74 Gamification

The weather is getting colder and colder, especially in the northern winters, although there is no snow, it is colder than snow.

At other times, it's fine. Getting up in the morning is the most torturous thing. She huddled in the bed for the first time. When the heat of the bed gradually dissipated, she slowly got up and sat on the bed with the pillow in her arms. Doze a little bit.

"Awake?" Luo Ye came out of the bathroom to wash up, saw her sitting, reached out and pinched her cheek.

Chu Chu rubbed his palm in a daze, it was warm and warm.

Seeing that she was still sleepy, Luo Ye put her back into the quilt and heated the cold quilt to a warm temperature: "It's still early, go to sleep."

Chu Chu murmured indistinctly, unable to resist the warm blanket, and squinted and lay down again with peace of mind.

I feel so blessed to have a boyfriend who can warm the bed at any time.

After a while, Chu Chu's sleepiness dissipated. She rolled up the quilt and sat up, squinting her eyes to find someone, and saw the man doing push-ups in the open space of the living room outside through the crack of the door that was not closed.

She struggled for a while, but she took off the quilt, got out of bed to look for shoes, and walked out of the room in the pajamas of the bunny suit.

Because there was nothing to do, Luo Ye, who was doing push-ups at random in the living room, heard footsteps, and was about to get up when his back suddenly sank. He paused for a while, kept supporting, and looked up at her slightly.

"Why don't you continue to sleep?"

Chu Tuo was lying on his back, and the rabbit ears of the pajamas naturally drooped down and swayed, with a lazy tone: "I don't want to sleep by myself." It was unexpectedly clingy.

Luo Ye: "Then I will accompany you to sleep for a while?"

Chu Chu shook his head, reached out and hugged his neck gently: "That's it."

Luo Ye knew it, he used one hand to support the **** his back, and did push-ups with one hand, still carrying a weight of 80 to 90 pounds with ease.

When he reached three hundred, Chu Tso finally woke up completely, consciously climbed down from his back, went to the bathroom to wash, changed clothes and came out.

The two went down to the second floor. There were only two meals a day in the cafeteria, and breakfast could only be prepared by themselves. Zhou's mother made breakfast at home and asked them to come over to eat together.

The base also has a way to buy ingredients, which are directly supplied by the planting department, and the price is relatively affordable, which is much cheaper than eating in the canteen.

However, compared to the time when I lived in a courtyard house with an earthen stove, it was inconvenient to cook by myself in the family's courtyard. In addition, everyone has their own jobs, so they only eat together for breakfast, and go to the cafeteria to eat at other times.

On the weekends, I came to open the door for them. Zhou's mother had already made breakfast and ate it in the living room. Everyone else was there, waiting for them to come.

Zhou's mother simply boiled the noodles, still steaming hot.

"Speaking of which, it's almost the New Year." Zhou Ma suddenly remembered that in a few days it will be the traditional Spring Festival.

"Huh? Does time go by so fast? We didn't notice."

Zhou's mother nodded: "yes, do you have anything to eat? Make it for you on New Year's Eve."

Although so many things have happened this year, everything changed suddenly overnight, many of them can no longer be reunited with their families, and the situation outside is not clear, but on the day of the Spring Festival, Zhou Mom still hopes to do her best to bring this group of children a meaningful New Year, the dishes they want to eat, and the New Year's Eve dinner they miss.

Others naturally understood Zhou's mother's good intentions. They did not want to live up to Zhou's mother's wishes, and actively reported the name of the dish, which was the most famous dish in their hometown's New Year's Eve.

Zhou's mother knows a lot of dishes. Even if she didn't know it before, after hearing what they said about how to cook it, she could try to make it, so the New Year's Eve dinner on New Year's Eve was ordered like this.

After breakfast, everyone performs their duties, it is time to go to work, it is time to work.

"Then what do we do?" Snow Maiden asked, licking the homemade ice cream.

They have just completed a task, and the reward is a lot, enough to take a long time, there is no need to compete with others for tasks at present, after all, the resources of the base are limited, which also makes them the most leisurely.

"I think you should find something to do." Chu Chu suggested her.

Snow Maiden asked simply, "What?"

Chu Tso sincerely suggested: "Anything is fine, such as going to Angel's Home, you can go and play with the children, I think those children will definitely like you so that you will not be bored."

