20 found

When Chu Chu was looking for something in the attic, she accidentally read a book and was fascinated by it. She fell asleep. She heard a noisy voice outside. She heard Ah Ye's voice, but he was not the only one.

She rubbed her eyes to sleep and went downstairs. When she came to the door, she saw a group of people surrounding the well and talking about it. The atmosphere was serious and tense, and everyone didn't look very good.

She saw the most familiar person in the crowd at a glance, and said confusedly: "Aye?"

The crowd froze behind their backs and turned their heads in disbelief. After confirming that the owner of the voice was indeed the person they had been looking for for a long time, they all looked at Luo Ye in unison.

The person obviously came out of the house, and the house was always looking for Luo Ye, and it was the first place he had looked, so naturally no one else went in to look for it, so Luo Ye was just "riding a donkey looking for a donkey". ", making a big oolong.

Although Chu Chu didn't know what they were doing, she was good at observing words and expressions, and it could be seen from their expressions that the cause of the matter was mostly herself, and she caused trouble for everyone without knowing it.

She was very self-aware to admit it first, sneaking a glance at Luo Ye, who looked extremely bad, then lowered her head and prepared to be disciplined, standing there with her head shrunk, so pitiful for the weak and helpless little one.

The others were unbearable when they saw it, and they all tried to ease the atmosphere.

"It's okay if someone finds it."

"Yes, yes, people are lucky if they are okay."

"Caring makes chaos, caring makes chaos, and it doesn't get in the way."

"Then what, let's go and eat."

Everyone happily walked away together, enlivening the atmosphere with a cheerful tone.

Cui Yu was the last to leave. As one of the discoverers, her mood was actually very complicated. She didn't know what to say, but she saw Luo Ye's cold face without saying a word, and she saw that the little girl was innocent and pitiful, obviously afraid of him. Appearance, slowly sighed.

"Don't scare people with a cold face." She said as she left, "The meal is ready, let's take her to the main courtyard for dinner."

Everyone was gone, and only the two of them were left in the East Courtyard.

Chu Chu secretly glanced at the man's face again, and called him timidly, "Aye..."

Luo Ye's tensed expression finally disintegrated, and he let out a faint breath. Indeed, she can't be blamed for this, but it's just a coincidence and care is messed up.

"Aye, I was wrong." Chu Chu saw that his expression was loose, and immediately blinked his big eyes sincerely to admit his mistake, admitting it harder than anyone else, but he didn't even know what was wrong with him.

Luo Ye glanced at her, did not expose her, and did not intend to ask where she was hiding in the house before.

He had searched all over the house, but only the attic was left unfinished. Apart from neglecting it for a while, there was another point that the attic had not been cleaned. He really couldn't figure out why she would go up and still fall asleep on it.

"Come here." Luo Ye said quietly.

Chu Chu immediately ran over and stood in front of him with a small face raised, innocent and innocent.

The little white face was stained with dust, and she smeared it so that it was black here and there was gray. Although it couldn't hide her beauty, it was as gray as if she had returned from digging coal.

Funny and inexplicably cute.

Luo Ye stared at her dirty face with complicated eyes: "Your face..."


Chu Tuo looked dazed, with watery eyes like a deer.

"Did you go to pick up the trash? It's so dirty."

The man's tone was quite disgusting, but he reached out to help her wipe the dirt off her face.

The fingertips with a higher temperature than ordinary people brushed his cheeks, his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably at the beginning, temporarily lost his ability to think, and his eyes were full of sweethearts.

Woohoo, Aye is the best!

Husband is so handsome!

Chu Chu was so addicted to her husband's beauty that she couldn't extricate herself, and her expression was dumbfounded.

And Luo Ye wiped it, but didn't wipe it clean, but smeared the dirty ashes even more.

He paused for a moment, frowned, and directly changed the pulp of his fingers to the palm of his hand, and rubbed **** her white and tender face, rubbing and deforming her face, and the more he wiped it, the darker it became.

At first, Chu Chuo enjoyed his not gentle face-wiping service, but in the end, his rough hands wiped her face indiscriminately, causing her skin to turn red and a little painful, so she couldn't help but said pitifully: "It hurts. ."

Luo Ye's hand froze for a moment, and he took it down embarrassingly, but his face was still as usual, he coughed lightly: "wash it yourself."

Chu Chu couldn't see the situation on her face, but she could guess that it was stained with dust when she was looking for something before. She glanced at the clothes that were still wet and squeezed into the basin, and felt guilty. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and shook it a little.

"The bucket fell..."

Luo Ye naturally knew that it was her masterpiece, and she made an oolong in her freshman year, but she couldn't get angry with her at this moment, and turned around to pick up the bucket that fell from the well.

"Aye, do you want to pull a rope? It's very dangerous." Chu Tuo was lying on the edge of the well and frowned worriedly.

"Need not."

Luo Ye's calm voice came from down the well.

