Bird Bird no Mi: Model: True Phoenix


"You really know a lot… How do you know about the Primal Chaos?... And how do you know about the nirvana flames? And what is this weird fruit in your hand?"

Despite her intense curiosity about how Kaido knows all these facts that no one in this small world is supposed to know. The Devil Fruit completely caught her attention.

The phoenix spirit felt an extraordinary affinity with the weird phoenix-like fruit in Kaido's hand.

Truth be told, Kaido was completely stunned by her beauty... Even Black Maria wasn't as pretty as her... No, even Linlin at her beauty peak wasn't as pretty as the Phoenix Goddess before him.

But when he saw the divine scarf above her neck, he remembered Joy Boy's annoying face, which broke his current state of mind and allowed him to regain his attention.

"Don't ask me empty questions, Phoenix spirit. Do you think you're the only one who knows so much about this world?"

"No wonder… It turns out that you're from the Gods Realm."

The Phoenix Goddess lifted her eyes from the Devil Fruit and finally looked toward Kaido.

Kaido looked like a human, but his massive size and his weird horns made him look more like an ogre than a human.

But this was not important to the Phoenix Goddess.

His strength was the most important thing. In her current state, the Phoenix Goddess felt a bit of a threat from Kaido.

Although his cultivation base was very lacking and even pathetic, his strength did not reside at all in his cultivation base, and this completely baffled the Phoenix spirit to the point that it made her speechless.

"Wororororo! Heh~"

As if he had heard something amusing, Kaido laughed in his usual way, and his usual smile appeared on his face.

The thing missing in this world is the low wisdom of its inhabitants... Even those who called Gods are idiots!

"So what if I've from the Gods Realm? Aren't I worthy of making deals with you? Well, don't forget that you are not the true Phoenix Goddess but just a residual soul that is supposed to die after the energy left by the main soul to you expires… right?"

"Your identity is really special… But without strength, you have no right to act like a Goddess in front of me!"

The fierce Conqueror Haki exploded from Kaido's body and the Phoenix Goddess who looked like a small boat engulfed in a raging storm felt a little threat.

Although she was slightly disturbed by Kaido's mental attack, her apathetic facial expression didn't change at all.

"A small being like you is no more than a hundred years old… It is a disgrace to play with me in a battle of will…"

Suddenly, a gigantic Phoenix shadow appeared behind the Phoenix Goddess and spread her wings, and then…


As if she screamed directly into Kaido's mind, her scream nearly destroyed his soul.

Only now did Kaido realize that he had underestimated the Phoenix spirit too much.

Kaido contacted the Devil Tree immediately in order to use the new Phoenix Fruit ability.

Countless pieces of information entered his mind.

{Bird Bird no Mi: Model: True Phoenix}

{You can transform into a true Phoenix whose strength is equivalent to the Divine Soul Realm.}

{You can control the Phoenix flame, one of the three most powerful flames in the history of Primal Chaos.}

{You're semi-immortal now.}

{You need to develop your Devil Fruit to unlock new abilities.}

"Watch me, Phoenix spirit!"

Kaido's body turned into a pure flame of Phoenix flame.

The Phoenix spirit almost laughed at Kaido's stupidity, which she thought would use the Phoenix flame she gave him to fight her.

But what happened next turned her understanding of the world upside down.

The shock... The absolute shock that has no explanation.

Kaido's body started to swell up just as it does when he transforms into the azure dragon form, but this time he didn't turn into a dragon but instead transformed into another being.

A fiery bird... A giant fiery bird! Its entire body was composed of crimson flames.

A 500-meter Phoenix soared into the dark space and proudly spread its wings.


In contrast to the shriek of the Phoenix ghost previously, Kaido's shriek in the shape of a Phoenix sounded more imposing and domineering... To the point that the Phoenix Goddess nearly knelt in his presence.

"God… Phoenix God…!?! Are you the Divine Son of the Phoenix or what…? No, that's impossible! The phoenix has no children! She didn't even have a husband! How…?"

The Phoenix spirit nearly passed out from the intensity of the shock.

Because what she was seeing now completely baffled her, so much to the point that she began to doubt her existence.

Before her, kaido has turned into a True Phoenix, but some of his features are still visible, such as his horns and accessories on his body and clothes.

The Devil Fruit that was created from Phoenix blood also obeyed the laws of the One Piece world.

"Shocked, right? phoenix spirit? This is me. A true Phoenix descendant. you can feel my aura, right? Unmistakable, isn't it? You're just a small part of the Phoenix soul that is about to vanish. In front of me, you're nothing... So be obedient!"

Kaido canceled out the full form of the True Phoenix and transformed into the hybrid form. His body in hybrid form looked extremely gorgeous… He looked more like the Phoenix Goddess before him! He had a God scarf woven from the flame over his neck as well. His male horns decorated his head like a royal crown, and his body seemed to be surrounded by crimson flames.

"I didn't come here for a stupid inheritance... I came to get you back… I need you by my side."

Kaido couldn't stand her rejection again. From his memories, he knew that he desperately needed to hurry up and gather all the remaining Gods in this world and make sure they regain their strength as quickly as possible in order to resist the tide of the nothingness abyss shortly.

He had no other choice, even the arrogant Kaido formed a strong crew and relied on Doflamingo to supply him with Smile Fruits to create an indomitable army of beasts... All in order to bring down the world government, because he knew he was not a competitor to it alone.

Now, that he's a mix between the real Kaido and Andrew... An Earthly person who has a lot of knowledge stored in his mind, Kaido has become more cautious and less arrogant.

In order to live splendidly in this world, he has to defeat all his enemies first.

Either from the primal chaos or the nothingness abyss.

"What do you think now, Phoenix spirit?"

The Phoenix spirit held herself back as she stared at Kaido in amazement.

Until now, she didn't understand what was going on here, but she couldn't deny the truth... Her divine instinct, her divine senses, the divine imprint on her soul that the True Phoenix had put up in her.. . All told her that Kaido before her was just... A True Phoenix!

Unmistakable fact.

"How...? What are you?"

"I'll tell you everything after you eat this fruit and leave with me."

Kaido looked at the devil fruit in his hand with a faint smile... This time he was sure that this beautiful Goddess wouldn't reject him... After all, besides her other half who had split and rebelled, Kaido was her only relative in this world.

Someone, she should cherish him and protect.

But before that, he has to fix a mistake he made earlier when he had an identity disorder.

{Devil Tree... Abolish the enslavement curse from the Devil Fruits... Replace it with the loyalty curse only... Whoever eats my Devil Fruits will be cursed by offering their loyalty only to me. I don't want to enslave anyone unless it's necessary.}
