37 girlfriend

There was only a faint light in the tent that wasn't that big, and a small lantern was floating in the air, sometimes swaying twice, like a ghost fire floating at night in a horror story.

There was only one man in the tent, but from time to time a girl's charming voice could be heard.

"Aye, so you can see my position."

The man sat cross-legged with his face on one hand, calmly looking at the talking floating lamp, "Yes."

Not only can it be seen, but it is also very bright, and it is difficult to see it.

The lantern slowly flew up and landed on the man's shoulders. The girl deliberately said in a rough voice, "Actually, I am a magic lamp with magic power. I can fulfill your three wishes. Do you have any wishes to be fulfilled? ?"

The man was amused by her strange voice, and after laughing, it was rare to cooperate with her: "Any wish?"

"Of course, the magic lamp is omnipotent." The long version of the magic lamp has a very small chest and is very confident.

Luo Ye nodded, and the old **** was saying, "You change back."

Lord Divine Lamp: "…"

The magic lamp turned his head and calmly changed the subject: "Aye, look at that silkworm, it seems to want to escape from prison."

Luo Ye didn't expose her poor acting skills, and looked back at the glass jar placed in the corner. The gap that had been cracked was wider, and the fast-growing young silkworm was already half-adult. can body.

Luo Yequ flicked his finger, and a small ball of fire flew past the gap in the glass jar. The sudden fire and burning sensation made the mutant silkworm start to stick it back and settle down temporarily.

Chu Chu flew over with the colorful lanterns, stepped on the bottle cap with one paw, pecked with his beak and made a sound, frighteningly said: "Be calm, or I will eat you."

Although the mutant silkworm can't see the invisible tit, it can instinctively feel the oppression originating from the racial gene, and shivering and shrinking at the bottom of the bottle, daring to take another action.

After the threat, Chu Chu flew back to Luo Ye's side again, the lanterns above his head flickered, how evil it was.

One person and one "lamp" stayed in the tent for a while, when there was a sudden riot outside, some mutants raided the camp, and some soldiers came to report in panic.

Luo Ye replied with a sound and was about to go out. Chu Chu wanted to go with him, but was pushed back by his head: "Go in, don't go anywhere."

When she went out looking like this, she couldn't find it or was crowded and stepped on, and it would be scary to have a light flying in the sky at night. In order to avoid trouble, let's stay in the tent.

Chu Chu also understood that his appearance would not be of much help, so he had to stay in the tent obediently.

Listening to the movement outside, the situation is not very bad, there should be no major issues.

Because of boredom, Chu Chu had no choice but to go to the mutant silkworm to play with. After frightening the silkworm to the point of autism, he flew to the side and fiddled with it by himself.

The mutants attacked only a small part of them at night. Except for a little trouble, they did not cause any casualties. After the mutants were dealt with, a small meeting was held by the way to discuss the specific plan for the clearing operation tomorrow.

After the meeting, Luo Ye rejected the invitation of others who wanted to eat supper, and walked out of the main tent first, looking a little anxious from his back, and everyone behind him was inexplicably surprised.

"What's wrong with Luo Ye?"

"It was the first time I saw what he was doing in such a hurry."

"It was also very brutal when I killed the mutants just now."

"In such a hurry, it can't be Jinwu Zangjiao, right?" someone said jokingly.

When Li Tong heard this, he frowned displeasedly and scolded, "Don't talk nonsense."

The others didn't expect her to mind so much, so they all stopped.

Li Tong looked at the back of the man who had already walked away, and suddenly thought of the voice he heard outside the tent in the afternoon. Although he didn't hear it clearly, he thought about it carefully. At first, there was indeed a woman's voice.

Luo Ye returned to the tent where he lived, and looked for the glowing lantern for the first time, but the tent was dark and quiet, as if no one had ever come.

The heart lifted in an instant.

He looked at the glass jar in the corner, the silkworm was still in it, and her backpack was still there. He calmed down a bit, walked into the tent, and started to touch it from place to place from the tent door.

"All the way?"

No response, not sure if he left or fell asleep.

The man pursed his lips tightly, knelt on the ground and touched it for a long time, before he found a small sleeping thing in her backpack, and finally let go of the hanging heart.

Luo Ye carefully put the sleeping little **** back into the backpack, and his fingers touched the soft fabric underneath.

The little **** turned over and rubbed nervously to find something. Luo Ye put the shirt back, and the little **** smelled the familiar smell, lay on the clothes, and fell asleep again.

Luo Ye lay down next to him with his hands behind his head, looking at the top of the tent, occasionally turning his head to look at the invisible **** sleeping in the backpack next to him.

The night was getting darker and quieter outside, and a white light suddenly flashed inside the tent, and a sleeping girl suddenly appeared beside him.

The genius was bright, and loud noises began to come from outside. At the beginning, he was awakened in a daze for a moment, but he felt hindered by a slight movement. Looking down, he found that he was sleeping in the man's arms, with his limbs imprisoned.

The man hadn't woken up yet, she rubbed gently, closed her eyes, and continued to sleep.

Not long after she fell asleep, the man woke up. Looking at the girl in her arms, some instinct began to wake up. He lay down for a while, and finally sighed indistinctly.

