57 is husband

Soon after Chu Nao and his group entered the valley, mist gradually formed around them. At first, they thought it was the valley with heavy humidity. Under normal circumstances, when they came back to their senses, the fog that filled the valley was already thick and almost unwittingly. It was almost impossible to see the road, and they seemed to be hitting a wall.

No matter how you go, you will go back to the same place.

Returning to the same intersection for the fifth time, a group of people had to get out of the car, looking at the familiar markings on the tree trunks, looking at each other not knowing what to do.

They have never experienced such a situation, they know it is abnormal, but they just don't know how to crack it.

Snow Maiden tried to expand the range of perception, trying to find the cause of the fog in the valley, but found that her ability did not work here.

"Everyone, be careful." Chu Chu took a deep breath, Luo Ye was unconscious, and she had to act as a commander temporarily.

This is obviously a mutant. There are many strange mutants in the world, with all kinds of strange abilities, not all of them are some monsters with developed limbs that can only kill, some will use their unique abilities to trap the prey first, and slowly nibble away. .

The other party can't hide, they are in the dark and the enemy is in the dark. If they are in chaos, they will definitely fall into the enemy's trap, and it is obviously unwise to rush in without knowing how to crack the fog. At the beginning, I suggested camping on the spot to save physical strength. , in order to deal with what will happen later.

Everyone knows that the more dangerous it is, the more calm it is. Under the leadership of Chu Tiao, the process is carried out in an orderly manner, and there is no panic at all. It seems that this is just the most normal day.

After everyone got out of the car, Chu Chu asked everyone to tie each other with ropes, a few people in groups, so as not to get separated, and they could take care of each other if something happened.

Because Luo Ye was in a drowsy state, he could only be **** with him at the beginning, Cui Yuzhou's mother was with Xue Nv, Xue Bao followed Xue Nv, and the other four boys got together.

During the day everything was fine, as if the wind was calm and nothing happened.

In the evening, they took turns to guard, Zhou Ma stayed up all night, Cui Yu and the others were the first to guard, Xuebao did not need sleep, and was the best night watchman, but still needed someone to guard, and then changed to the boys' group.

Nothing happened until the middle of the night. Chutong and the boy group changed classes. At first, they were worried that she would be bored alone and wanted to accompany her, but they were rejected by Chutong, saying that it was the most important thing for them to rest well. After all, ordinary human beings can't compare to superhumans in all aspects.

Chu Chu was sitting in front of the tent door, with a rope around his waist, and the other end tied to the waist of the man in the tent. During the period, the man woke up and wanted to force him to wake up to watch the night for her, but she pressed her shoulders and lay back down again.

"Aye, trust me, okay?" Chu Chu looked at him distressedly. He didn't know that he didn't want her to suffer, but what he needed most now was sleep. Only when he fell asleep would he not feel so uncomfortable. And if he fails to suppress the ability to collide in the body during this period, he will suffer more in the future.

Luo Ye was about to get up with his elbows on the ground, but in the end he couldn't get her to lie down, looked at her seriously, motioned her to lower her head, and put her face close to him at the beginning, Luo Ye raised his hand and pressed the back of her head, cherishing her forehead kiss softly.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Chu Chu covered his mouth and pretended to be angry: "It's so eloquent, do you want to say thank you to me?"

Luo Ye felt guilty that he couldn't accompany her. Seeing her like this, he smiled helplessly: "Then ask my wife to protect me, I'm afraid."

Chu Chu couldn't help being teased by him, lying on his chest, said softly, "Well, I'll protect you."

You are the one who protects me at all costs. In this life, it's my turn.

Luo Ye only talked with her for a while, and fell into a deep sleep unconsciously. Chu Chu listened to his heartbeat which was calm and powerful in his chest but much slower than normal, and the arms around him slowly tightened. After a while, She only let go and sat back outside the tent to keep watch.

Behind her is the lover who is regarded as life in this life, and also her mountain.

But the accident happened without warning. The mountains in front suddenly collapsed, the ground shook, the sky crumbled, and everything fell.

Chu Chu was startled and stood up, looking at the rapidly spreading ground fissure, but before the collapse reached their location, he pulled the ropes connecting the other two groups of people to shake them awake, and then turned around and hugged him. Luo Ye, who sank in the cracked ground, tightly protected him.

All the rocks and mud fell on her, and she hugged the falling man without saying a word. When she was about to hit the ground, her pupils shrank, and she hugged him and turned over abruptly, trying to put herself on her back and be him. pad of meat.

But it didn't work. Her waist tightened suddenly and she was turned over. When she landed, she was still on it, and the man's back hit the ground. A pair of big hands held her head down, and quickly hugged her back. Turning to bow, all the falling stones hit the man, but Chu Chu, who was pressed down by him, was no longer injured.

Chu Chu was stunned for a moment, and immediately wanted to push him away after reacting, but was pressed to the ground, lying in the safe area that he supported with his body.

"Good, it'll be fine in a while." The man's voice was hoarse, calm and powerful, instantly calming all the ups and downs in her heart.

He was still awake.