The diameter of the wellhead is not wide, and he has long hands and feet to slide down the well wall. The water surface is only more than one meter away from the ground.

After picking up the bucket, Luo Ye filled the bucket of water and washed his face with water for the first time.

Luo Ye took out the unused toothbrush for her, and then the two of them squatted on a low stone ridge around the well and brushed their teeth together.

Although accidents happened frequently on the first day of meeting, I was very happy at the beginning.

As long as she returns to his side, no matter how turbulent the outside world is, she feels so at ease.

Everyone who returned to the main courtyard had already taken their seats at the dining table and started eating.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the two figures turned around the hanging flower gate between the two courtyards and arrived late, and everyone greeted them with their bowls in their hands.

Chu Tiao timidly dragged the man's clothes and hid behind him, her little tail sticking tightly, she was only cheerful in front of acquaintances, and although these people were Luo Ye's friends, she was not familiar with them. The enthusiasm is even more incomprehensible.

The original seven-seater dining table has now added another seat, and the two empty seats are connected together.

Luo Ye took his tail to the seat and sat down, and glanced at the others indifferently. Those eyes that seemed to fall on Chu Chu's body were immediately withdrawn, and they all pretended to bury their heads in eating.

Chu Chu sat cautiously in his seat, and only dared to look at Luo Ye beside him the whole time.

Luo Ye put a bowl of soup in front of her and said, "Drink the soup first."

At the beginning, I looked down at the bowl. There was a full bowl of wolfberry, red jujube and black chicken soup, with a shallow layer of fragrant oil floating on the surface. The chicken under the soup was also half a bowl full.

The journey from Liangzhou to Pengcheng lasted almost half a year. Not to mention fresh chicken, she seldom eats even the oily soup foam. It is not easy to eat hot food after it is used for cooking for too long.

Even so, Chu Chu also knew the preciousness of food, especially that these food belonged to Luo Ye and his teammates. How could she, an outsider who had no contribution at all, share their food with peace of mind? To eat and drink.

It's not fair to others.

Thinking of this, she pushed the bowl back to Luo Ye without any hesitation, and whispered, "I have something to eat."

She passes through some towns and villages on the way to collect materials according to the situation. They are few in number, relatively speaking, there is no shortage of food, and there is plenty. It can also tide over the difficulties by storing grain.

Luo Ye's meal was stopped, he frowned and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak to the girl's serious expression.

He glanced at Tang Fu, who was pushed back, thinking about her intentions.

On the contrary, it was Cui Yuxian who saw Chu Chu's concerns and thoughts. With her chin on the back of her hand, she said, "We don't usually have such a good meal, and it's all in the light of Luo Ye."

Chu Chu really looked over, and Cui Yu went on to say: "Luoye is a great hero of the Drum Tower, and most of the peace in the Drum Tower is due to him, so the rewards given to him by the base are often the best, like this black chicken, and others. People don't have this kind of treatment, so it is said that we are in his light."

At the beginning, I could feel that Cui Yu said it to myself, and wanted her to enjoy the food with confidence, because most of the food was obtained by Luo Ye, so there was no problem of sharing other people's food.

As Luo Ye's "girlfriend", she can safely share the food he voluntarily shared with her.

Chu Chu glanced at Cui Yu gratefully, and then moved the bowl of chicken soup back without any psychological burden, holding the porcelain bowl and sipping the soup to enjoy it.

It's not that she feels at ease that she can share Luo Ye's things, but she clearly understands Luo Ye's character, and some of his actions are also showing her a message - in some ways, she can now avoid seeing him. outside.

Luo Ye didn't know why, why did the person who was unwilling to eat it a second before listened to Cui Yu's words and agreed again, but it also saved him the trouble of finding words to persuade him, so he didn't say anything.

Chu Chuo had the most satisfying and hearty lunch in the past six months. Zhou's mother used to cook private kitchen dishes. place.

Zhou's mother: "Go, go, children play while playing."

Chu Chu: "…"

She looked blankly at Luo Ye, who was also not allowed to participate in the dishwashing activity.

Luo Ye sat stoutly at the table under the old elm tree in the yard, with a calm expression on his face.

I was lazy between washing dishes on the weekend. Seeing that she was looking at Luo Ye, she smiled and said, "Do you know why Brother Luo is not allowed to wash the dishes?"

Chu Chu really didn't know, she looked confused: "Why?"

"Because in Brother Luo's hands, more than a dozen bowls have been shattered, the most once, five in a day, and we almost didn't have a bowl to eat." The weekend blatantly shook out Brother Luo's black material.

Chu Chu opened her mouth, but she really didn't expect that the omnipotent Aye in her mind also had things that she was not good at.

But she really rarely saw him washing dishes in the past life, or maybe she didn't pay much attention to these details.

Chu Chu clenched his fists.

Although Aye has things that he is not good at, in her heart, he will always be the most perfect