64 New Hope

When the hum of the train pierced the sky of the capital railway station, a milestone journey came to an end. A railway connecting several cities was quietly repaired, laying an exciting foundation for the future transportation infrastructure repair.

A soft and joyful announcement sounded in the carriage: "Dear passengers, the train is about to arrive at the final station - Capital Dongcheng Station. The whole journey of the train lasted 15 days. Thank you for your cooperation and bring a more pleasant journey to this journey. Due to the ominous environment of the terminal and the late time, the staff will check the surrounding dangers after entering the station, please wait patiently on the train and take a break."

When the train arrived in the capital, it was twelve o'clock at night. It was sleet outside, the weather was biting, and the wind was howling. The train slowed down and slowly entered the East Station.

The lighthouse in the distant city was still working. The sentry on the lighthouse was looking around with binoculars. Suddenly, he saw two beams of lights suddenly lit up on the distant Dongcheng Railway. Slowing down, it was like a ray of light suddenly lit up in a city that was originally dead and deserted. The sudden discovery shocked people.

The sentry even suspected that he had hallucinated himself, and hurriedly called his teammates: "Come and see, there is a train on the railway over there!"

When others heard the news, they held up their binoculars and looked at it. When they saw that it was indeed a moving train, their faces showed ecstasy: "It's true! Oh my god!"

"Can't believe it, it's unbelievable!"

"I can't imagine how they did it."

"They are warriors!"

A train carrying life, I don't know where it came from, I don't know how many hardships it has gone through, and it stumbled to the capital.

—In the last days, after all traffic and communications were paralyzed, and now that outsiders can't get in, and people inside can't get out, those two beams of lights have broken through the haze shrouded in the dark night and death, and created a great deal for this lonely human being. The city has been injected with new blood and soul, like the rising sun, bringing new hope.

Everyone on the lighthouse couldn't help but wet their eyes, and a sentry jumped towards the emergency communicator excitedly and took a picture of the bell...

After the passengers on the train heard the announcement, they woke up one after another from their sleep. The people leaning against the windows opened the windows one after another and looked outside curiously.

In the past, the platform where people came and went was empty, and there was only one car full of people in the overcrowded carriage.

The destination for them to board this train may not be here, but after that, they will all live in this city permanently until one day in the future, either the city is destroyed or the human race wins.

The train stopped steadily on the platform, the door of one carriage opened slowly, and the first person to get out of the carriage was a man wearing snow boots, wrapped in a down jacket, wearing a snow velvet cap, gloves with fleece gloves, a bear scarf around his neck, and eyes. The girl who was still wearing pink windshields, wrapped tightly, with her deer-like eyes rolling, looked curiously at the dark and quiet station around her.

Behind the girl came a tall man with a stern face. Compared with the girl's rounded shape, the man was wearing much thinner clothes, black overalls, and a jacket on his upper body, but his hands were not in line with the image. Wearing a lop-eared rabbit bag.

"Is this really the capital?" The girl looked around and returned to the man, stomping her feet in the cold, she asked uncertainly.

Although she lived in the capital for a few years when she was a child, she always flew directly to the airport and was not familiar with the railway station in the capital. Moreover, now that the times have changed, the capital city has changed a lot, and she can't see the prosperity of the past.

The station looked tattered and depressing, with a clattering noise as the wind blew across the platform, and the background sound effects were reminiscent of a scene from a horror movie.

She even thought about the title of the film, and it was called "The Train Station Horror", and the atmosphere of a national thriller came out instantly.

The man was noncommittal. This is indeed the Dongcheng Station of the capital, but it seems that the station has been abandoned for a long time, and there are few people nearby.

The two were responsible for exploring the surroundings to ensure that the area was safe. After checking that the platforms around the train were safe, the two walked out of the platform.

The escalator has long been out of service, and the two walked up the stairs together to the waiting hall.

There was a closed ticket gate before entering the waiting hall. As soon as the two walked through the glass door in the middle one after another, a variant of blue-faced fangs suddenly rushed over.

Chu Chuan, who was walking in front, was taken aback, she retreated subconsciously, and at the same time, Luo Ye, who was behind her, quickly pulled her back, and the mutant fluttered. The roaring fire phoenix staggered and instantly blasted the unfortunate variant into powder.

Chu Chu slightly tilted his head back and raised his eyebrows proudly at him, wanting to hear his compliments. After all, it was rare for them to be so tacit and almost synchronized.

The man smiled, lowered his head and kissed her red lips, complimenting him without hesitation: "It's called having a good heart."

Chu Chu was a little embarrassed, pursed his lips, and continued to walk inside.