He let go of the person in his arms, and just left a little when he felt a pull in front of him. Looking down, a tender hand was holding on to his front. If he was forced to pull it away, it would wake her up.

Luo Ye was silent for a moment, so he had to take off his clothes for her to hold, then got up and turned to take out the men's shirt from the backpack on the ground and put it on.

He walked out of the tent, and the logistics staff who were busy making breakfast outside saw him greet him one after another. He just nodded lightly and walked out.

After the man left, the smell quickly faded, and Chu Chu also woke up leisurely. She looked at the clothes in her hands and blinked slowly, because they were all white, and she thought she had brought them secretly. , fold it up and put it in the bag.

Standing up and stretching, he walked to the corner and kicked the mutant silkworm in the glass jar. One night passed, and the silkworm, which was originally only the size of a baby's fist, had doubled in size, and the glass jar could hardly hold it.

Not knowing where Luo Ye went, Chu Tso hesitated for a moment and walked out of the tent.

Several logistics staff who were cooking breakfast in a big pot outside suddenly saw a strange girl walking out of the tent of Executive Luo, and they were all stunned.

Chu Chu and them stared at each other with big and small eyes, their eyes were clear and clean, like a little fairy who had strayed into the mortal world.

The two parties were deadlocked for a long time, and just when they were thinking about whether to hide first, Luo Ye came back.

There are still water marks on the man's face, probably looking for water to wash.

As soon as Chu Chu saw him, he immediately ran towards him and hid behind him, blocking the surprised and inquiring eyes of others.

She secretly poked his back with her fingers, and whispered, "Why did you leave me alone?"

Luo Ye grabbed the finger of her troublemaker and glanced around indifferently. Those eyes full of gossip disappeared immediately, and they all lowered their heads and pretended not to see it.

Luo Ye took her into the tent.

After only a short time, the news of "a girl walked out of Executive Luo's tent" spread throughout the camp as if it had grown wings.

When I first stayed in the tent, I could feel that more and more people gathered outside.

The silkworm has grown into an adult body, but it has not spun silk for a long time. Chu Chu is poking it with a twig:

"Why don't you spin silk, hurry up!"

The mutant silkworm was like a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, and was paralyzed on the ground and refused to spin silk.

At the beginning of the day, I tried several methods and couldn't make it spit out the silk. When I was angry, Luo Ye came over. The silkworm, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, suddenly came to life, and spit out the first mouthful. Silk.

Chu Chu: "…"

It seems to be watching people eat.

Now that she has returned to her human form, she has lost the natural enemy restraint on the silkworm, so it is no longer afraid of herself, but she still has fear of Luo Ye, a human being.

Chu Chu snorted, put away the silk spit on the ground, and replaced the silkworm with a large frame to cover the silkworm on the ground.

The first silk of the celestial silkworm has the power to heal. The first silk rolled together and wrapped around the wound on Luo Ye's arm. The wound that could not heal at all was healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that the wound was completely healed, Chu Chu finally felt relieved.

The used silk can be used twice, and it was put away preciously at the beginning, and I plan to weave it into a silk scarf when I go back, so I can take it with me.

How many people lost their lives in the silk hole in the past life because of silk. She was lucky this time, and she might not be able to get out of her body next time, so she must make good use of these two opportunities.

The pioneer team in charge of exploring the road was already ready and waiting for Luo Ye to lead the team to set off. However, Luo Ye entered the tent and did not come out for a while. The people waiting outside looked at each other, and finally the deputy captain was pushed out.

The deputy stood outside the tent and reminded cautiously: "Executive Luo, it's getting late."

Chu Chu was just about to put away the silk. Hearing that, he knew that he was going to set off. After thinking about it, he handed the silk to him: "Be careful, this can be treated twice."

Luo Ye's eyes were deep, he closed his palms, reached out to hug her, and said in a deep voice, "Wait for me."

Chu Chuo was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect him to say that, then he raised his eyebrows and nodded: "I'll wait for you."

He didn't want her to follow her to take risks. In order to reassure him, she didn't insist.

Luo Ye walked out of the tent, and the people waiting outside immediately straightened their backs and looked at him.

He said calmly, "Let's go."

The Muxian operation has been going on for four days, and the progress in the first three days was very slow. Because of the strength of the Muxian variant, it once caused a deadlock. The vanguard team changed a lot of people, and most of the replaced people were injured. The only good news It was because the death toll was lower than expected, and on the fourth day, good news finally came from the city that Luo Ye had found the mutant lair.

But there is also bad news, because the mutants near the nest are too powerful, only Luo Ye can get close to there, so now he is alone in the nest, and his life and death are uncertain.

The large army has already entered the city, but it is not too deep. It can only clear the mutants on the periphery. After learning the news, the team was panicked for a long time. If Luo Ye died in battle, then this mission would also mean failure, and it would be difficult for the Drum Tower to be reinstated. There is a second Luo Ye.

Although Chu Chu did not enter the city, she also heard the news from the logistics staff. She sat in the tent and was silent for a long time. Although she was very confident in his strength, she had experienced the pain of losing him once. In the face of such news, he was still sitting idly by.

She packed up her things, walked out of the tent stealthily, stretched out a pair of translucent wings from the butterfly bone behind her, and flew towards the city at a very fast speed.

Aye, wait for me.

The author says: