51 is husband

Chu Chu was sure that he didn't look at the flowers, and the snowman really moved.

The snowman jumped in the direction of the teaching building. Even though he had no legs, he ran faster than the one with legs.

Chu Tiao hugged Luo Ye shiveringly, not daring to look at it at all.

Thanks to her past life experience, she has seen many strange things and various variants, but this is the first time she has seen such a thing. She looked at each other just now and almost didn't scare her away, even more than a horror movie. fear.

She can understand the mutation of living things, why can dead things without life still live?

Luo Ye squinted slightly at the place where the snowman disappeared, pondered a little, then closed the curtain to block the view from the outside, and picked up the girl and put it on the bed.

"It's alright, go to sleep."

They didn't get much rest and needed a good night's sleep.

Chu Chu couldn't forget the scene just now, and she couldn't sleep even if she wanted to. She wrapped his arms around his neck and asked him, "Is that also a variant?"

He has more knowledge than her, and in her heart, there is nothing he doesn't know.

Luo Ye really knew that he met in a previous life, but that incident was just an accident, and he never saw it again afterward, and he didn't meet here in his previous life, so he wasn't sure if it was the same.

"It's not a mutant, there's no danger, don't be afraid." Luo Ye rubbed her hair and comforted her.

"Isn't what a variant is?" Chu Tso became interested in the snowman instead.

"It's Snow Maiden's ability." Luo Ye lay on one side and hugged her, recalling the person who had met her briefly in his previous life, "Xue Mai's supernatural ability is 'Xue Ling', which can control snow and give snowmen. The so-called 'life', where she appears is always snowing, or she lives where there is snow, and is often accompanied by a moving snowman."

In addition to the more popular elements, enhancements, half-beasts, etc., as well as some rare but well-known abilities, there are still many strange, unheard of, and even unique abilities in this world.

Such as Chu Tiao himself, such as this Snow Maiden.

Born with the wind and snow, accompanied by Xueling.

"Sounds like Snow Girl is lonely." After knowing that she was not a mutant but a supernatural being, her first thought changed quickly. The image of a girl wandering in the snow accompanied by only a snowman appeared in her mind.

Girls are prone to being sentimental, and Luo Ye thought of the eccentric and cruel little devil he met in his previous life.

That kid is not as fragile as she thought. If it weren't for his fire-type ability to overcome her, he might not have been able to deal with the only fight in his previous life, and he would have almost lost himself in the snowstorm she created.

It's just that the kid is a kid and can't afford to lose at all.

Luo Ye said something about the snow girl he met in his previous life, and he fell asleep when he heard it.

After she fell asleep, Luo Ye gently released her, covered her with the quilt, opened the balcony door and walked out.

The balcony door was closed behind him, and on the playground, the snowman who had just disappeared had returned, and beside it stood a little red riding hood in a red cloak.

Luo Ye slightly supported the railing outside the balcony, the snowman first spotted the man on the balcony, the hand made of a tree branch pointed towards this side, Little Red Riding Hood looked up, and the two eyes collided.

In an instant, the wind and snow around him accelerated, and it was freezing to the bone. However, the man outside the balcony wearing only a thin jacket remained at ease, not afraid of such a wind and snow at all.

Little Red Riding Hood obviously didn't expect anyone to be able to resist her powers. Such a wind and snow, and the cold of dozens of degrees below zero, were not affected at all.

Luo Ye set off layers of scorching fire waves all over his body, offsetting the wind and snow, and the snow melted and turned into mist.

The balcony was surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland, and even the figure could not be seen clearly.

Little Red Riding Hood stared over there, and after a while, her eyes widened suddenly, her neck stiffened and she turned her head back, completely unaware of how the man who was still on the balcony of the guesthouse just a few hundred meters away appeared behind her.

Luo Ye wrapped his arms and looked down at the one-meter-four Little Red Riding Hood, confirming that she was the one he met in his previous life.

"Make a deal." Luo Ye said coldly, opening the door and entering the mountain.

Little Red Riding Hood pursed her lips and said nothing.

Luo Ye didn't plan to wait for her to speak: "Let's go as soon as the snow stops. During this period, the well water will not cause river water."

Little Red Riding Hood glanced at him, and the next second, she rode the wind and snow back, and the snow under her feet quickly turned into a huge palm to cover him, trying to press him under the snow.

Luo Ye stood still, before the snowy palm pressed down, a fire dragon rushed out of his body, smashed the covered snowy palm, and chased Little Red Riding Hood and the snowman away.

The speed of the fire dragon was very fast, and it soon caught up with Little Red Riding Hood. The fire wave was pressing, pressing the top of her head. Little Red Riding Hood looked back and saw that the fire dragon was about to hit her. in front of her.

Snowmen have spirits, but they will turn into flames when they meet fire.

Little Red Riding Hood's pupils reflected the image of the snowman meeting the fire dragon, and the flames flowed in her pupils. Her body was so stiff that she couldn't move. Her cloak was blown up by the heat wave, revealing her thin body.

She moved her lips and said silently, "No... no!"

The snowman shook his head slightly and looked at his human friend. The snow melted like tears of goodbye from his black gem-encrusted eyes.

The fire dragon rushed into the sky, exploded into fireworks in mid-air, collided with the wind and snow, and turned into mist.

The threat to life was lifted, Little Red Riding Hood ran forward quickly, knelt in front of the snowman, picked up a handful of snow, squeezed it into a ball, and pasted it on the snowman's slightly turned head, restoring the snowman that escaped death.