The apocalypse has brought many disasters, causing families to be destroyed, wives and children separated, and many children have since become orphans, or have been directly abandoned by their parents.

The base set up an angel home for these children, which is actually a doomsday version of the orphanage. There are a group of children there, and the Snow Maiden will definitely be very popular there.

Snow Girl turned her head and retorted, "I don't like children."

Chu Chu shrugged: "Oh, well, then you can go to other people to play, for example, on weekends, Sister Yu, or even go to the Science and Technology Department to find Wei Hao and the others."

"Can't I follow you?" Xue Nu blinked at her.

Chu Chu smiled and took Luo Ye's arm, and the two moved intimately: "Yes, if you don't mind."

Snow Maiden: "…"

She silently licked the ice cream and walked away.

She doesn't want to be a light bulb.


The two were about to walk around casually when Chu Chu's bracelet rang a few times, glanced at the voice from Mei Xin, she clicked it, and Mei Xin's always concise and neat voice came out:

"There is news, come to the guild now."

Chu Chuo was overjoyed, this meant that there was news about her missing person notice.

"Aye, I might find my uncle and the others, let's go and see now!"


The two immediately walked towards the guild.

When they arrived at the guild, without them speaking, the reception staff pointed to the spiral staircase upstairs, indicating that they were upstairs.

The reception room on the third floor of the guild.

Jin Yu crossed his hands, looked at the disgraced and somewhat embarrassed young man in front of him, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure you know the family on the reward order?"

This is the first time I don't know who I know since the reward order was issued, but they either provide false information or pretend to be who they are.

The base is relatively lenient to ordinary citizens. As long as they don't commit principled mistakes, there will be no practical punishment at most. Some people will try to fake it for the sake of reward. They have nothing to lose anyway. , This invisibly increases the affairs of the guild, but it cannot stop this kind of thing.

The young man withdrew his eyes from looking around, nodded, and said very firmly: "Of course I know, you don't need to test me, if I have a lie, when the person who is looking for them comes, they will naturally find out."

This is the first time he has entered the guild other than the hall. He is like a child who has not spoken to the world, and is full of curiosity about the guild.

I have to say, the guild is still very stylish.

Jin Yu raised his glasses, he saw at a glance that the dozen or so people he knew were lying and dismissed him. The reason why he left this young man is because the information he provided was indeed correct, and he didn't seem to be like lying.

Only the names and genders in the tracing notice were posted on the reward order, and nothing else was mentioned, but this young man accurately stated the ages and relationships of these people, which were the same as those provided by Chu Tiao, so he was not caught. Sieve out.

But when they asked where these people were, the young man did not answer vigilantly. Instead, he asked him to see the employer who issued the reward order. After seeing it, he would decide whether to tell them or not.

I have to say that this young man looks young, but his personality is already very smooth and he knows how to deal with it. At the same time, it can be seen that he does not seem to be here for the reward. At least he did not sell the information on the spot, but paid attention to it.

If he really knew this family, he could do this, he was already very loyal.

That's why Mei Xin sent Chu Tiao a message and asked her to come over.

Chu Chu and Luo Ye came to the third floor. Mei Xin held Xiao Mei in one hand and pointed them to the reception room from the glass window of the office, letting them go in directly.

Chu Chu pushed open the door and went in. The boy with his back to the door turned around when he heard the voice. After seeing Chu Chu who came in, he suddenly widened his eyes and opened his mouth and forgot to close it.

Chu Chu's eyes naturally fell on the boy. Seeing his expression, she recognized it carefully, and then saw the familiar shadow on the black and gray face. She also widened her eyes and shouted uncertainly: "Chengcheng?"

She never thought that the so-called intelligence person who knew her uncle's family and could provide information turned out to be her cousin himself!

"Sister!" Jing Yicheng also couldn't believe it, calling her with a trembling voice.

After seeing the reward order on the guild's task bar, he was sure that the people he was looking for were his family, but he didn't know who was looking for them. Who spends so much money to find them.

And it's been so long since the end of the world, if it weren't for some great kindness, no one should be so stupid to spend so many points just to find someone at the base.

But he still knows his family very well, and he has never done anything that is of great kindness to others. Besides, it may be a deep hatred for that person to spend a lot of money to find someone.

