fen Moli, and his followers to sweat, even Yun Che trembled... Only Jasmine who was inside Sky Poison Pearl didn't feel afraid at this moment, but she did panic for Yun Che.

"Yun Che! Not only the Scarlet Dragon is Throne(Emperor Profound Realm) but there is another Monarch Dragon(Sovereign Profound Realm) around… You should run—"

Before Jasmine could finish her words, a beaded blue serpent-like dragon rose from the ground while bathing in lightning, Yun Che stared in astonishment at the legendary beast he had never seen before neither in his previous life nor in this life… He froze in terror, He had never felt such pressure before... Even those ancestors from those sects that had trapped him at Cloud's End Cliff did not give him such extreme pressure.

He could say without a doubt this beast that had just appeared was the most dangerous creature he had ever seen in his two lives!


"What are you trying to do to a member of our Dragon Clan, you despicable humans?!"

The pressure of the Conqueror Haki spread from Kaido as a center causing Fen Moli and his followers to fall from the sky like meteors... Under the terrifying pressure, they could not help but sweat and stare in terror and confusion at the scene.

"Monarch Beast! Run!"

Fen Moli couldn't think logically anymore, the pressure he felt from the beast was definitely that of a monarch beast...

In front of such an existence even if the four great sects of Blue Wind Nation gathered together could not be able to hold off a single attack before they were annihilated.

No, even if all the Seven Empires of the Profound Sky Continent were gathered except for the Phoenix Empire, they wouldn't be able to resist...

Only those supreme existences in the Legendary Holy Lands could handle it!

The existence of such a beast in their empire was undoubtedly news that would scare the shit out of everyone who heard it.

When the Scarlet Dragon saw the venerable appearance of Kaido, the confusion from its eyes disappeared, and looked at Kaido with reverence.

"This little dragon greets the true dragon…!"

Kaido could sense the scarlet dragon's tone, but what surprised him was when it called him a true dragon.

What Kaido didn't know at this moment was that his dragon aura in dragon form was an unmistakable true dragon aura...

Not only that but the aura of the Azure Dragon type was the noblest type of Dragons Race in all of Primal Chaos history!!


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