40 girlfriend

"Luo Ye?"

Chu Chu and Luo Ye were about to get into the car when they heard someone call Luo Ye, they turned around, Liu Min was standing behind them, he was alone.

Chu Chu remembered that this person was the man she saw at the guard when she first went to the headquarters that day. At that time, she also felt that this person looked at Luo Ye a little bit badly, but now his face was gentle and friendly, making her look at Luo Ye. People cannot raise any negativity and negative emotions towards him.

She immediately went to see Luo Ye, but the latter looked as usual and could not see any emotion, so she had to put away the doubts in her heart and stayed aside quietly.

"Senior." Luo Ye's tone was as flat as ever, and he couldn't hear any anger or anger, but compared with his attitude of ignoring others, it was not difficult to see that there was a difference.

Chu Chu recalled their past lives. In his memory, he never mentioned any seniors. Probably these are people he knew before he wandered, just like Wei Hao and the others. Obviously, the relationship seems to be very good, and I don't know why. Afterwards, he had no companions, nor did he hear him mention it.

Liu Min raised his glasses, always with a gentle smile on his face, glanced at the hands they held together, and said, "I didn't expect it to be you, I almost didn't dare to recognize it. I heard that your powers are out of control again, How is it, do you need my help?"

His supernatural ability is "devour", which can devour the superfluous supernatural powers after the supernatural powers are out of control, which can reduce the pain of those who are out of control and avoid hurting others after they are out of control.

At the beginning of Luo Ye's awakening in Yicheng, the ability was very unstable and often out of control. The scorching abnormal fire hardly left his body, and he couldn't get close to him at all. It was Liu Min who helped him devour the excess abnormal fire. stabilized a bit.

However, after that, Luo Ye became more and more proficient in the control of powers, and he never lost control.

This time, Mu County's mission was already overloaded for him, so it caused him to lose control of his abilities later, and backfired on him.

The world only knows that Luo Ye is a fire-type ability user, but in fact, he has been a dual-type from the beginning, and another unknown ability is "ice-type".

Ice and fire are inherently mutual, one body and two systems, and they are destined to not live together peacefully. The two attributes clash and the same domineering powers collide in the body. Ordinary people exploded and died as early as the beginning of awakening, and he relied on tenacious will. Li Shengsheng has endured those inhuman tortures, and since then, he has been afflicted with ice and fire, and he has no peace.

He can't perceive the temperature, and is often accompanied by the pain of supernatural power, so the power is always so unstable.

And in order to be able to control an ability freely, he forcibly suppressed the ice attribute ability and only used the fire type ability. In the eyes of others, he was just a fire type ability user, even Wei Hao and the others did not know , the existence of another of his abilities.

I lived with him for a long time in my previous life, and it was only after the ability that he completely lost control of his body that he discovered the existence of the ice-type ability in his body. That day in the air-raid shelter, it was finally caused by the backlash after the ice-type ability lost its suppression.

It's just that only Chu Tiao was present that day, and Li Tong and the others didn't know how Luo Ye's situation was caused.

Liu Min only heard that the power was out of control, and he didn't know the specific situation.

In the previous life, I heard others talk about the ability of "devouring". This kind of ability is very rare, it seems that there is only one person, and that person finally became the leader of some base, which was quite famous at that time.

However, she and Luo Ye were living in the wild at that time, and she just listened to the leaders of these bases, and didn't pay much attention to them.

In this way, Liu Min is likely to be the famous base leader with the ability to "devour" later.

But now he seems to be just a small clerk in the Drum Tower headquarters.

As for how he became the leader of the base later, he didn't know at first, and he wasn't interested.

The only thing I care about is that Liu Min's ability can help Aye control the ability, so that Aye will feel better.

But unexpectedly, Luo Ye rejected Liu Min's kindness, "No, it's all right."

Chu Chu looked at him with some puzzlement, obviously the ability was still a little unstable, why did he say it was all right.

Luo Ye lightly grabbed her palm without explaining, Chu Chu naturally cooperated and did not expose him in front of Liu Min.

Liu Min said with a smile: "It's fine, by the way, I opened a box in the bar for my birthday today. Would you like to show your face and have a meal together?"

In addition to the weekly meals, the employees in the headquarters will also get points every day, and celebrate their birthdays in a private box in the bar. Although it is extravagant, it is not unaffordable.

He has said it so modestly, plus he has been kind to Luo Ye, it's just a meal to celebrate his birthday, and it's hard to refuse because of reason.

It happened that when they came out before, they told Zhou Ma that they might not be able to go back to eat in time, and they did not let Zhou Ma cook their meals, so they were not in a hurry to go back.

Qingyuan Bar is the largest bar in the first district. It takes into account the three functions of drinking, singing K and eating. The forces behind it are said to be the largest wealthy family in Pengcheng. Only in the base can they have certain privileges and retain some of the strength of their wealthy family in the Drum Tower. Even in the end of the world, they have to make money, and they are completely businessmen.

It is hard to find a private room at Qingyuan Bar. The reason why Liu Min was able to book it was thanks to his accidental acquaintance with the eldest lady of the bar, the only daughter of a rich man.

Liu Min invited a lot of people, most of them were his colleagues at the headquarters, as well as Li Tong and Chen Rui.

When the two of them came in with Liu Min, the lively scene suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at Li Tong in unison.

It was no secret that Li Tong personally went to visit Luo Ye in the 9th district but was turned away. After all, the whole Drum Tower was staring at Luo Ye. I don't know how many people there are. ,

As for the reason why Li Tong was rejected, there are rumors about it, but the most rumored is that Luo Ye's little girlfriend didn't let Luo Ye and Li Tong meet because of jealousy.

