The Lord Kaido-Sama!


While Kaido was causing a massacre of the profound beasts in the Endless Plains, Yun Che was getting ahead of himself in the Blue Wind Imperial Palace.


"Your Majesty, let me see your pulse first."

Cang Wanhe's appearance gave Yun Che a terrible premonition, but he did not dare to make any assumptions. He walked forward a couple of steps and arrived in front of Cang Wanhe. After pressing two fingers on his right hand on top of his pulse, he closed his eyes.

Cang Yue suddenly held her breath. Cang Wanhe also did not say anymore. His slightly muddied vision silently sized up the man that his daughter chose to check his illness. But in his heart, he didn't have any hope that he would be able to aid his condition in any way. Perhapss his medical expertise was outstanding, but he was just too young. Such a thing as medical expertise does not depend on knowledge from studies. It required many years to accumulate and compile.

Yun Che didn't take very long to assess his pulse. Ten or so seconds later, he said softly, "Your Majesty, next, I will use profound energy to assess your internal organs. Please don't resist."

"Okay. Just go ahead and do your best. We have already said that you are the person Yue'er had brought over. We can definitely trust you." Cang Wanhe nodded.

On the side, Cang Yue looked with a complex expression at the back of Yun Che who was instilling a bit of his profound energy into her royal father's body.

She wanted to ask him about the check result but seeing his dark expression made her swallow her words.

That didn't mean she was expecting anything from this boy... But what he said next completely surprised her.

Yun Che asked her royal father if he had been suffering from a scar in his chest area since three years ago.

Her royal father answered in agreement, wondering why Yun Che knew about it even though he hadn't seen the scar.

"Phew… This is really dangerous."

Yun Che let out a long breath as his face became serious.

"What your majesty has, is in fact, not an illness, nor poison. It's also not the damaging of your life veins as Gu Qiuhong had said… Rather, someone implanted a parasite in you!!"

(Kaido: Cang Yue... Your dad is not sick, in fact, he has been suffering from a parasite that sucks vitality out of his heart since three years ago.)

This was what her master also told her that day.

Cang Yue's eyes widened in shock.



After the Emperor heard about the ''Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite'', his expression remained calm but then, he revealed a trace of suspicion,

"If it is truly as you say, then there is no way this formidable parasite that had been implanted in our body has gone undiscovered by Gu Qiuhong, whose medical expertise had been the absolute best since long ago. It would be possible if you were to say that he wasn't able to discover it in the first treatment, but in these three years, Gu Qiuhong has been treating us several dozens of times. It is extremely unlikely that he was unable to discover it every single time. Yun Che, could it be that you have misunderstood something somewhere?"


Yun Che shook his head without the slightest hesitation.

"Absolutely impossible. I knew that Your Majesty would certainly not believe me, so please allow me a chance to prove it to Your Majesty… Allow me to cut open that scar on your chest. I will reveal the parasite in front of Your Majesty's eyes ."

Cang Wanhe got angry right away, why would he allow someone he doesn't know to cut off part of his body, does he think he's an idiot?!

"Royal father… I think Junior Brother Yun Che is not lying…"

"Do you want me to give him my body to open up as he wants just because you believe he's not lying?!"

"He doesn't lie… Trust in my brother-in-law, Emperor."

Suddenly, a muscular young man entered the Emperor's room, the moment he entered the temperature rose by several degrees.

Yun Che immediately turned around when he heard the familiar voice.

"Yuan… Yuanba!!! Is this really you?!"

Yun Che immediately let go of the emperor's hand and appeared in front of Yuanba who was looking at him with a smile while holding an old man in his hand like a chicken.

"That's really you?! How… How did you survive?! I heard in New Moon City that you were kidnapped by a true dragon!"

"It's a long story, Brother-in-law..."

An awkward smile appeared on Yuanba's face while saying that

"HAHAHAHA!!! It doesn't matter as long as you're fine!"

Yun Che patted Xia Yuanba's back repeatedly and excitedly... He was really happy to see that this friend was completely fine and nothing had happened to him, just like the princess who turned out to be fine too.

"... But please stop calling me your brother-in-law…"

Yun Che approached Yuanba's ear and whispered the last words in a low voice.



After seeing the parasite that was hiding in his chest for three years, Cang Wanhe gazed at Gu Qiuhong who was responsible for his current predicament with hate.

Yuanba threw the Medicinal Saint on the ground and pressed him down to the point that the latter couldn't resist at all.

"This is the person the Lord ordered me to arrest."

Yun Che gazed between the so-called Medicinal Saint and Yuanba in confusion.

"Who is the person you call Lord…?"

"Why did you put that parasite back into my royal father's body? Hurry up and kill it!"

Cang Yue was frightened and resentful at Yun Che's move.

Why did he put that disgusting thing back into her father's body after he had already taken it out?!

"Sigh... I can't..."

Yun Che shook his head and replied: "It's not that I don't want to take it out, but that it is simply impossible. If this were any other type of parasite, regardless of whether it was even more terrifying, as long as its location is found, it is possible to find a method to lure it out or directly kill it. But this type of parasite… it is called the 'Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite' because not only does it swallow a large amount of the host's vitality, but after this parasite drinks the blood of its host, it turns the host's life into its own , and thus shares life and death with its host. In other words, the Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite within Your Majesty's body is sharing a life with your majesty! If Your Majesty were to die, it would die. Conversely, if it were to die, Your Majesty would also die!"

"Ah!!" Cang Yue widened her beautiful eyes as they trembled.

"Wh… What? In this world, there actually exists this type of sinister creature!" Cang Wanhe also had a face full of fear.

"Don't worry, Senior Sister Xueruo. When the Lord returns, he'll easily heal your royal father."

This time Yun Che seriously turned around and asked Xia Yuanba:

"Who in the hell is that Lord you're talking about!"

"It's my Lord, Kaido-Sama."

Yuanba answered calmly.
