12 found


The strange sound rang again, getting closer and closer, everyone held their breath, and vaguely heard the sound of tires running over the uneven road.

Half a minute later, the unknown creature that had just passed by quickly reappeared at the intersection, but this time, instead of passing by without looking at it, he slowed down slightly, saw them in the street and alley, and made a small noise in surprise, and then The goal is clearly turning towards them.

Looking at the clean, bright and petite figure that approached them at the intersection, everyone who had been rolling around in the mutant pile for two days and had already been covered in dirt blinked in unison.

It seemed that they saw a little fairy who had strayed into the world and suddenly appeared in front of them.

The little fairy drove her battery car, braked and stopped in front of them, tilted her head and looked at the mountains of mutant bodies behind them, but there was no trace of panic and fear on her face, instead she was a little excited, and her eyes were shining, she asked. :

"Hello, do you know Luo Ye? He is also a power user."

The people who were still in high tension didn't react at all, and they couldn't hear what she said. They only felt that the two days of dark and tense days were suddenly torn apart by an abrupt light, dazzling and unreal. , they're not even sure if what they're seeing is a hallucination, if it's real, or if it's a mutant with new abilities to confuse them.

Chu Chu stared expectantly at their dull faces and waited for a while, no one answered her question, she was a little disappointed, thinking they didn't know each other.

Since Jiang Ning left, she has searched a lot of places, and it was difficult to meet them. When she drove straight past, she still didn't react, and after she reacted, she came back quickly.

"Then you must know where the nearby base is, right?" Chu Chu didn't give up asking them. Eight out of ten of these people came from a certain base. Since they didn't know each other, she went to the base to ask.

In the end, Shao Jingxian, the squadron leader of the group, came to his senses. He wiped his face and asked her with difficulty, "What did you ask just now? Say it again, please."

Although it was a bit unbelievable, why a girl who was obviously weak and vulnerable suddenly appeared in such a dangerous place, but he still adhered to the attitude of serving the people and brought up her first question again.

At least in the research at this stage, there is no variant that can transform into a girl, and it is so realistic, isn't it?

Chu Chu glanced at him strangely, but still repeated his first question: "Do you know Luo Ye?"

This time I finally heard her question, but everyone's eyes were a little weird.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know each other, can you tell me how to get to the base?" Chu Chu asked sincerely.

Shao Jing suddenly looked at her curiously: "What's your relationship with Luo Ye?"

I've never heard of Luo Ye and his younger sister... Even people from the Drum Tower wouldn't dare to walk out of the safe zone easily at such a time. Where did this girl come from, and why did you look for Luo Ye?

Chu Chu didn't understand why he asked this question, but he answered frankly: "He is my husband."



After a dead silence, everyone looked like they had seen a ghost.

"What old man? What man?" Shao Jing thought that he had heard it wrong, and even plucked his ears.

Even if there are many women in the base who want to "sleep" in Luo Ye, none of them dare to touch porcelain across the universe.

Chu Chu was about to speak, but saw a thunderous roar in the distance, and the fire rose flat on the ground. The powerful fire wave even destroyed the surrounding buildings, the smoke billowed, and even the ground was shaking.

With such a big movement, it can almost be concluded that Luo Ye has found the nest, and other people's faces suddenly showed a few relaxed smiles.

No one knows Luo Ye better than Chu Tiao, such a strong, domineering and unreasonable fire attack, almost no one in this world can do it except him.

She didn't have to confirm with anyone, she was 100% sure that the person there was him.

She immediately left Shao Jing and the others behind, and ran towards there almost as quickly as possible.

Shao Jing wanted to stop her, but she could only see the little figure driving her small battery and quickly disappearing from their field of vision, without even touching the car exhaust.


Shao Jing cursed and quickly chased after him without thinking.

The nest is attacked, the mother is in distress, and the mutants wandering outside will definitely all return to the nest to protect the mother.

What's more, what if she disturbed Luo Ye in the past and distracted him while fighting?

Chu Chu felt that his heartbeat had never been so fast, it was faster than it took only two minutes and forty-eight seconds to run 800 meters in one breath. His blood was boiling, and he couldn't wait to see him. His excitement was difficult to calm down. There was also a deep sense of joy and tension on his little face.

The battery car with a speed limit of 50 was driven off-road by her, and she rushed towards the destination. On the road, she encountered a few mutants who were still struggling, and they rolled over them without squinting. They were unreasonable and fearless.

The fire that shot into the sky just now weakened and soon disappeared without a trace, but Chu Chu had already determined the position and sprinted in that direction.

In the remote and chaotic alleys of the urban village, the original red light district has been razed to the ground, and there are traces of fire everywhere, and there are still unburned sparks in the collapsed ruins.

A huge deep pit was blown out in the street of Zhongxin Lane. The bottom of the pit was piled up like a mountain of white bones. A man who was as cold as frost sat on the mountain of corpses piled up with skeletons. His face was fierce and his eyes were cold.

It was clear that the place was still burning like flames just now, but at this time his body was covered with frost and snow, and even his eyelashes were dyed with white frost.

The sudden electric sound suddenly broke the loneliness of this place, and the man moved coldly, only to see an unknown object rushing towards him like a cannonball.

The man blinked dully, not seeing what it was at all.

In the next second, the fluffy shell plunged into the arms of the man who was covered in chills.

She hugged the person she missed for a long time, her nasal voice was slightly thick, both aggrieved and happy, her voice was full of nostalgia and soft like a candy cake, "Husband!"