In the waiting hall, there was not a group of mutants as expected. The one just now might be a lone wolf.

They checked every corner of the room in the station, not even the underground parking lot, but they encountered a few single variants in the parking lot, and the two easily cleaned it up.

The train station was built in a remote location. Look at the location of the nearest city lighthouse. The capital security base is not in this urban area, and it is still far away from them. If they want to pass, they still need to cross half the city, and this period is equally dangerous.

Chu Tu and Luo Ye found many taxis and a few buses in the underground garage of the train station, enough to fit them all.

After confirming that the vehicle can be used, the two returned to the platform. When they passed the convenience store in the waiting hall, they first walked in and strolled in a group. When they came out, the shelves of the convenience store were empty, like locusts crossing the border.

After returning to the train, Chu Tso distributed all the food he had collected from the convenience store to everyone.

There are more than 60 people in their group. The journey is not peaceful. There are more than 60 mouths. They need to eat every day. Before they came, everyone on the train was full and hungry. .

After they joined in the early days, all the stored food was taken out, but it only took a few days to eat it. After that, they could only send people to nearby cities to search for supplies when they passed the stations of other cities.

However, those cities were all occupied by mutants, and they acted cautiously, daring not to make any big noises, nor to go deep into the city, so the food they collected was often barely enough for everyone to frugally eat three meals a day.

Before arriving at the capital station, their food was already exhausted. Everyone was hungry for two days. Now they have food, no matter whether the food has expired or not. In this environment, it is good to have something to fill your stomach. Eat and drink After the feet, everyone began to recharge and prepare for the next fierce battle.

It's getting late now, and we have to wait until daytime before we can act.

The sun rises in the east, the mist dissipates, and it is a rare good weather.

A group of more than 60 people quietly got off the train and came to the parking lot of the train station in an orderly manner. Two city buses full of passengers rushed out of the parking lot underneath and galloped through the barren urban area. on the road.

The bus is no better to drive than the car. Fortunately, there is no traffic control today, and the train can drive. There is no reason why the bus will not drive. After it starts, it just rampages.

City lighthouses are built very high, like signs, they can be seen from a distance, they don't have a map, and they don't know the route, but there is nothing wrong with driving towards the location of the lighthouse.

Their location is actually very far from the lighthouse. There are collapsed high-rise buildings everywhere along the way, and the road is blocked. While they have to clear the way, they also have to deal with the mutants that attacked them after being disturbed in the city.

This is a desolate city, with ruins everywhere. It is also a mutant city, and the streets are filled with mutants.

The seemingly cumbersome bus flexibly dodged left and right in the hands of the train conductor and another driver who had driven a combat plane, drifted and accelerated, and rushed through numerous levels. Countless supernatural firelights were making way for it, and it exploded thickly. The smoke was billowing, and everyone in the car felt terrified, one wave after another.

Chu Chu spread out his wings and flew around one of the cars, responsible for dealing with the variants that flew and evaded other people's attacks and jumped to the roof of the car. The waving vines strangled one variant after another trying to attack the car, protecting the car all the way. unhindered.

It's just that there are too many variants, and she has times when she can't take care of herself. A variant finds the opportunity to expose her back and explodes. However, at the critical moment, a flaming arrow burst through the air and shot straight through the variant. The head turned into fly ash before it got close.

Chu Chu heard the sound and turned around, just to see Luo Ye who was wearing a cracking flame bow and arrow. She slightly hooked her lips, turned around and continued to plunge into the battlefield. She was agile and killed countless instantly.

She never worried about being attacked by the enemy's back, because her back was always guarded by someone.

The flames swept the domineering, the vines were strangled, the blizzard was winter, the rock was the shield, the wind was like a sword, and the bullets wrapped in supernatural powers spun out at an extreme speed, piercing the hard head of the mutant...

This was originally a battle of nine-to-one deaths, but they were in a rut. They passed five levels and killed six generals along the way. More than half of the mutants died. The two buses that were almost scrapped during the bombing finally broke out of the siege and arrived at the place where the capital base is located.

Before they arrived at the city gate, the city gate had already opened for them, and a crowd of dark crowds stood on the city tower, looking at the warriors who came from afar in amazement.

When they heard the sentinel's announcement last night that a train had arrived at Dongcheng Railway Station, almost no one in the base believed it, and even if they could reach Dongcheng, it would be difficult for them to pass through half of the city besieged by mutants and reach the base safely.

Yet when these people do appear before them, the facts speak louder than words.

The capital base, which has been trapped in the endless haze for a long time, may be about to usher in a new world.

There is a group of warriors who bring hope, like the rising sun, hot and eternal.

The author says:

Xintiandi, the capital base knows all good people!