The stones and soil above his head fell one after another, and stopped after about five minutes, and Luo Ye kept his bowing motion until nothing fell.

Chu Chu hurriedly got up, this time he didn't press her any more, and with a slight movement, a thick layer of sand and mud fell on his back, as if he had just climbed out of a mine disaster.

Luo Ye sat quietly on the ground with his knees bent, letting Chu Chu clean up the dirt and gravel on his head. Seeing that she kept pursing her lips and looking unhappy, she stretched out her hand to hold her, and pulled the person in without much effort. arms.

Rubbing her chin against the top of her head, her voice was still a little hoarse: "I just did what you wanted to do, how can I let my wife protect me in such a thing?"

Glancing at him for the first time, he knew that there was no need to quarrel over this kind of thing in this situation. Looking at the completely unfamiliar environment around him, he couldn't help frowning.

After falling into the ground fissure, they didn't know where they came. It seemed to be under the valley, an underground dark river space, because they could vaguely hear the sound of the underground river water, but the underground space was not well lit, so they could not see clearly. The whole picture, but listening to the echo of the sound, you can also know that it is not small.

The longer they entered the valley, the more they could feel that their abilities were restricted, just like the Snow Maiden couldn't use "seeing", and Chu Chu just couldn't use "flying".

"Aye, can you see what's going on?" Luo Ye called a fire, and the fire hovered around them, like a guiding light, providing a little light.

- This place is like a space surrounded by a thick black fog, the light can't penetrate, and it can only barely illuminate a small place.

Luo Ye took Chu Chu's hand and explored the way a little bit. He just woke up, and when he fell, he sensed danger and forcibly broke through the ban. He didn't know anything about the valley or this underground space, so naturally Can't see any problem.

Chu Chu was just habitually relying on him, just like in their previous life, whenever they were in danger, she would unconditionally trust him to escape with her.

"I can't see it for the time being, come." They were crossing a shallow underground stream, the surface was not wide, and the surface was covered with stones. He stepped on it first, and then took Chu Chu's hand to help her step over. The two took advantage of the firelight. , carefully crossing the shallow stream.

Chu Chu was a little worried: "I didn't have time to inform them when the ground subsided. I don't know where Sister Yu and the others fell."

Luo Ye wasn't so worried. Although Wei Hao and the others were ordinary people, their survivability was not bad, and they were not bad under pressure.

Before the mutants were strengthened, they had all followed him outside the area. They were more than a little bit more powerful than ordinary people, and they were all very smart. At present, it seems that the mutants have not done any actual attack damage to them. They are still safe.

And there is Snow Girl, at least Zhou Ma and Cui Yu can be safer under the protection of Snow Girl.

Soon Luo Ye found a cave. It was strange to say that the underground space was no different from the surface space above, except that it was underground. There were trees, grass and rivers, and it was a bit like a wonderful space.

Luo Ye picked up some dry branches along the way and raised a fire in the cave, dispelling the darkness of the cave.

They didn't take anything with them when they fell, but they stowed their stuff in the space early on, which came in handy right now.

Luo Ye slept for a few days, and the time he was awake was not enough for him to eat. Although he was forced to wake up this time, he had to replenish his physical strength. Chu Chu took out a casserole from the space, and in the casserole was the food she specially kept at night. , is worried that he wakes up and needs to eat.

Put it on the fire to warm it up a little and eat it.

Chu Chu set up a small folding dining table next to it, which was commonly used by them to eat in the wild. After dinner, she put it into the space by the way.

Luo Ye was really hungry, and the small pot of rice was quickly eaten up. Chu Chu was afraid that he would not be full, so he took out all that he could eat in the space and looked at him eagerly: "You eat more."

These days have cleared up, although the figure is still good-looking.

Luo Ye only picked up a bottle of water and took a few sips, nothing else moved, and touched her head: "I don't know how long I will be trapped, keep it, fool."

Chu Chu said "oh" and put it away obediently.

He was also a calm and steady commander in front of others before, but when he came to him, he became the only one who obeyed.

It's not that she has lost her mind, she just trusts him and habitually relies on him. After all, all her knowledge of wild life comes from him.

How can the little apprentice overpower the master?

"Come here and sleep for a while." Luo Ye spread out the moisture-proof mat, patted his legs, and asked her to lie down.

Chu Chu didn't refuse, knowing that they won't be able to go out for the time being. Preserving physical strength is the most important thing. Obediently lie down and rest on his lap.

This seems to be returning to a previous life. At first, the relationship was not determined. Every time in the wild, he would keep watch at night. When she was sleepy, she would consciously lie on his side and fall asleep, while he sat beside him with bent legs and quietly guarded her to sleep. .

Later, after they were together, she would put her pillow on his lap, or lie directly in his arms, anyway, she would sleep as she felt comfortable.

When he is by his side, he will feel more at ease.

Half-dreaming, she thought they were still in a previous life.

The author says:

Aunt is in pain, salted fish is paralyzed, typos will be caught tomorrow

Some people say that Tso and Aye haven't had sauce for a long time, so I will arrange it