Dearport, what kind of name is that?

It had only been a week since Li moved into the beautiful 2 story house and he loved it. The food was exquisite. His parents were very helpful in teaching Li about common sense.

However there was one thing he dreaded. Going to school. Li hated the thought of it, right up until the morning he woke up on the first day of it.

After he sloppily raised out of bed, Li looked in the mirror. And staring right back at him was a handsome young boy. Some may argue that he is the most handsome child in the world.

On the path of cultivation, expelling impurities from ones body was only natural. Once you expel impurities it enhances your looks by multiple times. Thus Li was also probably the most beautiful child on the planet, as of this moment.

Li had somewhat resembled his past self, but he was just a child this time. Li had no quarrels with his looks, so he was fine with however he was presented.

"Li! Come down and have some breakfast champ!" Nate called for Li from the kitchen. At the thought of food Li started to drool.

Li came rushing downstairs and he wasn't disappointed by what he saw! Bacon and eggs had been lathered on a pancake with maple syrup drizzled on top. This was Li's favorite meal. It was known by the name, Canadian Breakfast.

As soon as Li arrived at the table he immediately downed his portion of food, and just began to wait. Soon after the parent's had finished their portion and looked at Li. "Look you have to go to school today, we know you don't like the thought of it but you have to." Li's parents said in a solemn tone.

"Okay" Li replied with no hesitation. The parents were quickly confused by Li's lack of hesitation. But Li knew exactly why he wanted to go to school now.

If he is able to learn about how to configure modern day technology, then the opportunities would be endless.

With new found determination Li headed to the bathroom and cleaned himself. Once he got out of the shower and had dried himself, Li stared in the mirror one last time.

He thought "For a mere child, I sure do have some well defined muscles and beautiful skin." but Li just got dressed in his uniform.

The uniform for his school is black exterior coat with a red interior coat dressed with a white tie. These were his schools colors. So he obviously had black jeans and formal leather shoes.

Li had such a nice uniform because he was going to attend a private school! Li didn't understand the concept of economy, or nice looks.

Simply because he couldn't care less, while it is going to be nice having an understanding of todays social hierarchy Li didn't require that knowledge.

Without further ado Li hopped into his car after procrastinating in front of a mirror for 5 minutes. And his parents drove to the school.

And when he arrived Li was astounded by the sheer size of the school. It was remarkable. But Li didn't spend to long worrying about those details.

1 minute later Li's car pulled up to the stop and go zone. It's where you stop the car say goodbye and then be on your way again.

It was a simple system, so Li followed the guidelines. He said goodbye to his teary eyed parents and then he walked toward the school in a formal manner.

Everyone in the crowd of students turned their eyes to Li because as previously mentioned, he was probably the most beautiful child on Earth. There was no doubt about it.

His looks immediately attracted most if not all people. (Mainly females, as you may have guessed.) But if you know Li, then you know he didn't give a damn about other people.

He just walked past everyone without a hint of emotion. And then he read the sign above the door into the hall and it read. "Dearport Private school" Why is it called Dearport, that doesn't even resemble the name of our town.

Confused but confident, Li strode into school.