Under the full moonlight, Yueging, the vast and busy metropolis gleamed below. The lights from the buildings and moving cars added to the illumination but the light wasn't strong enough to reach the dark alleys of the city.

In particular, there was a sliver of light that appeared like a fracture in a translucent piece of glass in a dark, unsettling alley. The cracks gradually widened until they finally cracked open, releasing a brilliant white light that formed the shape of a tall silhouette of a living being.

The light faded and disappeared, revealing a towering, well-chiseled person with a devious, triumphant smile adorning his superb angular features.

"How revolting." Kai Ling yawned, stretching his arms. The alleyway stank more than the stink bugs he used for practical jokes. Nevertheless, he looked around in mild curiosity before turning to see the light and cracks disappear.

"So this is the human realm." He started to move down the alley, staring at the group of humans passing by at the end. He walked out, arriving at a sidewalk only to catch the attention of the passersby.

While some people screamed with delight, others appeared shocked and in awe.

Kai Ling scowled. Humans. To him, they were just pests.

Unbeknownst to him, they weren't afraid of him; rather, his appearance was what was making them wheeze. His ethereal appearance.

Tall and muscular, Kai Ling looked more like an athlete than anything else. Aside from that, his complexion was a striking contrast to the black of his robes, being as glossy and flawless as porcelain. His eyes were as acute and sharp as a phoenix's, and his features were angular. His robe was composed of a thick silk that seemed almost weightless. They appeared to be dancing with the breeze as they hung in elegant folds.

Additionally, the fabric appeared to ripple when he moved, as though it had life of its own and the robes had exquisite, nearly undetectable embroidery, with brilliant, rich patterns and decorations. The tiniest details, like the cuffs at the sleeve ends, were meticulously crafted and a jade pin, cold to the touch, with a smooth surface, was worn in his hair.

Kai Ling stopped and stared down the other side of the sidewalk, not bothering to try and figure out how to make sense of the strange surroundings. And because there were so many people waiting there, he was drawn to go there. But there were too many speeding cars on the road, obstructing his way.

"What are those moving things?" He gestured at the automobiles with his fingertips, caressing his chin. "Magic?"

The little he knew about the human realm was that it was populated by weaker beings who were beneath him and devoid of magic.

"Ridiculous." he moved to cross the street, dodging the cars that would have otherwise run him over.

He was unaware that the majority of those who saw him as soon as he came out of the alley were drawn to his alluring appearance and began taking pictures of him to share on social media with wild and interesting captions.

As they witnessed Kai Ling swerve around incoming automobiles whose drivers were yelling at the top of their lungs and blaring their horns frantically, those on the opposite side of the road screamed in horror and amazement.

When Kai Ling eventually made it across the street, he was shocked to see a big number of people—mostly women—crowding around him like birds.

"How did you do that?"

"So hot!"

"Are you a cosplay?"

"He is an alien!"

"Who are you?"

"Marry me!"

"Look at that robe!"

"Is he an idol?!"

"Is that jade real?!"

Detesting the attention he was receiving, he clinched his fist, wanting to kill them all. His dark eyes were about to morph when he spotted a familiar face.

A young woman was waving a rectangular, light object among the shouting crowd. With narrowed eyes, Kai Ling concentrated on the object firmly grasped by the young lady. The person came into focus when the wave in his area of vision slowed down.

Brilliant red hair and pale blue eyes.

Breathtaking beauty.

"Dragon king?" he muttered, a small scowl imprinted on his forehead. Then, without thinking twice, he pushed his way through the crowd, grabbed the young woman's phone, and fixed his wide-eyed gaze on it. "It's really him! What is he doing in there?!"

She looked at him, startled, and then burst out laughing. "I haven't seen you around here mister? Are you perhaps lost? Is your manager somewhere around here?"

"Manager?" Kai Ling asked the woman, staring at her as if she was insane. Did the human believe he was a famous person or something? He could take advantage of this with ease.

"Yes. Your Manager." Grinning, the woman said. "How about you accompany me to my company? Find yours with our assistance. I am Hong Fang from the entertainment firm Crown Star."

Although Kai Ling didn't trust her, he stayed put to avoid the humans that were suddenly flocking about him like insects. It wouldn't hurt to follow one fly. He would only have to make it go splat if it made a sound or irritated him.

"Very well then, I will gladly take your offer." He spoke in a calm, deep voice.

The woman struggled to maintain her cool while flushing and cleared her throat firmly. Large men in suits who appeared to be bodyguards soon arrived and led the woman and Kai Ling to a car.

Even though Kai Ling was hesitant, he followed. As he settled into the car next to the woman, he couldn't help but fix his gaze on the picture of the person he had never imagined he would see again. That innocent face and smile, those captivating blue eyes, and that blood red hair.

"Who is the person in this image?" Kai Ling questioned Hong Fang, who had been observing him with intense curiosity for some time. But she was dumbfounded when he asked.

"You don't know..."

Kai Ling gave her a quick glance, his expression somber and collected. But there was no calming the wrath he was feeling inside.

Hong Fang cleared her throat, a very nervous sensation. "Xiu Yang. He is a well-known model and music icon."

"Huh?" Nothing made sense to Kai Ling. At that time, he felt foolish. The name "Yang Xiu" was all he could understand.

Hong Fang chuckled tensely. She was full of questions, but as she opened her mouth to ask them, Kai Ling glanced back to the phone and tightened his hold on it. She decided to stifle her words and turn her head away from him at that very time, while Kai Ling scowled at the picture with a malicious sense of humor.

Being one of the most sought criminals in the supernatural realm, Kai Ling ultimately became bored and stole an old book from the forbidden mages' library—which was authored by the dragon king himself.

That being said, it wasn't all that bad to steal an antiquated book in order to reach the human realm. The largest transgression was demolishing the ages-old barrier constructed by the legendary dragon king.

It was said that the ferocious dragon king was immortal.

The dragon king. A powerful bloodthirsty tyrant who took over the supernatural realm but later on killed himself was alive in the human realm.

Kai Ling let out a hiss and crushed the phone with a simple tightening of his grip. "I will have to find you to clear my thoughts, won't I?" And the woman standing next to him gave him a horrified look.