Kaido's soul remnant merging is completed!


"Andrew...! Are you with me, son?"

Maria stood up from her seat and approached her son who was lost in his thoughts, as he looked at his hands in astonishment. She had never seen him in such a state before, perhaps it was time to settle everything.

She put on her hand on his head and gently rubbed his thick hair with a smile on her face.

"Andrew... Did my line 'Kathleen is a slut' hurt you? Don't blame your mom, son. I only want your best interest. As you see... There are so many beautiful women from our social class who are just waiting for a small sign from you and they'll happily lick your feet... Why would you like that bitch?

Without Kaido noticing, Maria pulled a pistol from behind her back that she was holding in the other hand.

"Son... If you'd rather go with that bitch, you'd better stay here with me... Forever."

"Huh...?" Kaido's eyes widened when he saw the barrel of the pistol placed directly on his forehead.



Before he could finish his words, Kaido felt his head become heavy, but a gentle smile appeared on his face before he dropped his head onto the chest of his mother who was crying softly at this moment.

"Stay with me, forever, son..."

She hugged his bloody head tightly in a scene that combined a mother's love and her cruelty.


The world around Kaido disappeared and the blue sky of the Pirate World reappeared, Little Yamato was still looking at her father with confused eyes.

After overcoming his true heart's ordeal, Kaido's eyes regained their light again, but instead of exiting the illusion world, he reappeared here like at the beginning.

He already knew he was inside an illusion, but why did he have to go through the Kaido trial... Wasn't this guy already dead?

The feeling he had almost forgotten came back to the depths of his soul... Yes, right! He's merged with Kaido's soul remnants!

Didn't he get most of his memories already? Didn't he admit that he would be a new Kaido in this world?

Why did he do this?

How did he obtain all three types of haki that represent Kaido's true will?

Wasn't it because he accepted Kaido's legacy and identity?

Why did he become a pure villain, enslaving the good people in this world when he was one of the kindest people in the modern world?

All these questions were once inexplicable. Now, Kaido knows the answer.

"Er... Arghhh!!"

The previously blue sky quickly turned black when an Overpowering Conqueror Haki exploded from him as a center.

"Even when you died, your evil thoughts still affected my logic!"

Kaido grabbed his head which started to hurt like hell, as his realization that what he was seeing now was nothing but an illusion was almost forgotten.

Before entering this trial, he had a problem with his soul. His fusion with the Kaido's remnants soul was not complete... Only now, because of the Phoenix Heart Flame, all the impurities in his soul began to burn and shrink, when he passed this trial, this problem would disappear forever and he would return to being Andrew who has Kaido personality.

And not Kaido who has memories of Andrew.

What he was suffering from previously is a disorder of identity.

After being hit by a massive haki explosion, Yamato's body flew like a broken porcelain doll, but before crashing into the cave wall behind Onigashima, Kaido grabbed her in his arm.

Yamato looked at her father in confusion, but the next moment an unbelievable scene occurred.

Kaido hugs Yamato in his chest... Even if she was just an illusion, deep down he misses her.

Since he has become Kaido, the fact that Yamato is his daughter cannot be changed.

Her appearance in the experience of the heart is evidence of how important she was in his heart.

When he hugged her so warmly, he removed all protection against her.


Just as he expected, Yamato's two small hands turned into green wolf claws and attacked his neck with murderous intent.

But no matter how much she attacked him in the same part, she couldn't even scratch him.

Even so, Kaido continued to hug her tightly without saying anything... Although he knew in his heart that this was the way to go through the heart trial, he didn't do it to overstep the trial but rather for the sake of Yamato .

Her father loved her in a way she did not deserve. he always treated her so cruelly to make her strong, strong enough to live proudly in the cruel Pirate World.

He wanted to make her the empress to succeed him on the throne of beasts emperor... He gave her a mythical devil fruit... He beat her so hard that she could learn Haki at a young age...

Also, he treated her so harshly until she wouldn't trust anyone easily... He did all this for her, simply because he loved her more than anything in the world.

This is his way of showing his love for her.

But from the new Kaido's point of view... His predecessor was completely wrong... Children shouldn't be treated this way, especially female children.

"Yamato... I'm sorry." Kaido said.

Yamato continued hitting him with her small claws until she finally broke her claws. She felt exhausted and started crying out loud.

Kaido watched her turn into a flame and disappear from his arm.


Kaido sighed sadly as he watched the illusion world disintegrate in his vision.

With the illusionary world disappearing, Kaido felt an extraordinary warmth in his soul, finally regaining his awareness and becoming the person he wanted to be.

What happened before and during this heart trial did not discourage him from his decision to become Kaido but rather reinforced his decision to become Kaido.

From now on he has to use his knowledge to develop his intelligence... Neither former Andrew's intelligence nor former Kaido's intelligence is enough to live in this world.

That's why he has to develop his intelligence and his mentality... He's really strong... He has a silly strong body, and even more ridiculous cheats like the devil tree... Information from the novel and endless possibilities. As well as a mysterious fate with a mysterious God who can open the door for him to return to the Pirate World.

All these features, he should not miss it.

He should make good use of it.

The phoenix's eyes in the dark space opened again.

Kaido could see the shock deep within those golden pupils.

The third trial was to use the Heart Flame to induce the most precious and most unfortunate things in the heart to come to light and form a perfect illusory world.

What appeared to Andrew was the most precious and saddest moment he ever lived.

His mother was the most precious person he had in the world, and the moment she advised him not to go with Kathleen was his only regret. Simply because he didn't listen to her at that exact moment.

That is why it was all summed up in that illusion scene.

Although his dao heart was weak and he almost believed that the illusion was real and even thought that everything he had experienced so far was a dream he had awakened from... In his subconscious mind, he had already allowed his mother to kill him without resistance because she was the only person he would not be angry from her if he died at her hands.

As for the former Kaido's soul remnant... Even as a villain, he also possessed the most precious thing to him in the depths of his heart and the thing he regretted the most.

Yamato was that precious thing.

And hitting her in order to make her strong was that unfortunate thing.

That's why he was confused as to how to act. After all, he wasn't the former Kaido, but a new Kaido who had the memories of the ATG novel and the manga of One Piece...
