9 did not see

"All the way, Captain Yao is looking for you."

Xiaojing pushed open the door and came in with a pot of hot water.

It has been more than half a month since she first joined the power user team as a special commander and the team she commanded won a great victory. Now no one in this base knows her name.

As an ordinary person, he is recognized by most power users, and the entire base is alone.

In more than half a month, she participated in seven or eight missions, and all of them led the team to victory, and the casualty rate was kept very low.

Everyone changed to a separate residence, and the treatment was better.

And Xiaojing said that Captain Yao was the leader of the team that Chu Tso followed. At the beginning, only if he was willing to believe her words would she have the opportunity to show her abilities.

Captain Yao sometimes comes to inform himself when he has a task to do, so Chu Chu didn't think much about it, put down the small notebook and pen he used for recording, and pressed it under the pillow.

Chu Chu went downstairs and met with Captain Yao. Five minutes later, she came back with a box of chocolates in her hand, put it on the table, and sat back on the bed to continue writing in her diary.

Xiaojing, who was pouring water to cool down, asked strangely, "Where did you come from?"

"Yao team gave it." Chu Chu replied carelessly.

Xiaojing walked over and picked up the well-packaged box of imported chocolates. Even before the end of the world, it was very delicate for boys to give girls chocolates, not to mention now, it is not easy to get such a box of chocolates.

Xiaojing glanced at it and didn't notice any girl who was still writing and drawing with her head down. She thought about it and asked, "Did Captain Yao say anything when he gave it to you?"

"The team sent it." Chu Chu told the truth.

Xiaojing choked for a moment, thinking that this excuse is worthy of being found by straight men of steel, but she still pointed it out directly to Chu Tiao: "I think Captain Yao may like you."

Chu Chu is a stubborn person. In her eyes, there is nothing of the opposite **** except her "husband", and they won't stay here for a long time. I'm afraid that Captain Yao's thoughts will be wasted. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Xiaojing just Talked directly to Chu Tso.

At this time, the twin sister Satsuki, who was sleeping in the upper bunk, also looked over curiously,

Chu Chu frowned slightly, remembering Captain Yao's faltering language and the unnatural redness on his dark face when we met just now, she pondered for a moment: "Then help me to return it to Captain Yao."

It's not that she has never been confessed. She is beautiful and has a good personality. She was very popular with boys when she was in school, and she was often stuffed with gifts and love letters in the desks.

Speaking of which, she should know what that kind of performance represents, but she is a person who has lived a lifetime, and her mental age is not a little girl who is still seventeen or eighteen years old. Those experiences and memories are naturally long, plus She didn't care about these things at all, and she didn't want to understand it at the time.

Xiaojing saw more clearly than her, came over and leaned on the bedside and said, "They didn't say it clearly, what is it that we have to go back like this, in my opinion, you don't know this time, next time if he still expresses , you decide to refuse."

How embarrassing it is to refuse without the other party picking it up, and then it will become self-indulgent.

At the beginning, he seemed to understand but nodded. Anyway, after this period of treatment and the uncle's tenacious will and resilience, his injuries have recovered pretty well, and they will be able to leave soon.

The last box of chocolates remained untouched for the first time.

In the following time, Chu Chu still participated in the mission. Everyone in the team could see that Captain Yao took special care of her. Chu Chu was not really ignorant, and could naturally feel the other party's hidden thoughts.

It's just that the only thing she can do is to keep a distance as much as possible, avoid the opportunity to get along alone, and walk with the girls in the team before the other party has made it clear.

On this day, the team received a mission to rescue survivors. The location was located in an ancient tourist town. Some of the survivors had awakened their abilities and had been trying to send a distress signal to the outside world. They were finally discovered by the base search and rescue team a day ago.

There are many variants near the ancient town, and the rescue is not easy, so in addition to Captain Yao's team, two other teams also participated in this operation, and Chu Tso was also invited as a special commander.

By the evening, they had cleared most of the variants outside the ancient town, and it was estimated that they would be able to open the way into the ancient town in two days to rescue the survivors.

At the beginning of the night, she found a relatively safe place for everyone to camp and rest for the night. She sat with a few more familiar girls in the team and listened to them chatting.

It's just that when they were talking, they somehow got involved with Chutong.

"Chuchu, how do you know so much? What did you do before?"

If she wasn't experienced in a hundred battles, how could she be so familiar with the habits of various mutants, and she was very handy in even commanding battles, but she was clearly just an ordinary person without supernatural powers, and since the end of the world, there was no condition for her to be experienced in hundreds of battles. This is not what everyone is curious about.

Chu Tu was originally thinking about other things, but when she was called suddenly, she raised her head in a daze, and her silly appearance didn't look like the "first commander" who calmly and calmly commanded everyone during the day. It was just a ten-year-old. A seven or eight year old girl.

