71 Gamification

Plum Garden is a well-known ancient garden complex in the capital. It is famous for its plum scenery. Every time it is in bloom, tourists come in an endless stream.

When Chu Tso was a child, he used to visit the plum garden with his uncle's family, although that time because his uncle suddenly had a job, he hurried back before he got to the plum blossom forest.

Now she is here again, but not for fun. Half of the garden scenic spots that were full of tourists in the past have collapsed and become dilapidated. The gates are in ruins, carrying the architectural symbols of thousands of years of history and civilization. Protection, just disappear in ruins.

"It's here. They basically lost contact after entering here. The drone can only shoot here. As long as they enter the park, they will lose control and crash."

Mei Xin was wearing a capable tights, bit the leather gloves on her hands and tore them off, touched the tablet with her fingers, and called up the video shot by the drone in the past. No matter which angle she entered from, once she stepped into the park, the picture would turn into snowflakes. , and then crashed after losing control. These pictures were all transmitted back to the computer before the signal was lost.

The entrance to the garden was blocked by a collapsed wall, so they could only turn over the wall. Several people tried to turn over the wall, and the red dot of the locator symbolizing their position disappeared from the display screen. They brought their own The miniature camera also lost its picture, and the sound was replaced by a rushing electric current, and there was no signal at all.

"I saw the wreckage of a drone. On the tree trunk over there, maybe the chip of the drone recorded the pictures before the crash. I went to pick it up." Someone found the drone that crashed before. The wrecked fuselage, flipped over the wall and ran there.

Mei Xin wanted to stop them and tell them not to act alone, but Ren had already run away, so she had no choice but to put away the tablet and lead the rest of the people into the garden together.

They have already damaged too many elites here. This time, the task of exploring the situation in Meiyuan and rescuing possible surviving teammates are secondary. These tasks must be carried out on the premise of ensuring everyone's safety, regardless of whether the task is successful or not. , have to go back a lot.

It's so weird here. Previously, the two teams had no information since they entered, indicating that they were killed in the park. At this time, it is best for everyone not to separate.

The man ran very fast. When they chased after him, he had already reached under the tree. Seeing him standing there securely, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was fine, but it was only a short time. time, how could something happen.

There was a straight-talking person in the team, and he was familiar with this person. He knew the person's frizzy personality best, but An couldn't help but scolded him in a loud voice: "What are you doing, we agreed before we set off. Don't act on your own, follow your orders, why are you doing this?"

He thought that with the other party's temperament, he would definitely retort, but unexpectedly, the other party stood there quietly, always facing the big tree motionless.

"What's the matter? Today's **** change?" The man muttered. Normally, this man was going to argue with him, but today he was suddenly so quiet.

Luo Ye noticed something was wrong when he saw the tree from a distance, but now that he got close and unstoppable, his eyelids jumped fiercely. Chu Chu also felt a strange feeling, his heart skipped a beat, and he grabbed it nervously. Luo Ye's hand.

Gradually, everyone also had this strange feeling.

"Wu Bo?" Mei Xin called out the man's name.

After a while, Wu Bo turned his head slowly, but the man who was still running around a few minutes ago is now bleeding from the corners of his mouth, his face is pale, and his pupils are wide open, as if he saw something that frightened him. .

When he turned around completely, everyone saw that there was a penetrating wound on his abdomen, but it was completely invisible from the back.

After seeing his injury clearly, everyone was shocked: "Wu Bo!"

Someone ran towards him, looking at the ancient tree for the first time, and couldn't see the unusually quiet growth of the branches that suddenly rose up as they approached.

Just when the vines of the ancient tree were about to pierce through the people who were going to rescue Wu Bo, the vines grew from their feet at the same time. The thick vines blocked the fatal blow of the ancient tree, but the penetrating power of the ancient branches was very strong. , only stagnated for a second and continued to puncture inside.

When others saw this tool, their expressions were somber: "Zhang Kai! Wu Bo!"

"Don't be in a hurry to mourn, you're not dead yet." Chu Chu wiped the sweat from his face and pointed to a high **** 100 meters away, where a huge flower bud grew out of thin air. The two people who had penetrated the branches did not know when they moved there.

Everyone ran over there in surprise, Chu Tiao's feet softened, and he was immediately hugged by Luo Ye next to him.

Looking at his frowning brows, Chu Chu smiled weakly, hugged his waist, and softly coquettishly said: "I'm fine, just take a rest, don't be unhappy."

The emergency burst ability coupled with the teleport trigger, using teleport by yourself is different from helping others teleport. It consumes too much power for her, so she will appear weak.

Luo Ye dragged her hips and hugged her, but her brows stretched a little as she wished.

If it wasn't for her timely response, those two people might have died just now. He couldn't blame her for anything. If it was him, he should have saved them.

"Let's go take a look."


The two walked towards the high slope, and the crowd gathered around. Some medical teammates in the team were urgently resuscitating Wu Bo, but his wound was obviously not very big. Tormenting him all the time, Wu Bo's face was pale, and the more he stopped the bleeding, the more painful it became.

"What's the matter, what the **** is that branch, the wound caused by it can't stop the bleeding at all!"

When Chu Chu and Luo Ye heard the words, they immediately thought of the reason. Chu Chu got down from his arms and rummaged through the backpack. In fact, she took out items from the space. She took out a bundle of silver silk cloth and handed it to the man: "No Medication, wrap the wound with this."

