Take me to the best fashion store in town,' i told the taxi driver as I entered. He drove around like one driving in a circle and told me that my bill was one naira. This trebled the normal bill for a drop but I didn't care. I simply paid him. When
the driver had gone, I looked around and was able to see Kwaghtagher's house. The fashion store in which the taxi driver had dropped me off was infact a pole from Kwaghtagher's house. It was a simple distance to trek but this driver had played on my intelligence. I cursed him in abstentia and strolled into the fashion store.
I bought two expensive shoes, three expensive shirts and two expensive double-breasted suits. I also brought two hara trousers. After this shopping spree, I trekked to Kwaghtagher's
house where I tried all the dresses on. Both the dresses and the shoes were perfect on me. I was left with ninety naira out of the four hundred naira that Mmembe gave me.
Take me to the most expensive hotel in town' I told a taxi driver I had stopped by Kwaghtagher's House. The taxi driver said I was going to pay him three naira. Three naira for a drop!' I screamed. 'You are a stranger?' he asked. Why do you ask?"
I asked. Everybody knows, said the driver that Benisheikh hotel is the most expensive hotel in town and that the normal fare to that place is three naira.' I didn't say anything again. He
continued to drive on the road to Welcome to-Maiduguri. He continued until he reached the police college, then the airport.
When are we reaching Benisheikh hotel? I asked. The driver told me that we had not done one quarter of the journey. He continued to drive without showing any sign that he intended to
stop anywhere. 'Are you kidnapping me? I asked. We do not kidnap people here. This is Maiduguri, not Lagos' I heard. "When are we reaching our destination then?" I asked. The man told me
that where we were now was called Bulumkutu. 'Bulumkutų isbfive Kilometres from Benisheikh Hotel! he said.
He continued to drive until we reached an estate which was like a governor's house to me. The taxi driver packed his car on the road opposite the estate and told me that we had reached our
destination. That is Benisheikh hotel' he said pointing to the estate.
I paid him the fare and headed for the estate as he drove off! The gate was guarded by two men. "Where is Benisheikh Hotel?' I asked the men.
They told me the estate was the hotel. I looked into the estate, or the hotel, and saw many Mercedes cars packed on one side. Another side of it housed several Rolls-Royce. Looking farther above these packing lots, I saw several
citroens packed, while still farther were other expensive cars which I had the opportunity to see for the first time in life. 'Is this a motor company?' I asked the guards. I learnt to my surprise that it was far from being a motor company. The cars belong to our customers.
They've come to patronise our hotel,' said one of
the guards. I told them I had also come to patronise their hotel.
You have to pay two hundred naira before you can enter' I heard
Why?' I asked. There is no reason' said a guard you pay two hundred naira, get a receipt and enter the hotel. That's how we operate here.' I had only ninety naira, Even if I were to have two
hundred naira I wouldn't consider it a good idea to spend it for a mere entry permit.
Seeing that the idea shocked me, one of the guards said 'it were better you came with the whole of your family. The amount could still have been the same and your family would have
participated in the free enjoyment that goes on in the hotel. In this way you wouldn't be cheated.' I didn't agree with him. I would be cheated even if I came with the whole of my family'
I said they can't eat or drink to the tune of two hundred nairacwhich you want me to pay.' One of the guards, the taller one, replied me impolitely we don't usually allow someone to enter. without an expensive car!' you didn't even come with a car....
You are wearing an inferior dress... You should be grateful."
As I stood marvelling at this affront, a man drove from inside the hotel in a big car that looked like an aeroplane to the open space. The guards opened the gate for him and he passed through.
Sensing that there was something going on, he packed his car and came out of it. He asked the guards what the matter was.
They told him I was not prepared to pay the usual bill of two hundred naira.
The man did not even say anything to me. Instead he started to rebuke the guards in serious terms for attempting to smuggle in a pedestrian, and told them to send me out of the vicinity.
Saying this he entered his big car and drove off. Please run away from here!' shouted the guards who began to push me out.
Please run! Don't let us injure you!' and they pushed me harder, I considered engaging two of them in a physical fight which I was very good at, and resisted the temptation because I could not
stand serious trouble in face of joblessness. They pushed me to the road, where I got a taxi. By the time I reached Kwaghtagher's house, I was exhausted. I simply slumped onto the bed.