
- 31st July 2138, Evening, GCA Campus, GEI Central -

We'd finally arrived at the fortified gates of the GCA Campus. Fleets upon fleets of HoverVehicles lay in wait. From what I could tell from peering out the window, each HoverBus was being checked individually by the staff of GCA. A clockwork pattern of a GCA official entering the bus, the security guard leaving and the bus being allowed past the ethereal blue LaserGate, shimmering a bright green when passed through.

Until then, I had to deal with the dreadfully talented farm boy.

"and that's how yah use tillage t' figure how t' stop erosion on y' crops" he touted, still continuing his multiple-hour-long tirade about farming.

"Hey, Travis," I said, in an attempt to gain his attention. "We're almost here."

"Oh, wouldya' look at tha'. Yr' tootin' right pardner" He furrowed his ungroomed brow. "t' think I was prattlin' for so long," He said as he burst into a fit of laughter.

This boy was senseless. I suppose I'd call this an extreme example of how people seem to hold unfounded respect for those of incredible potential here, even for those who would usually be seen as outcasts. I suppose some things never change.

The bus went from bustling conversations to complete silence as I endured an incredibly formidable presence beyond the door of the bus. It felt as if I were being suffocated by the pure and unshackled energy of a beast of legends. Nevertheless, as fast as I felt it, it had vanished before the HoverBus door opened.

After a few moments that felt like countless hours, a small, hunched old man stepped onto the bus. Was this the source of such tremendous energy? His skin was marginally shriveled and covered in various blotches. Long unkempt snow-white hair fell to his waist as he leaned on some sort of walking cane. Upon closer inspection, the cane had various metal inlays and a gem emblazoned where the man's hand lay. It must have been one of those EX-Foci I'd heard about.

Extrinsic Foci were objects capable of channeling the potential energy manipulated by Extrinsic Sorcerers in various ways. It was how most electrical appliances in the Neo-Terran age gathered their fuel, through EX-Batteries. With larger infrastructure like the power grid of a city running its power out of an array EX-Generators usually found deep under the city under heavy guard.

I suddenly jolted to the back of my chair, along with most passengers as the man spoke in a commanding yet wise tone.

"Greetings young fledglings of academic wit. I... am Alasta von Bejahrt. 1st generation Extrinsic Sorcerer." He said in a distinctive accent that was harsh yet jovial, hard to place.

First generation? If I were to run the numbers... That'd come to at least 134 years old, considering the Great Rousing started in 2004... He must be a prominent scholar of sorts. I wouldn't put it past him to announce he's headmaster next.

"I... am Headmaster of this humble Academy. I... hope you have a nice time studying here." He announced, scrying the bus with his wizened gray eyes.

I saw his eyes dart towards a few students in particular. Travis being one of them. Before murmuring something to the guard beside him.

Without explicit warning, Alasta then hit his staff unto the ground with a dignified thud while chanting the words {Maxi Motus}. With a glinting flash of cerulean, Alasta was enveloped in a veil of pale light before disappearing completely from view. To the collective cheer of everyone on the first floor. The guard quickly left the HoverBus during the commotion.

I expected the bus to continue moving, but it didn't.

"We haven't moved yet? What do you think's up?" I reluctantly inquired of Travis

"don' ya hear im'?" He said, spouting something incoherent yet understandable.

It was at that moment I realized. That spell he'd used had simply transported him to the second story of the HoverBus, where he was repeating precisely what he'd formerly stated word for word.

Nonetheless, I'll note that it was interesting seeing a technique like that. Most Casting techniques were restricted in cities, to prevent crime. Though those restrictions didn't carry over to situations of self-defense.

Listening carefully I heard the chant {Maxi Motus} yet again as the bus finally began to move again...


We, at last, arrived at the student housing much to my relief. Peace and quiet were soon to be mine! The apartment complex was overpowering in size. So big that it took up the space of an entire city block, within the Academy grounds. The buildings were constructed of exoglass and some sort of pale blue metal, it was so colossal that it seemed to pierce the sky. According to the map at the entrance.