So he deliberately painted his face black, and wanted to see who was looking for them first. If it was a good person, it would be fine, and the fat and water would not flow to outsiders. This reward is much better for him than for others, but if it is with their family If he has hatred, then nothing can make him find his parents.

He thought about many possibilities. Maybe it was a relative who had borrowed money from his family before, but now he has developed and repaid, but he never thought that it would be his cousin's first arrival.

My cousin lives alone in Liangcheng, 108,000 miles away from the capital. He didn't even dare to think about it. Not only was she alive, but she had traveled across most of the country to come to the capital to find them.

"Sister, are you okay? Are you doing well?"

"Chengcheng, how are you and your uncle and aunt?"

The siblings asked at the same time.

Chu Chu was stunned for a while, then smiled, and reached out to wipe the black ashes on his face: "I'm fine, how did you make yourself like this?"

Jing Yicheng raised his sleeves and wiped the soot off his face, his voice was choked, and he was so excited that he was incoherent: "It's okay, sister, I made it myself, sister, you're fine, my parents are at home, they are all fine, sister, I'll show you go home."

He found his cousin whom he thought he would never see again. The boy had already excitedly forgotten the purpose of coming here. He didn't even want the reward he was thinking of. , tell them that the cousin is still alive.

The young man was quite strong, and Chu Chu was pulled and walked several steps, "Wait for the city."

"What's the matter, sister?" Jing Yicheng looked back at her, his eyes were still red, he became cramped again, and asked cautiously, "Sister, don't you want to go back with me? Don't worry, no matter how difficult it is, I will work hard to make money. take care of you!"

Chu Tso was helpless: "No, I want to say, don't be in such a hurry, do you want to eat something first?"

"Ah?" Jing Yicheng was confused, it wasn't time for lunch yet, what to eat.

Chu Chu reached out to Luo Ye, who handed her her small schoolbag, "It's hard to meet, aunt and uncle are not in a hurry, you have something to eat first, and we'll find them later."

When I saw my cousin again this time, I visibly lost a lot of weight, and I heard that he came to the guild door early in the morning to wait for the squatting task, so I guess he hasn't had breakfast yet.

She looked at the thin figure of the young man now, and her eyes were full of distress.

Chu Chu turned the schoolbag upside down, and poured all the snacks and buns inside on the table: "Eat it quickly, don't be hungry."

Seeing so much food, Jing Yicheng swallowed his saliva subconsciously. Although he is used to skipping breakfast and only eats two meals a day, sometimes even only one meal, it does not mean that he is not hungry, but he still holds back: "No, how can I eat my sister's food, I..."

Chu Chu tapped him on the head: "Hurry up and eat, and be polite to me."

Jing Yicheng was still worried: "Then sister, give it to me, what will you eat?"

He was afraid that he would give him his food at the beginning, just like when he was a child, he deliberately said he didn't like it and gave him all the food. At that time, he was still young, but when he grew up, he realized that he has grown up now. Can't be so heartless anymore.

Chu Chu naturally knew what he was thinking, and said, "Don't worry about it, I have money, otherwise why do you think I will send a reward order to find you?"

Only then did Jing Yicheng remember that the person who issued the high reward order was his sister!

Jing Yicheng was relieved of his psychological burden for a while, and devoured it.

While eating, the young man looked at the man beside his sister suspiciously. This man was there when his sister came in. He thought it was a staff member of the guild just now, but now the more he looks at it, the more wrong it is.

The young man's mind became sharp, and he was secretly critical:

Why is this man standing so close to his sister? Why is his sister smiling at this man? and many more! How could this man hold his sister's hand!

"Sister, who is he!" Jing Yicheng couldn't help but ask, looking at Luo Ye with a wary face, full of gunpowder smell, like a rooster ready to fight at any time.

Chu Chu was confused by his sudden question. She looked at him and Luo Ye next to her. Only then did she understand who he was asking. She generously raised the hand they were holding to show him, "Can't you see? He's your brother-in-law."

The bread in Jing Yicheng's mouth fell to the ground: "..."

After a few seconds, the boy was stunned, as if struck by lightning: "What did you say? What is your husband?"

The author says:

Luo Ye: Hello brother-in-law.

Brother-in-law roars: Get out! brute!

- My brother-in-law is here, ready to take the call