
46 Last three standing

I got hysteric. Today was the last day left for me to complete the recruitment of eight people of impeccable character.

I still had three females to recruit to complete the number. Mohammed Ali would expect to see eight employees the next day.

Under ordinary conditions I wouldn't have bothered because the highest thing he could do would be to sack me if I failed to complete the job.

But I wasn't ready to be sacked at all, looking

for a job here is an extremely difficult thing to do. Moreover, I had sworn never to loose this job which had so much money. I had just opened a current account with Union Bank and I was

determined to be rich enough to be on my own whenever I was sacked.

I remembered that I heard over the radio this morning that recruitment into the police force would be taking place at 8.a.m in Murtala Muhammed Square. I went into my car and drove

towards the Square. My aim was to lure those females who might have come to join the force into Mohammed Ali's company with promises of higher pay.

When the square was few poles away, I was able to see several girls, or women, among the crowd that had come for recruitment into the force. I drove into the parking lot and parked my car.

As soon as I stepped out of the car my eyes caught two beautiful girls in conversation.

I went to them and greeted them. One answered me. The other one gave me a serious look, leaving

me with the fear that she might be difficult to handle.

You all want to join the police?" I asked with the air of a police officer who could make things' easier for them in this regard.,

'Yes Sir' I heard in unison. 'I can't see how beautiful girls like you can survive the hard life in the police force I said.

Police work is a harsh one and he salary is merely low I would rather not have beautiful girls there. Having said this, I felt I had made a point. To my total shock, the girls took offence. One of

them informed me that a salary of every month was better than unemployment.

The other informed me that I should be patriotic

enough to admire those who want to join the police. Police work is a national service I heard from the masculine looking beauty.

They nearly put me on the defensive. 'I agree with you' 1said lamely 'except that I am thinking of better possibilities.'

The masculine one told me they had examined all other possibilities. I can employ you in my company on a salary of $300 a month' I said.

The two girls burst into laughter. We have heard

that type of thing from men before' said one of them, I didn't know which. Maybe you have met men who were liars and braggarts, but I mean what I am saying. They burst into another round of laughter 'All men always mean what they say' said the masculine one sarcastically.

I saw that if I didn't go into details these girls wouldn't take me seriously. 'I am the Assistant Managing Director of Ali Group of Companies, the largest Company in Maiduguri town' I said. If you accept my offer of $300 a month I would give you letters of employment on the spot.

The letters are in my car which is parked right here. I'd advise you to accept my offer and forget about the police. Police job is full of hazards.

The police is a corrupt institution which does not scrutinize its information before prosecuting innocent people. The girls protested vehemently against my assertion. I knew I had gone too far.

'Suppose we accept your offer and it turns out to be a farce' said the masculine one 'what will we do? By then we would have, also forfeited our chances in the police.'

I assured them that it wouldn't turn out to be a farce. Once you are able to report for work at 7.30am tomorrow you are alright' I said! The two girls exchanged knowing looks. Then the masculine one told me that they would accept my offer, and that I should give them the letters of employment. I felt deeply relieved, though I still

needed one more girl to complete the number. Follow me.

They followed me to my car and I brought out two letters of employment: This is one thing I want to clear with you' I said the company does not tolerate late comers.

The punishment for late coming is instant termination. The girls exchanged looks, then the masculine one said 'You have started threatening us with the worst when we have barely accepted your offer." I am not threatening you' I said but its not safe for you to come to office late." I heard from the masculine spokeswoman that I shouldn't

bother my head because they had now decided not to accept my offer.

This hit me like a jagged stone. 'Nobody would accept an offer so full of threats.' I heard.

I got very desperate. Today is the last day and my continued employment in Mohammed Ali's company depended on the successful completion of this assignment. I had hopped from place to

place for the past four days on this assignment. I just had to employ these two girls.

Why do you say I am threatening you?'

I asked with the voice of one almost crying. You said you will sack us if we come late. We would rather not be employed, leave us alone,' I heard.

'If it were my own Company' I said I wouldn't have threatened you. The company belongs... They broke into laughter which lasted more than two minutes. The feminine one said You have been posing big as if you own the company.

So the company doesn't belong to you?' The masculine one said

'Maybe we would soon hear from you also that the company does not exist. You see, all men are fakes.

I am not a fake, I protested. This caused only laughter I insisted. This company of which I am the Assistant Managing Director belongs to Mohammed Ali, I am sure you have heard of him.' I was stunned to hear from them that they had not heard. of any Mohammed Ali. As far as

I knew, almost everybody had heard of Mohammed Ali.

You mean you have never heard the name of Mohammed Ali?" I asked unbelievingly. 'He is surely an obscure person' said the masculine one.

We have never heard of him. 'Mohammed Ali is not an obscure person!. 'He is certainly obscure,' they said.