Because of this, I don't know how many opposition party members claimed that they were so angry that they committed high blood pressure, and the rumored "little girlfriend" of Chu Nao became the target of public criticism, and was rumored to be a jealous poisonous woman, sitting and waiting. She was abandoned by Luo Ye.

Chu Chu and Luo Ye didn't live in the same area, so naturally they didn't know about these gossip rumors.

When the two came in, they were holding hands together, and they were very close. Everyone could see it clearly, and they were waiting for the show in their hearts. Today is really a Shura field.

No one at the headquarters knows that General Li intends to let Li Tong and Luo Ye get along better. They are the best couples by default in the headquarters. Now they kill Luo Ye's little girlfriend halfway through. Jealousy, if you're going to be jealous, you won't be able to watch it.

Chu Chu didn't know everyone's thoughts. She was always afraid of life. When there were too many people, she would always shrink behind Luo Ye. There was no reaction to Li Tong's existence as everyone guessed, and there was no such thing as jealousy.

On the contrary, Luo Ye, who was seen by everyone, never glanced in Li Tong's direction from beginning to end. He only saw the girl beside him. He pulled her into a seat, pressed his eyebrows, and said something to her in a gentle manner.

It turned out that Shura didn't understand love, and King Yama didn't show a cold face when he saw everyone.

Luo Ye has always disliked high-profile, so Liu Min didn't introduce him specifically, and after a few scenes, everyone started to move chopsticks.

The crowd started to respect Liu Min wine one after another, wishing the birthday star a happy birthday.

Finally, when it was Luo Ye's turn, he just peeled a fresh and plump prawn for the girl next to him. He didn't know where the Qingyuan bar got it. It was quite rare, and their eldest lady was really willing, Ken Take it out to celebrate Liu Min's birthday.

Everyone's eyes fell on them, Chu Chu gently pushed Luo Ye under the table, the latter put down his chopsticks, picked up the quilt filled with beer in front of him, and bowed to Liu Min, who was on the opposite birthday. , and then drink it.

Chu Chu looked at the glass of wine in front of her and swallowed her saliva. It stands to reason that she should also toast the birthday star, but she is so old and has not tasted wine yet. Just as she was hesitating, Luo Ye let it go. She picked up the glass in front of her and drank together.

"Her, I'll drink it instead."

Chu Tuo raised his head to see that he was taking another gulp, his slightly tilted neck rolling up and down because of swallowing Adam's apple, looking very sexy.

Luo Ye said so. Naturally, other people did not dare to persuade them to harass them. They were only secretly surprised. Looking at Luo Ye's attitude towards this little girlfriend, no matter how stupid he was, he knew what was a rumor and what was true. They were clearly in love with each other. , Then why did he say that he won the love with the sword, but Li Tong was confused by the original specious rumors and rumors.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone's attention was focused on Shou Xing. At the beginning, he tugged Luo Ye's sleeve, and he obediently leaned down and attached his ear.

"Why are you helping me toast." She puffed out her cheeks, as if complaining about the decision he made on her own just now.

Xu was the reason for drinking. The man's cold brows softened, and a reflection of her was reflected in his eyes. He looked her up and down and asked, "Are you an adult? Just drinking?"

The first time she heard it, the whole person was directly angry and became a puffer fish. She puffed out her chest and said unconvinced, "Why am I underage? Who told you that I was underage? I'm already eighteen years old!"

Luo Ye raised his eyebrows slightly and said amusingly, "Your ID card doesn't say you're an adult."

On that day, he saw her ID card fall out of her bag. The date of birth was clearly written. She would not officially turn 18 until February next year.

The first time I heard it, I felt a little lack of confidence, but I still quibble: "I'm already nineteen years old, what's wrong with drinking some wine?"

Luo Ye rubbed the top of her head and said, "You can't drink underage."

Chu Chu turned his head away and muttered, "Then the minor still wants to fall in love with you, do you want to talk about it?"

"What are you mumbling about?" Luo Ye bent down and followed her eyes.

Chu Tso shook his head cowardly: "It's nothing."

Not to mention that a straight person like him would not agree, nor would Ajin.

Someone in the back was so drunk that he was so drunk that he said it directly on the spot: "I always thought that Executive Luo would be with Lieutenant Li, no, now it's the captain, hiccup, I thought they would be together..."

When the person next to him heard it, he thought that it was okay, so he quickly covered his mouth and took the person down.

The originally peaceful scene was so cold again, Luo Ye and Chu Tiao were still calm, and the two didn't listen to what they said at all, so naturally they didn't react.

Everyone's eyes fell on Li Tong, but she finally couldn't hold back her reluctant smile. She got up and left the table: "I'm going to the toilet."

Luo Ye drank the third glass of wine today without anyone else, looking at his rolling Adam's apple at the beginning, and asked innocently, "Is it delicious?"

Luo Ye glanced at her and said, "It's not good."

"I don't believe it, unless you give me a taste." Chu Chu took advantage of the fire to rob an expert, and without waiting for him to respond, he raised his head slightly, and quickly tapped his lips while others were not paying attention, and licked the tip of his tongue.

Her sneak attack came unexpectedly, and the man didn't expect it at all, so he couldn't prepare for it. When he reacted, the daring girl quickly evacuated and slipped away under the pretext of going to the toilet.

Luo Ye looked at her fleeing back, raised his hand and put his lips against his lips, his calm eyes were deep, his chest seemed to be scratched by a cat, and his heart was on fire.

The author says:

Chu Tiao: Run away when you're done!