Dragon God's Trial


Wasteland of Death...

'''The nature of the phoenix is ​​generous and conservative. Even if the trial she left behind were difficult, it would not be like something that would drive one to despair, and it was even less likely to be fatal. But the Dragon God is the sovereign over all the beasts and looks at the world with pride. The Dragon God's complete inheritance would never be granted to any ordinary person. Only a descendant with a supreme being's dominance engraved in his bones, possessing enough talent and willpower to become the ruler of heaven and earth, could be qualified to bear the Dragon God's complete inheritance.'"

"'Even if you are the last descendant of my Divine Race, you will die if you enter this trial ground gate without this kind of qualification and courage. Think carefully before you take your next step, your life and death depend on your next decision.'"

As the Primordial Azure Dragon's voice fell, a blue light suddenly flickered on the rock wall in front of Kaido. After that, a blue-colored teleportation formation that was over five men in height emerged from it.

The teleportation formation leads toward the trial grounds.

Kaido entered through it without hesitation.

A short moment after the teleportation formation disappeared, the Primordial Azure Dragon's voice resounded in the dim mountain cave.

''This strange descendant's soul is permeated with an astonishing aura of blood, death, and betrayal. Weird... Why do I have this feeling that he doesn't belong to my divine race at all?!''


Kaido arrived at the same place it appeared in the novel.

A small ground surrounded by dry mountain heights.

The mountaintops seemed hidden in the clouds.

In the sky above, the Primordial Azure Dragon's voice reappeared.

"Welcome to the trial ground: the complete inheritance of the Primordial Azure Dragon God… This is the place where the first stage will take place. In order to pass through the second stage's gate. Defeat all the Stone Dragon Generals in this place, and the entrance will naturally open… I wish you the best of luck.''''

"Stone Dragon Generals?"

Kaido remembers that Yun Che only fought Stone Dragon Warriors and that Stone Dragon General was the last opponent after defeating all waves of Stone Dragon Warriors... Why is this different for him??

Is that because he will pass the trial of the complete inheritance?!

As he thought about the situation he was in, a very bright dusty yellow light suddenly flashed, and then two figures appeared in front of Kaido's eyes, the bodies looking human but huge, resembling two strong Generals of the Demi-Dragon race with golden armor, helmets, and heavy stone swords.

The scary thing was not their looks... But.

"Those stone dragons have the strength of the divine path! You have to be careful, Kaido-Sama! It seems that the Dragon God has seen through your true strength..."

('You don't need to worry about me, Rias.')

Truth be told… Kaido was completely surprised by the fact that the two Stone Dragon General's strength was at 1st level of the Divine Origin Realm, but he wasn't afraid… If this had happened when he first arrived in this world maybe he worried.

But now, he's completely different than he was before.

"Heh~ come on, you mud toys!"

The small stone platform under Kaido cracked up before he transformed into his hybrid dragon form.

His strength instantly rose to a frightening level!

A fire lotus composed of magma and phoenix fires appeared in his hand, and an extremely powerful metallic Kanabo was quickly taken out.

By the standards of this world... What Kaido just took out was a Sovereign Profound-level weapon!

With a devilish smile on his face, Kaido jumped on the two Stone Dragon Generals like a ravenous beast.

The two Stone Dragon Generals didn't speak and no emotion appeared on their faces, they just attacked.

When Kaido entered their field of perception, their eyes suddenly lit up under the golden yellow helmet and their footsteps suddenly quickened and they swing their heavy swords toward Kaido.

Kaido's Kanabo shone with red lightning bolts and a touch of super-bright blackness mixed with profound energy from the Profound Sky level before his crushing attack tore through the surrounding space and crushed the two heavy swords.

Yes, the moment the two heavy swords and the Kanabo collided. The space really shattered up!

This was a fight between Divine Origin experts.

What they are considered Gods in this low plane!

Who would have imagined that there was such a power in this trial ground?

This did not even appear in the novel!

"Wororororo!!! This is fun!"

A shock wave overwhelmed the two Stone Dragon Generals and sent them flying.


Kaido didn't give them any chance to stand up again because he knew he had to fight seemingly continuous waves of these Stone Dragon Generals.

His body turned into an afterimage and he instantly teleported to the sky behind one of the flying Stone Dragon Generals, then…


The Kanabo hit the Stone Dragon General's head and turned it into dust!

The Kanabo returned to obliterate the rest of the body into scattered stones.

Before the Stone Dragon General's heavy sword that had turned to dust fell to the ground... Kaido moved to the second target.

The second stone dragon general had already regained his fighting position and had survived the first Kaido's deadly attack.

But that doesn't mean he can survive the second crash.

Kaido used the encapsulation with conqueror haki to crush the Stone Dragon General's arms before crushing his entire body into dust.

The battle against two beasts in the Divine Origin Realm only lasted two seconds!

Not even three breaths' time after Kaido defeated the two Stone Dragon Generals, in front of him, four yellow balls of light suddenly started to flash, and right after, four Stone Dragon Generals, with exactly the same figures as the ones before, held up their spears as they charged towards Kaido.

Since he already knew this, Kaido didn't feel any surprise or pressure.

This time he let the four of them attack him to test his body defense... He wanted to see if he was still as invincible as he used to be in the pirates world.

Four sharp stone spears hit him directly in his body… The moment the spears collided with his body, metal collision sparks appeared, and then in the next moment, the stone spearheads shattered even if they are harder than metal.

Kaido laughed at these guys' misfortune before swinging his Kanabo and crushing all four together.

His physical strength at this point was truly frightening.

Yun Che must first reach the fifth stage of a Great Way of the Buddha before attempting to challenge Kaido's current body.

"Wororororo!!! This is not enough... Not enough at all!!"

In the hidden space, the Dragon God's eyes twitched when he saw this situation.

Wasn't the complete inheritance trial supposed to be hell-level difficult?

Why does Kaido look like he's passing a trial for the beginners with a boss's strength level?
