
Mission 1- Chlorine

August 24th- 7:48 pm. Agent Chlorine Chaos Over Blitz, also known as Blitz. Chemical element- Chlorine. SSS rank element being. Yup that's me. But it wasn't always who I was, my original name was Tanya Stokes. Before I was transformed I was 12 and walked home from the store. It was sunny and there were lots of clouds in the sky. Suddenly, a black van pulled up next to me. I stopped walking and was gonna get ready to run. The van followed me and I almost got away. But they opened the door and pulled me inside when they were close enough. I started to scream.

I screamed and screamed and no one could hear me. A white gas started to fill the car and everything went black. When I woke up I was in a white suit, wearing white combat boots. The room was empty and I was tied to a chair. A small TV screen was in front of me. It suddenly turned on, which made me jump a bit. "Where am I", I looked around. An intercom turned on, "Watch the screen". Images started popping up on the screen. As I looked closer I realized what it was... who. My brother, sister, and mom. All died with their throats cut.

"You have nothing to go back to Tanya", the man said over the intercom. I started to cry. "Who are you! Why am I here"! "Calm down Tanya, I only want to help you. I want to make you stronger". "What"? The man came out of a door in the corner of the room. "I'm Professor Light, follow me. Don't worry, I won't hurt you". He untied me and grabbed my hand. He smiled at me and took me to a room. There was an empty room with nothing but a large tank with a podium inside. The entire room smelled like chlorine.

"What's this". A tank of chlorine. We will put you under and on the podium". "Why do we need the podium"? "If you go too deep under... well, just know it won't be too good for you". He took me over to a staircase, leading to the top of the tank. There were two other men in white suits standing there. I looked at the Professor one more time before he put me in the tank. "What will this do"? "You'll see", he chuckled. I laid down on the podium and slowly put my head under. My heartbeat got faster and I could feel my veins moving. Then suddenly, the podium broke! I started to fall deeper into the tank and I tried to climb my way up. Then I couldn't move, everything went black.

I couldn't see, talk, smell, taste, only hear. "Her limbs have fallen apart", one man shouted. The other man was screaming and the Professor stayed quiet. "Her hair is falling off"! "Quiet", the Professor shouted. For days I heard nothing but metal clacking and doctors talking. Then suddenly, I woke up. I was very cold, and could feel my blood had stopped flowing. I was laying naked on an operating table. I got up and looked into the table. My once curly black hair was straight and white. My brown eyes were now white. I looked down and realized I had a patchwork body! All my limbs had been sown back together. I screamed and someone ran into the room.

It was the Professor. I ran and hid when I realized I was naked. The Professor took off the plague mask he had on. He looked very young. He had green hair. He couldn't be more than a year older than me. He was a bit tall for his age, but not too tall. "I'm sorry... the podium broke", he said. "I know". "I tried my best to save you... looks like I was successful", he smiled. I peaked my head out and smiled. "Yeah". "Are you cold"? He took off his coat and put it around me. "I'm sorry". "It's fine. How old are you Professor Light"? "I'm...13 and a half. The place belongs to my father, he's letting me take over".

"Oh... what did the tank do to me"? "The chlorine turned you into something called a chlorine being. You can do anything chlorine can, but you're stronger than you're supposed to be. Since you overdosed... and lived. My dad wants to make you into a spy". He handed me a file with a picture of me. "Chlorine Chaos Over Blitz". "That's your new code name. We'll just call you Blitz". "Okay... I'll do it, I have nothing to go back to anyways". "I'm Clover", he shook my hand. "Now let's get you dressed". Sometime later the Professor was dipped into Absinthe and became a spy himself. After him there was a girl named Freyaj. She was the last person dipped into Chlorine because it was deemed dangerous.

Soon there were more than 300 hundred of us. That's how it all started.