Devil Tree!


Usually, there are only three types of Devil Fruits in the Pirate World and that's what everyone, both enemies and allies, agreed on.

The first and dominant type is the Paramecia type.

The second and most varied type is the Zoan-type.

The third and rare type is the Logia-type.

These are the three types that exist in the Pirate World only, and it's not possible to have a fourth type.

However, what Kaido doesn't know, is that the devil fruit he ate a month ago is a completely new type of Devil Fruit that doesn't exist before.

A Devil Fruit that no Devil Tree has ever produced, similar to the well-known Devil Fruits.

Rather, it's created with its seeds with the ability to branch out and become a new Devil Tree!

It was made using the laws of the Pirate World as a foundation, which gave it the identity of a true Devil Fruit, and divine power as fuel, which distinguished it from other known Devil Fruits.

All that Kaido knows is that he ate a powerful Devil Fruit that allow its user to cultivate.

This wasn't strange or surprising for him, after all, as a Yonko, Kaido did not lack experience. He had seen and heard of countless Devil Fruits that gave weird and illogical abilities, and his fruit was not outside of this weird setting.

He even participated in the Smile Project, which went out of common sense by creating artificial Devil Fruits... It can be considered a small type of Zoan-type... Just like the ordinary, ancient, and mythical type.

What he didn't know, however, was that he ate a Devil Fruit that could evolve into a Devil Tree.

That's what he'll know only after some time...

{Fire power source has been successfully absorbed}

{First Awakening}

{Devil Tree type selected}

{Spiritual Magma Devil Fruit has evolved into Elementals Devil Tree}

{The magma profound veins evolved into The Elementals Profound Veins}

{The convergence of fire element has reached absolute perfection}

{You are now unconditionally immune to the fire element}


A torrent of information continued to enter his head, but Kaido who was in an ecstasy-like state seemed like he didn't care about the information that was imprinted in his soul after awakening a Devil Fruit that wasn't like the rest of the Devil Fruits from the Pirate World.

Kaido's body was burning with crimson-red fire that burned the air above him ten meters high and even the stone ground under his backside burned and melted like a concrete swamp.

One could imagine how frighteningly high the flame's temperature was. However from start to finish, Kaido didn't receive any amount of damage, even his clothes didn't burn, just as the Logia's abilities won't affect the user's clothes.

After awakening from the ecstatic state, Kaido focused his inner vision on his profound veins to be surprised by how much change had happened to them.

It was as if his profound veins had been replaced by other profound veins.

Liquid magma mixed with blazing flames in the folds of his profound veins, as if they were dancing at a party… At this point, his profound veins were no different from hell!

But amid this hell, there is something strange... a small brush!

An ordinary green bush... Not unlike any other apple bush... It has green leaves pulsing with strange swirls like runes.

But on the bush are two fruits... Or rather, two Devil Fruits!

The first Devil Fruit is a dark red with a magma color.

And second Devil Fruit is a light orange with yellow flame color.

Kaido was dumbfounded by this wondrous sight... He only woke up after recalling the information he had obtained after awakening his fruit.


The moment he thought of picking the two fruits from the small tree within his profound veins... Two Devil Fruits appeared in his hand.

Kaido looked at them carefully, unable to calm his almost exploding excitement.

In the Pirate World, Kaido was relies on Ceaser and Doflamingo to create the Smile Fruits to strengthen his crew.

But in this new world, he had become a natural Devil Fruits maker!

The bush only needs to grow and it can produce a lot of Magma Devil Fruits and Flame Devil Fruits for him. Devil Fruits are similar to what exists in the Pirate World but much more powerful!!

As a host of the Devil Tree, he could use all of its abilities without restrictions!

The firepower source of this world had allowed him to awaken the Devil Tree that was sleeping in his profound veins!

If he hadn't staked everything and absorbed the fire seed... Perhaps even for the entirety, he would never manage to germinate the Devil Tree and would remain ignorant of the value of the treasure that was hidden inside his profound veins!


Kaido laughed nonstop, he looked like gone crazy at this moment.

This is, of course, because he alone knows the value of the thing given to him by the God responsible for his incarnation.

He just realized how foolish he was by comparing his veins with the Heretic God's Profound Veins... Perhaps in its first form, it was as unique as the Heretic God Profound Veins... But after evolving into the Elemental Profound Veins... The Heretic God's Veins were left in the dust in terms of level and quality.

After the evolution of his profound veins, the profound strength within his veins had become so concentrated that it was similar to that of primordial energy… He could bet that his profound energy at the True Profound Realm level 1 could crush 10 cultivators of the same level , this was the amount of difference between his profound strength and the ordinary profound strength.

Yes, instead of being a breakthrough, Kaido's cultivation base shrank from level 10 to level 1 but that didn't mean that his cultivation got weaker. No, but rather his profound energy concentrated and his foundation became much more solid.

At this moment, his cultivation path had no flaw to mention!

An enviable smooth and perfect cultivation.

The benefits he obtained by absorbing the fire seed were so many that Kaido couldn't count them.

His strength had not increased by much, but his future potential had increased by leaps and bounds that he could not imagine at the moment.

The blazing flames that surrounded his body stopped burning and disappeared.

But the heat of the cave didn't go away... The cave was still too hot for a normal person to live in.

With an evil smile on his face, Kaido left the rocky cave where the sun's rays reflected on his face.

From this moment on, a Creation Dragon of the Elementals that would surpass even the Creation God of the Elementals in his specialty born!


Yun Che was still training hard with a stiff facial expression.

Since that incident, it seemed as if something inside of him had awakened... He wanted to get stronger to protect Jasmine's smile and help her get revenge.

Kaido's words were still constantly spinning in his head.

God Realm!

Goddess Qianye!

Southern Sea God Realm!

Dragon God Realm!

Star God Realm!

Heavenly Slaughter Star God!

He wanted to ask Jasmine what all this meant but Jasmine refused to give him any explanation.

All she said was:

"Hmph! You're too weak to know."

He didn't feel any insult from her words, but he felt excited to become even stronger instead.

For this reason, he trained, trained, and continued to train with all his might to advance in his cultivation base.

He made use of all his medical experience and created a short path for himself to gain profound strength.

But he didn't know that without the blessings of the Goddess of Luck, his effort wouldn't make any difference, and he would lose all the chances that were prepared for him in favor of someone else... Unfortunately for him, it happened that the variable knows everything about this world by heart.

Not even his heavenly luck could help him with this.
