
Chapter 30

After Minembe had gone for work this morning, I decided to go into, town and look for a job. I strolled along the road close by her house until I had made a kilometre. My attention was drawn

to a sign board on the left side of the road which read 'Gaskiya Poultry Organisation. I looked across the signboard and saw a very large poultry farm-with many buildings around it. On one of the buildings was written 'Advertising and Marketing section.'

I went there. Entering the office I asked a lady to tell me who was the highest person in rank in the Poultry Organisation. I was told it was one Brahman Nasir who stayed in Room Forty. I went

to Room Forty and knocked. Entering the office and finding myself face to face with a man who I believed was Brahman Nasir, I asked 'Is that Alhaji Brahman Nasir?' The man nodded. I sat down opposite him and announced to him that I had come so that he could find a job for me in his office. 'I am desperately in need of a job' I said. Brahman Nasir told me that I had come at

the right time. 'I am happy you came at the right time,' he said.

'I am considering putting up an advert to the effect that we need applications from prospective applicants for the post of Advertising agent. Now that you are looking for job, you have saved me

the trouble of putting up advertisements. You see, public advertisement of a job often leads to our getting too many applications. And I hate to read so many applications... However

I want you to write an application for record purposes. I will place you on salary grade level ten, on the supposition that you hold a University degree.' I told him that, indeed I hold a Univer-

sity degree. 'Have you done your Youth Corps Service?" he asked . I lied to him that I had been a worker for many years and that the idea of Youth service did not come into exience at the time I graduated from the University. Where were you

working before?" he asked. 'Holdings Led Ibadan' I said simply.

Did you have good records in your former office at Ibadan?" I lied to him with a smile on my face that I had one of the best records in my former office at Ibadan. 'I believe you completely."

said Brahman Nasir. But I will get a flight ticket for one of our agents so that he could go to your former office at Ibadan and validate your claims. If the evening flight doesn't fail, I expect him to be back tonight. Be prepared to start work tomorrow."

I was broken internally. If this agent went to Ibadan he would be told that I was whisked away into a police cell for rape, and 1 served seven years in a federal prison for the same offence. And he would return to Brahman Nasır with his findings. Brahman Nasir would be angry that I should tell him lies and make him waste money on transporting an agent to Ibadan instead of telling him the truth. That would automatically lead to my termination even if I started working the next day as Brahman Nasir had told - me to be prepared to do.

I decided to ask him to tell me what would happen to an employee who lied about his past. We wont do anything to such an employee' said Brahman. But we believe nobody is so ill-minded as to tell us lies about his past.' I thought for some seconds and asked Wont you sack someone who lies about his past?' Brahman Nasir cleared his throat and said 'sacking or not sacking would depend on many things, such as my personal perception of the person.' I also cleared my throat and said I am asking these-questions because I have a criminal record."

Brahman Nasir did not look surprised. What type of criminal record?" he asked. I told him I was convicted for rape; that the truth was that a wicked girl lied against me to settle scores with

me; that the medical doctor who examined her and pronounced her raped could not have got his degree in medicine; that the judge who presided over the case lacked any sense of discernmert; that the constable who prosecuted me was not only best be devoid of metal coherence but was also a malevolent being when I saw prison could

that the whole system that put me in prison

described as a gargantuan joke...I stopped talking

the smile that came from the Brahman Nasir's face being with bottom of his heart. Said he if i fail to give you this employment I am site you will find an adjective to paint me as you have painted these unfortunate people. It was then I knew that all had been saying didn't sink into this man's head as the truth. 1 am happy you saved up the trouble of travelling to Ibadan' said he although you have already lost the opportunity to work with us, you have behaved properly in saving us a lot of trouble."

I was rather taken by surprise to hear in this abrupt manner that I had lost the opportunity of getting the job. Do you mean I would no longer be employed?" I asked for confirmation sake.

Brahman Nasir nodded his head and said We take great care in employing people. We try to avoid certain things that would embarrass the company's management. We are rather careful

not to recruit someone if that someone can make people point accusing fingers at the company. Such a recruitment is an

offence' "What recruitment is an offence?" I asked. Brahman Nasir told me that to recruit someone who did not have the best records in his past was an offence. I decided to knock the nail by the head for him and said Does your consci- ence really tell you that to recruit an ex-convict is an offence?"

Brahman Nasir told me that he did not infact support the idea of denying ex-convicts jobs because ex-convicts were also members of the society who needed to be reintegrated into the society. This means' I said

That you are carrying out a policy that is against your conscience." Brahman Nasir told me that I have infact spoken the truth by. saying so. Why do you carry out a policy that is against your

conscience?" I asked. Brahman Nasir frowned and said with a certain measure of annoyance 'Conscience or no conscience, my own interest comes first. If I listen to my conscience and employ you, the management may sack me from my job. for acting against the rules of the company...