But here, they never look at age, they only look at their strength. The first command can make them easy to complete the task, and they believe in her, so after seeing that she didn't hear it clearly, everyone asked again.

Chu Chu pondered for a moment,

If you say that she has experienced a hundred battles, it is not. After all, after she met Ah Ye in her previous life, no matter how much he despised him at first, he would still protect her at the first time when danger came. Strictly speaking, she almost never personally After a battle, all danger will be swept away.

The person who really experienced the battle is Aye, and she just saw a lot of his strategies and skills in battle, as well as some summed up experience based on his personal teaching.

There is still some difference between talking on paper and practical application, but the fur she has learned is enough for her so far.

She smiled lightly, and said vaguely, "It's probably a talent, I have a special intuition."

Others don't have to know the answer. Although her explanation is far-fetched, it is not completely unreasonable, so everyone does not continue to ask.

Seeing that everyone had changed the subject, Chu Xia breathed a sigh of relief, she was really not used to this kind of situation.

Before she met Ah Ye, she was single in her previous life. After she met Ah Ye, she could only open her heart to him, accept him completely, and rely on her wholeheartedly. But to others, she would instinctively close herself and not like too much contact with strangers. , and it is difficult to trust others.

Xiaojing and the others were exceptions. At first, it was for hitchhiking, but after getting along for a long time, she found that everyone was a good person, so she slowly accepted it, and it would not make her feel uncomfortable to get along with them. No matter how long she has been fighting with these people, she will still be at a loss when she gets along with them, probably because of the incompatibility of personalities.

Everyone changed the subject and talked about something else. Chu Chu seemed to be listening carefully, but in fact, her left ear went in and her right went out. All she was thinking about was the past life.

When he first met Ah Ye, he was actually very withdrawn and had a bad temper. He didn't like crowds. He was alone, indifferent and difficult to get along with. Except for saving her and being shamelessly attached to her, the rest of the time he even saw her with her. Such exiles also turn a blind eye, let alone help.

In the beginning, she just followed him unilaterally, and he ignored and didn't care about her following. After a few days, he probably found that her tail had not been thrown off, so he threatened her with a bad attitude and wanted to drive her away.

And relying on her thick skin and the 800-meter filter that saved his life, she felt that he was a good person no matter how cruel and indifferent he was, and she was determined to stay and couldn't drive him away.

In fact, those days were not easy. His indifference and rejection, the fear and crisis of living in the wilderness, his life was hanging by a thread several times, and there were many scars. Many times she thought she was about to die, and he could not help but come to the rescue. She, which also made her firm in her own mind, he was not as indifferent as he seemed.

She walked with him in the wild for three months, until one day he suddenly brought himself to a base,

It is said that the leader of the base is an old acquaintance with him, and he was rescued by him. The time at the base can be said to be the most stable life since the end of the world. She thought that he finally wanted to settle in the base, and she was very happy , As a result, within half a month, she found that he left himself and quietly left the base.

He dropped her off in a safe place and arranged everything, then continued on his lonely wanderings, not ready to inform her.

At that time, I didn't know where I got the courage. When I found out that he was gone, I ignored the obstruction of everyone in the base and chased out without hesitation.

It was windy and rainy that day, and she walked deep and shallow in the field, stubbornly following in the direction he left, until she was exhausted and fell into the mud.

I couldn't help crying aggrievedly while sitting in the rain, so for a long time I was indifferently treated and driven away, and I never cried in the face of a dangerous situation, but when he left himself and went away, he cried so much that he couldn't help himself.

The sky was as dark as a giant mouth that was about to devour the earth, and she felt like her sky was falling.

She has followed him all the time, and has long regarded him as the most important person in her life, but this person quietly left her and left, more desperate than the sky falling.

Finally, when she was crying hoarse and dark, a familiar figure walked slowly across the muddy ground and stopped in front of her. The person who should have been gone for a long time suddenly appeared, but she didn't have time to react, and she didn't care. Hold tight to the lost and found man.

The man who came and went pulled her up from the ground with a cold face, his warm hands rudely wiped the muddy water mixed with tears and rain on her face, scratching her face to the point of pain. But very happy.

She won the bet, but he was still soft-hearted after all, and he didn't really lose himself.

"Follow me, there is no stable life, no fixed place to live, no shelter from the cold in winter and no heat in summer, no next meal, no friends, and danger from time to time. Do you still want to follow me?" The man's voice was indifferent but helpless.

And she burst into laughter, clutching his hand tightly, nodding affirmatively: "I don't want anything, just you."

From the day he rescued her, in the second half of her scribbled and difficult life, she lived only to follow him.