
Chapter 18

His question was ambiguous to me: I didn't know

he frowned or whether he was asking about why I came to see whether he was referring to my greeting his teenage girl for which him. I told him I had come to seek employment 'Is that why you've been disturbing me?" he yelled. Please get out of my office! There is no vacancy!' I stood up. 'Go away quick'! he screamed.

I decided that I wouldn't loose anything if I told this man that he was an idiot. You are wasting your time and mine Go away!' he shouted like one talking to a deaf. 'My friend! i think you are not well! Please go away! There is no vacancy!

I gave him an ugly look and yelled at him, you are a psychiatric case. The man sprang wildly from his chair 'Help me push this mad man out of here!' he screamed to the girl and pounced on

me. I gave him a dirty slap on his fat cheek and he slumped to the floor like a bag of rice. I dashed out of his room and banged the door.

Hurrying to the road, I waved a taxi to a stop and entered it, ordering him to take me to Kwaghtagher's house in Sabon Lambert.

I suddenly remembered that I needed some money to offer at least fanta to Mmembe if she kept her promise and came. I had to ask Kwaghtagher for two naira because of this. This girl you have been talking about.' said Nancy What is the relationship between two of you?' Her question embarrassed me. So much was the embarrassment that I didn't say anything for quite

some moment.

When I spoke it was to tell her that I had no

relationship with her. You cannot get a visitor with whom you bear no relationship' she told me. I resisted the urge to tell her that she should stop poking her nose into my affairs. 'I have relationship with her in the sense that I met her in Mohammed Ali's company and told her she was free to check on me here." I said.

Kwaghtagher intervened to inform his wife that the visitor was mine and not hers and therefore she should stop feeling concerned. 'I am not saying I am feeling concerned' she snapped.

I felt it was time for me to get my own house and live there alone. I stood up and left them for my pigeon hole. In many ways this room reminded me that I had not yet finished serving my prison term.

I was awakened by Kwaghtagher who handed me two naira and announced to me that my visitor had come.I quickly combed my hair and dashed to the parlour. She was sitting there.

I went to her and greeted her, resisting an urge to hold her as I knew Nancy wouldn't enjoy thesight. I asked her what drink she would like to take and prayed in my mind that she shouldn't request for big stout as this was more than two naira. Luckily for me, she asked for a soft drink.

Don't you take alcohol?' I gambled at the risk of her opting for big stout. Mmembe told me that no employee of Mohammed Ali was allowed to sit within ten metres of where alcohol was being taken. 'Are you saying that an employee of his doesn't take alcohol?? I asked. Mmembe

answered that it was unthinkable for Mohammed Ali's employee to take alcohol. It is not on record. An employee of his has to be perfect.' I heard.

Nancy burst into laughter at this. Well, Mohammed Ali is not around to see you, so you can afford to take alcohol here' I said. She shook her head slowly. 'He has many informants.

He will know.'

I didn't press the matter further. I left her and soon returned with a bottle of fanta. She was with us for about fifteen minutes.

When she was about to go, I saw her off. We stopped a taxi and she requested to be taken to Bolori Layout. 'Is that where you live?" I asked. She nodded. I told her I would like to see her off

right to her house. She agreed and we entered the taxi together.

When we dropped off close to her house in Bolori Layout I paid the bills for two of us with what remained of the two naira I got. from Kwaghtagher. I followed her to one mighty flat which I thought belonged to some big man. She brought a key from her hand bag and opened the door to the flat. I followed her inside I nearly screamed at the beauty of the room and the incredible extent of its furnishing. From the moment I stepped inside I was walking on a rug. that threatened to make me fall because of

the way it sank under my feet. The cushion chairs in the room had the same colour with the rug and so did the curtain. I find been so used to the hard life in prison that I saw this house as a paradise on earth, which it was. She showed me a cushion chair and' I sat on it. Due to the type of dress I was wearing I nearly died of inferiority complex.

Where are those who share this flat with you?" I asked knowing that the room must have been

furnished by many hands. I live here alone' I heard. I nearly disputed her words. The flat was furnished before you rented it?"

I asked, being very sure that she wouldn't have had enough money to furnish a flat to this unbelievable level. 'No' she said that she furnished it." I found this difficult to believe.

Where did you get all the money from?" I asked. Mmembe told me that although as a receptionist she received the lowest pay in ALI Group of

Companies, much could be made out of her pay as a frugal person. Being the least paid in the company I receive nine hundred naira a month." she said casually. I nearly fainted from the seat. Nine hundred nairs a month for a mere receptionist!

That can pay three graduates for a month's work!