"what is this?"

"Heavenly silkworm silk, the first mouthful of silk spit out by the mutant silkworm larvae has the ability to heal, and can pull out toxins to heal wounds. The mutant branch just now has toxins, and the wound caused by it is directly bandaged and treated with medicine, which will make it more and more festering."

This bundle of celestial silk was the last time she took the risk of going to the silk cave for Luo Ye's supernatural wound to catch the celestial silkworm cub and raised it. It has only been used once, and it can be used twice. Now it just comes in handy.

The others, who had never heard of Tian silk, dubiously put a simple silk cloth made of twisted silk on Wu Bo's wound.

The effect was unexpected and immediate, the blood that could not be stopped immediately stopped, and the deep penetrating wound was also healing quickly. This effect was more effective than taking a panacea.

Wu Bo's complexion has obviously improved, but due to excessive blood loss, he is still very weak and has fallen into a coma.

Everyone took the unconscious Wu Bo out of the garden.

After seeing that Wu Bo was completely fine, Mei Xin breathed a sigh of relief, patted Chu Chuo on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "Thanks to you, otherwise Wu Bo would have died."

Chuchu: "This is what I should do."

"This silk..."

Chu Chu knew what she wanted to ask: "What was left in the previous accident can be used three times in total, and there is still one effect left. The first silk of the silkworm has a healing ability that is not inferior to the healer, which can make up for the rare deficiency of the healer, but this is a Consumables, and the way to get them is a bit difficult.

The advantage is that it is easy to carry. The base can consider incorporating Tiantian silk into special therapeutic drugs, but how to obtain it should be considered in the long run. "

There are many dangers in the silk hole. If you want to get the first silk of the celestial silkworm, you can only catch the cub alive. To catch the cub of the celestial silkworm is like breaking through the silk hole. Due to many restrictions, this kind of good thing has not been realized in the previous life and later To gain freedom, perhaps the capital base can think of a solution earlier.

Mei Xin nodded thoughtfully. After she came out, the tablet had regained the signal. She operated on the tablet and reported what had just happened to the guild in the form of a written record.

Two days ago, Mei Xin rushed to the headquarters overnight and reported Zhang Weisheng to the Supervision Department in person. Mei Xin was famous, and the Supervision Department was shocked. For fear of making this female Rakshasa unhappy, she did not dare to be slighted and shielded, so they all dispatched.

Following Zhang Lingsheng's vine, he found many melons just like him, and he almost checked the base. There was a lot of movement, and everyone was in danger. With a resolute style, he caught several middle-level managers who were embezzling and taking bribes. , and a group of people who give gifts and go through the back door.

Perfectly implement the policy of fighting with tigers and flies.

Until today, they set off, and the clearing mission is still in full swing in the base.

Mei Xin, who reported her merits, was praised by the head she had scolded, but Mei Xin did not take the job, and directly launched Chu Chu and Luo Ye, and Chu Chu Luo Ye did not take credit and pushed Cui Yu out.

In the end, because of Cui Yu's indomitable and upright character, she was inexplicably elected as the supervisor of the Dongcheng District Supervisory Branch.

Good fortune in misfortune, everyone rejoices.

The base has always been rewarded and punished. This time, the usefulness of Tiantian silk was proposed by Chu Chu. Mei Xin naturally told the truth. If he could find a way to solve it, Chu Chu would inevitably be rewarded.

After dealing with these matters, Mei Xin re-planned their path of action. After Wu Bo was in a coma, they needed two people to stay and take care of them, so that there were still twelve of them, although the chip in the wreckage of the drone on the tree may have records. An important picture was taken, but the tree was too dangerous for them to pass.

"The garden is very big, we can only find it one by one. Don't get too far from me." Mei Xin led the way, and everyone entered the garden again.

The best outcome is that they can find survivors of the previous two teams inside, but it could also be relics...

Mei Xin's ability is the power of holy angels, the protection of angels, which can resist attack damage. With her presence, it provides security for everyone to a large extent.

They searched all the way, and encountered many crises during the period, including the sudden subsidence of the mud, the crazy growth and entanglement of flowers and plants, and all kinds of strange traps. The entire garden was reduced to a world of mutated plants.

They have encountered very few mutant plants in the past, and they are almost never wary of plants. Therefore, the first two teams will inevitably fall into trouble here. Fortunately, after having an experience, everyone in the back is much more vigilant, and they are immediately aware of danger. Then avoid it, and forcefully rush out without being able to avoid it.

The more they went inside, the heavier their hearts became, because along the way, they had seen the items left behind by many people, which was the proof of their sacrifice.

They picked up the relics of their predecessors and kept the remains for safekeeping.

At the end of the plum garden is a forest of plum blossoms. It is during the flowering season of the plum blossoms. Lingshuang Aoxue's plum blossoms are in full bloom, but everyone is not in the mood to watch them.

They were about to leave when they suddenly heard a baby's cry, but soon the baby's cry disappeared, as if it was deliberately hidden.

"Listen! Is there a child's voice?"

A baby's cry cleared away the gloom in everyone's hearts and brought an uplifting hope, like the tender buds drawn from a plum branch, dormant in the cold winter and blooming in the warm spring, bringing infinite vitality.

The author says:

I don't want to write this book too complicated, just walk through the plot briefly. The newborn symbolizes the new life. The future will get better and better. The next chapter is sweet