Passing the first stage!



Kaido's roar filled with pure strength spread everywhere on the trial ground.

The roar was filled up with an aura of Conquerer Haki that devastated the mountains, splitting the ground and making the colossal stone dragon fly away.


The colossal stone dragon destroyed a mountain in his path before stopping.

His massive body was quickly surrounded by a yellow, earthy light and restored the damage caused by the collision.

The colossal stone dragon spread his huge wings and began to fly around the mountain range, then the next moment he opened his mouth wide and the dragon breath began to form.

In the end, a yellow, earthy light shot out from the dragon's mouth directly towards Kaido who was also floating in the form of a primordial dragon phoenix.

The yellow beam of light looked as sharp as a laser beam but was much larger.

The colossal stone dragon's breath directly pierced through Kaido's body and exited from the other side.

But no blood or screaming voice came from Kaido.

After the attack passed through it, flames formed again in the hole that included and everything returned to normal.

As if nothing happened in the first place.

Kaido's dragon head stared at the colossal stone dragon with a fierce look in his burning eyes.

Kaido spread his phoenix wings and the dragon's python-like body began to advance at an abnormal speed.

The space in the path of the primordial dragonic phoenix was burned and spatial storms began to tear up the battlefield.


(''This level of strength…! What is this existence?! Dragon?! Phoenix?! What is this?!''')

Even the Primordial Azure Dragon God was shocked and confused by Kaido's new appearance.

After all, a being like the Phoenix Dragon had never appeared before.




Crush Sounds!

Two gigantic dragons in size collided up with each other in a battle that not only destroyed the ground but space as well!

This level of destruction to space even Whitebeard would not be able to achieve it.

The surrounding space beside Kaido was not destroyed, it was burned!

The phoenix flame fused up with dragon flame in addition to the fire fruit and magma fruit to form a very powerful flame that could burn even the space!

This flame seemed so powerful that it resembled the ice flame that Yun Che had created in the novel.

Even the color of the flame changed to white due to its intense heat.

Its heat was completely indescribable, perhaps only the flames in a very dense neutron star core could compare to the power of the current Kaido flames!


A voice of laughter came from the mouth of the primordial dragonic phoenix who was clearly enjoying this battle.

Kilometers of rocks from the colossal stone dragon's body melted due to the white flames, but even so, the stone dragon rider was harnessing his powers to heal the colossal stone dragon and recreate his burned body.

The battle continued to rip the sky and destroy everything in sight for several days!

Kaido fought against the stone dragon rider and the colossal stone dragon for five days and five nights!

Three super experts at the level of the Divine Soul Realm collided up for a very long time until the trial ground of the first stage was almost completely destroyed at this point.



"This time I'll definitely crush you!"

Kaido appeared in a very weird form on top of the colossal stone dragon's head and attacked the dragon's rider with his metal batons in order to crush him and ended this hard battle.

In the past five days, Kaido had literally tried everything... He had even succeeded in destroying the colossal stone dragon, but it was always completely restored as if he was immortal and didn't die just like him.

In this battle, he knew just how hard it was to fight someone like him.

The stone dragon rider tried to fend off Kaido's baton, but the red haki sparks were able to crush his hand to dust!

"Take this! Wororororo!!"

"Your damn ploy has already been revealed! It's time for you to pay for the time you wasted on me, you bastard!"

Kaido stood on top of the colossal stone dragon as he pressed the dragon rider's head under his feet.

Kaido's form was currently similar to that of a hybrid zoan, but he was a mixed form of a phoenix and a dragon hybrid.

His body seemed to be burning with white flames.

Only his chest still looked human.

But even if he had a human shape, he was a real beast.

"I believe you have something here... I bet that thing's energy has gone down since you've become this weak..."

The stone dragon rider raised his hand and a rock wall several kilometers in length appeared and began to fall in the direction of Kaido to crush him.

"Heh~ A useless struggle."

Kaido was enjoying the struggles of the stone dragon rider.

Kaido wished that he was really alive so he could injure him as he likes.

Kaido hit his tail at the long rock wall that was falling on his body, splitting it in two.

The white flames devoured everything in sight and a two-kilometer-wide rock wall turned to nothing in a split second.

"And now, goodbye!"

Kaido smashed the stone dragon rider's head with his feet.

As soon as he did that, the colossal stone dragon's body began to melt and disappear. The stone dragon rider's dust also scattered in the air.

"Oh. What is this?!"

At the place where the dragon rider's head was previously, an earthy brown pearl appeared.

Its luster was very faint at this moment.

Kaido didn't hesitate to pick it up and started checking it out.



Along with the collapse of the Stone Dragon Rider and the Colossal Stone Dragon, the enormous stone gate in which it came from slowly opened. Subsequently, the Primordial Azure Dragon's pleased voice came from overhead:

''Very good. Young dragon, you have allowed me to see a shocking result.'''

''Congratulations on passing the first stage of the trial.''''
