Rias (R-18)


Blue Wind Empire, Imperial Capital:

Inside the Imperial Palace, Kaido stood before the sick Emperor's bed.

Kaido's current shape looked quite shocking, he was no longer tall like a building, no longer rough-looking, he looked like an ordinary human, still carrying his fierce expression, but this gave him a manly look and made him more handsome.

He still has his horns and muscular body, but he's only 1.80 meters tall!

Well, this was obviously not his true appearance, but he had obtained a profound skill from Long Yin that allowed him to shrink his body at will and even change his appearance if he wanted to.

For Kaido this was a very good skill, henceforth he wouldn't break the jade beauties if he wanted to sleep with one in the future.

"Alright, Emperor Cang Wanhe, you have been cured."

"Thank you—"

Cang Wanhe looked at Kaido gratefully, and wanted to thank him but found that Kaido had already disappeared.

However, he left behind his last words.

"No need to thank me, I treated your body problem, in exchange, I get your daughter."

Cang Wanhe froze when he heard that.


"Yuanba… Go back to Floating Cloud City, search in the hills outside the city for a Profound Crystal Mine and extract 50 kilograms of Purple Veined Divine Crystal for me."

"Yes, Master—What!?"

"Do as you are commanded."

Kaido's piercing eyes stared at Yuanba, making the latter's body hair stand thorny. Kaido's gaze made him feel an incomparable fear.

"Understood, Lord Kaido!"

Yuanba left immediately.

"And you, Long Yin… I want you to go to the Divine Phoenix Empire and see if the phoenix spirit there is still alive."


Long Yin immediately left as well.


Rias stared at Kaido in great frustration, so Kaido was wondering why.

"Speak... What's on your mind, Rias?"

"I want you to back to your true shape… I feel strange around you when you are like this."

Rias liked Kaido's true appearance very much. This was the look in which her true soul was reincarnated. She didn't like seeing Kaido change it for any reason.


"You really don't like my current appearance!?" Kaido asked curiously.

"It's not that I don't like it, but I definitely prefer the real shape."

Kaido felt kind of warm after hearing that. Truth be told, Kaido in his real shape wasn't such a handsome person. It was even worse before he started cultivation.

He was an old man, with a muscular giant body, and an ugly face to say the least.

But when he started cultivation, his body started becoming younger. In his youth, Kaido was good-looking, but he wasn't very handsome like Shanks for example.

When he obtained the Phoenix bloodline, he became less ugly, and when he obtained the Dragon God bloodline, his true form became extremely handsome, charismatic, and majestic.

But the Oni bloodline still dominates within his body, that's why Kaido's body can't shrink normally, he can't become less than 5 meters long.

This was a problem, he was like a small giant. If he wanted to fuck Rias like that, he definitely couldn't.

Kaido canceled his body's shrinking ability and returned to his true shape.

"Are you sure about that!?"

Rias' cheeks reddened when she saw Kaido's majestic figure and her breathing quickened.

Yes, that was what she loved!

Her Master's true shape is not to be tarnished. If necessary, she would give her life for it.

Kaido grabbed her in his hand as easily as if he was holding a small doll.

"Yes, I am absolutely sure of that~"

A bright red light started to shine from her body, which was inside Kaido's hand.

Kaido was taken aback by the current situation, feeling it was about to let go of Rias' slim waist.

No, it seems that her slim waist has become huge!?

Under Kaido's shocked gaze, Rias' human body swelled to 5 meters and she, in turn, became a small giant.

"Kaido-sama~ For us the beasts' Gods, the human body is just a container, not our real body, so there is no problem with modifying it as we like~"

The hot woman who was just like a doll in his hand just turned into an even hotter woman.

Her soft body hugged Kaido's body, while her huge breasts pressed against his chest causing him to feel the excessive heat in that particular area.

"Hah~ You really surprised me."


Kaido placed his hand on his forehead and laughed so hard. Then the next moment, he pounced on Rias' body and ripped off her clothes to reveal her huge breasts.

Her breasts looked like two big cakes made of whipped white cream, each cake finished with a very tempting red cherry.

"Please be so kind, Kaido-Sama… I have no experiences whatsoever."

"Don't talk about kindness now, my dear. In sex, kindness shrinks pleasure. You'll have to ask me to be harder enough."

"Really…? Aahn~!

Kaido put both of her breasts in his mouth, then he started stroking them roughly while sucking her nipples, making Rias moan harshly.

Her giant and naked body seemed very tempting in Kaido's eyes, who inherited the bloodline of the god of all dragons and were known for their strong and exaggerated lust.

In the Pirate World, Kaido loved sex just as much as he loved Sake, and the best example of this is that Black Maria was his personal bitch. It can be said that Black Maria's beauty was on top of the Pirate World.

But the beauty of Rias before him is higher than Black Maria with several levels, like the difference between heaven and earth. She was a goddess after all.

Inside her room in the Phoenix Realm Pearl, a pink mist covered the inner space where both Kaido and Rias had been plunged into the sin of lust.

Although it was only in her spiritual body, it was no different from a real body at this point.

Only moans and clapping of flesh could be heard.

Kaido was so fierce in sex that Rias couldn't resist, all she could do was let her tongue hang out and enjoy the feeling of being violated by a dick the size of which exceeded human standards.

It was a small giant's dick so its size could be calculated in meters in its erect form.

"Ahn! Kaido-sama! Be easy, ah~!"

Rias felt her vital yin tear up the first time Kaido pierced it.

But all this was not important at the moment before the pleasure of having sex.

She felt his huge dick enter the depths of her stomach, but it didn't hurt her at all and instead made her sink into an endless world of pure pleasure as if she had reintegrated with her true self.

At this moment, she really felt like she had returned to her core and had a true identity.

For Kaido, not only was Rias beautiful but the sensation of fucking her was also unparalleled, his dick felt a completely different kind of warmth as if it was piercing through heavenly silk containing warm heavenly nectar.

He made sure to suppress the rising pleasure in his dick and continued to pound her hard, each time reaching straight for her cervix, making her moan even louder as she felt the lightning explode in her head and make her mind empty.

The stimulation was so intense that she didn't know how many orgasms she'd had after half a day of intense, hard sex.

A few hours ago, her vagina turned into a burning inferno because of the countless times Kaido's dick passed through it at an unnatural speed.

Being a phoenix goddess, Rias never thought that she would experience the feeling of burning one day.

But now, she was burning with endless pleasure.


A day later, Kaido rescinded his deliberate suppression of the pleasure accumulated at the head of his dick and finally ejaculated a river of semen directly into her womb.

Rias could literally feel her womb swell so badly, it's obvious how awful the amount of semen really is compared to a river.

She also sensed that she had obtained Kaido's dragon virgin seed, thus obtaining the Primordial Azure Dragon God's bloodline in this way and increasing her cultivation!

Kaido wasn't the only one enjoying an orgasm, she also let her fluids erupt as if she had been a dormant volcano for millions of years.

One drop of its liquid is enough to burn an ordinary human being to ashes!

But Kaido's dick felt like it was bathing in a heavenly spring!

"Sigh~ That was great, Rias."

"Hah~ Huh~ Let's do this every day, Kaido-sama!"