Luo Ye flicked the snow on his body, walked over slowly, bent over and picked up the snowman's "hand" that fell on the ground, put it back in the position of his arm, it was a little crooked, he pulled it out and plugged it in again, and the snowman turned round. head looking at him.

He adjusted his hands three times without expression before he adjusted his hands to the right position. His palms stroked the melted part of the snowman, and a thin layer of ice covered the surface of the snowman, making it stronger.

Little Red Riding Hood raised his head slightly, revealing a pair of reddish eyes from under the wide cloak cape: "You...why?"

Luo Ye patted the snowman's head, the snow condensed into ice, as if wearing a layer of battle armor for the snowman, and replied in a low voice: "Let's be less dead and listen more."

Little Red Riding Hood:"…"

Luo Ye went back to the B&B and stood in front of the balcony door. He waited for the chill to dissipate before walking towards the bed. As soon as he lay down, the girl sleeping next to him rolled over looking for the smell and asked him in a daze. : "Where have you been..."

Luo Ye took her into his arms and kissed her hair: "Nowhere, go to sleep."

This sleep, I slept until the afternoon, and when I woke up, I smelled the aroma of rice coming from downstairs.

I don't know what Mother Zhou did.

Chu Chu turned over and wanted to get up, and woke the man next to her. The man hugged her and lay in bed for a while, and then they both got up and went downstairs when there was a call from downstairs.

Zhong Wenjie just came out of the kitchen with a pot of cut frozen mutton. When he saw them coming downstairs, he greeted them: "Come on! Zhou Ma made a hot pot, and the soup base is hot and fragrant."

On the long table for dinner, there was a charcoal-fired hot pot in the middle, which was smoking, exuding the spicy smell of butter hot pot. Just smelling the smell made my mouth water.

Eating hot pot in such a day is simply irresistible.

Others also brought out the cut food from the kitchen one after another. The conditions were limited and there were not many types of food, but it was enough to make hot pot.

The lettuce and meat were placed, and everyone sat down one by one, and the hot pot was in full swing and the meat and vegetables were scalded.

The table is long and there is only one pot. The first place to sit is far from where the dishes are placed. Luo Ye himself cooked them for her. There was no empty space in the bowl in front of her, so she just had to bury her head in eating.

Butter hot pot is full of flavor, spicy and powerful, but it is freezing cold outside, but people inside are sweating profusely.

During the early days, he raised his head and wiped the sweat from his face with a tissue, and inadvertently glanced at the opposite glass window.

A slightly hideous face after being squeezed and deformed is tightly pressed against the transparent window glass, looking straight into it.

At the beginning of her journey, her hair stood on end, the chopsticks in her hand fell out of her grasp, and the oil bounced off the bowl. She didn't care about the dirt on her clothes, and stared outside blankly.

People are already stupid.

Others were attracted by her actions and turned to look, but there was nothing outside the window, as if what she saw just now was just an illusion.

No abnormality was found, everyone just thought she was wrong, and went back to eat.

And just when everyone turned around, a snowman who just reached the height of the windowsill jumped past the window, and Chu Chu suddenly grabbed Luo Ye's hand.

She stammered in a voice only the two of them could hear: "That...that..."

It was so frightening that she couldn't speak at all.

The moving snowman, and the little girl clinging to the window, that's what he called the snow girl!

Luo Ye also saw it, he nodded slightly, continued to serve her vegetables with a calm expression, and said, "Eat, don't worry about it."

Chu Chu picked up the chopsticks that fell into her eyes again, and absently put the meat slices into her mouth, her eyes still looking out the window, because she was not careful, the freshly boiled meat slices were stained with hot soup, which burned her mouth.

Luo Ye reluctantly poured a glass of water for her, and she held the water glass and chilled it with cold water.

"She looks like a child." Chu Tso whispered.

Luo Ye didn't care, just looked at her, and answered perfunctorily: "Yeah."

Looking at him for the first time: "It's so cold outside..."

Luo Ye continued to perfunctory: "Xue Nu is not afraid of cold."

"But she's very thickly dressed." The wide cloak could cover her whole, and she looked very weak and pitiful.

"That's her body." Luo Ye was unmoved.

Chuchu: "Is she dangerous?"

"Okay, bad temper."

"Oh." Speaking of having a bad temper, Chu Chu was deeply touched. If Luo Ye could say that he had a bad temper, it might be really bad, after all, his own temper was also very bad.

At first, I thought that if the other party was harmless, I could invite you to come in for dinner. After all, the girl was lying on the window and looking inward, and she looked very greedy, but she was not a bad person, since There is danger, and she ran away after being discovered by her just now, so there is no need.

Chu Tiao lowered her head and continued to eat. During the period, she naturally put all the things she didn't like into the bowl that she didn't like accidentally into the bowl of Luo Ye, and the latter only condoned her picky eaters.

Outside the homestay, a red cloak flashed across the yard, followed by a snowman who was a little taller than her.

Little Red Riding Hood stopped not far from the yard, and stomped her feet angrily. The snow on the ground rose and fell with her movements, and the snowman consciously stepped back one meter.

"Damn! Damn!"

She even said she had a bad temper!

Where is she in a bad temper!

She also craved hot pot so much!

The author says:

I've slept for a day, and there's nothing to add, I'll kick your ass