The complex had its own shopping mall, movie theater, and swimming pool. With a fitness center and a spa off to the side of the building. It seemed so luxurious that it was more accurate to consider it a resort. GEI had pulled out all the stops to create the perfect academic learning environment for talented students. I'd find it difficult to believe the other Academies put this much towards student comfort.

The lobby was just as large and intricate, students having already filtered into groups chatting about various topics. I'd managed to lose Travis to a group of 20 people wanting his autograph... It seemed my lack of attention paid to the news had left me sheltered on the recent happenings around Scientia. Either way, I rushed to the elevator. There was already somebody inside of it as the doors were closing.

I rose my voice a tad. "I need that!" as I ran towards the elevator.

Upon discerning what I said, the girl in the elevator clumsily waved her hand between the doors to trigger the auto-detection system like some sort of giddy child. This promptly stopped them from closing, allowing me entrance.

From her demeanor, I could tell this girl was outgoing and energetic. Her hair was a brilliant blue, and looked like it was styled perfectly resting below her neck in twin ponytails. She had a beaming smile on her tawny face. Holding a machete in her left hand, adorned with the metal inlays expected of an EX-Foci. She was wearing some sort of bright yellow and green striped shirt; with a similarly colored skirt down to her knees and green and a pair of pristine white striped over-the-knee socks tracing her petite legs. Very bright. She was rather short, however.

"Hey hey! HOW's it popping you Gloomy looking dude!" She bluntly blurted at me. "I'm Siska Gacy! ALWAYS looking for FUN!" Spinning in place joyfully as she spoke, in a child-like manner. With a speaking rhythm not unlike a rollercoaster.

This girl frightened me. Like an impartial arbiter of ultimate death peering earnestly into my eternal soul. I couldn't disregard her after such an introduction. She was so... Energetic.

"I'm Erik. Are you okay?" I replied, unable to stop myself from jabbing at her a little.

"Of course, I'm okay SILLY." She struck me on the back as she spoke. Unexpectedly, she had a good deal of strength behind those narrow arms of hers.

The elevator reached its destination. 4th residential floor. It seemed that the clown of a woman remained on the elevator. Fortunately for me, she did a strange bubbly dance of sorts. Resulting in her turning her back in her weird way of saying goodbye, allowing me to use my eye on her. To glean her statistics, of course, nothing suspicious.


[Name: Siska Gacy]

[Age: 16]

[Attribution]: Phenom

-[Rank]: A

-[Affinity]: Momentum

[E-Signature]: 171M


She seems rather excellent when it comes to potential. I'll keep this noted for a potential team-up if I'm able to get used to her... 'personality.' Momentum could permit some interesting combinations when paired with my Gravity. Depending on how those types of sorcery can be properly implemented at a student level.


Reaching my Room, 421. I stepped into my apartment and was enveloped in the low, calming hum of the air purifier. Walking past the pristine, minimalist kitchen with its minifridge and various cupboards, and into the living room. Its enormous windows let in the natural light of the blue sun and provided a stunning view of the cityscape. The furniture was plush and inviting, and I couldn't help but to sink into the couch and relax. This was the quiet I'd strived for. 1 month in the waiting.

My bedroom was a standard sole room with curtains to block out light, on the bed a school uniform was laid out perfectly clean without wrinkles. The uniform consisted of; a dark blue suit blazer with the GCA logo emblazoned on the breast pocket; a modest but contrasting white button-up shirt; a pair of smart-looking semi-formal trousers, black with an extremely faint shiny silver pattern to them and finally a blue InfoComm mobile device with the school's official logo on it.

For the fun of it, I decided to scan the new InfoComm. With the typical gleam of golden light.


[Object: GCA InfoComm]

[State: Powered-Off]

[Rating: Safe]


After scanning the InfoComm I felt a rather sudden wincing pain in my left eye.

[10th unique object scanned... Rank-Up is commencing...]

The fierce pain was bearable for the moment as my mind began to race. The prospect of ranking up this Singularity of mine filled my brain with all sorts of possibilities. I felt thrilled. A rare feeling...