77 Front Steel

When Luo Ye said that he was going to go out, he just thought he was restless and didn't think much about it.

After all, when he was in a bad mood in the past, he would blow up an entire mutant's nest at every turn, but now he is fine. People stay in the base, not in the wild, and mutants don't need to face his devastation from time to time.

I have seen how he saw one blow up in his previous life, and I may have to sympathize with those unlucky mutants who met him, the king of hell.

Luo Ye left early in the morning, the quilt was no longer warm, and Chu Chu was quickly woken up.

When she woke up, there was no one beside her, strangely not used to it, she rubbed her face, trying to adjust to this sudden sense of emptiness.

Fortunately, he had put her clothes on the head of the bed before he left, so he didn't need to get out of bed and go to the closet to find them. He also put the hot water in the bath and put it in a thermos, so she could pour it out directly. Hats, gloves, scarves, and coats should be included. It hangs on the coat rack by the door, and even the boots that I wear when I go out are put away.

Even if the person is not by her side, everything has already been arranged. She doesn't even need to think for herself, just follow what he has prepared.

If it goes on like this, I feel like I'm going to be made into a waste.

When I put on my shoes and went out at the beginning, my heart was sweetly distressed.

She went downstairs to have breakfast, and then wandered aimlessly around the base. Everyone has a job. Uncle Zhou accompanied Zhou's mother, and even Snow Maiden found entertainment—she is now with the group from Angel Home every day. Children play games. Before, they said they didn't like children, but now they are not really fragrant, and they have become the king of children.

I originally wanted to chat with my aunt and cousin, but they are not free every day, and occasionally have some scattered jobs to pick up, so there is no one in the Jing family today.

With nowhere to go, she went to the guild for a walk. The guild was busy at the end of the year in her spare time, and it seemed that the guild was also preparing for the annual meeting. Mei Xin handed Xiaomei to her parents, and she and Jin Yu went to work, so addicted that she could not extricate herself.

So she didn't want to disturb them, and left the guild again, dangling on the street like a ghost.

Only a few hours after Aye left, she started to miss him.

Just thinking about it, a few cars of the base search team drove past the road ahead, in the direction of the base gate.

The search team is responsible for the collection of materials outside the base. Although nine months have passed since the end of the world, due to the insecurity outside the safe area, many people from the search department in high-risk or distant areas have not searched before. In fact, the places searched by the base only accounted for a very small part.

Now the base has become semi-self-sufficient, with factories producing daily necessities, and planting departments specializing in planting and cultivating food crops, but factories need raw materials for production, and seeds and fertilizers are needed for planting, and these materials still need to go to places outside the safe zone. Search and collection, as well as consumables such as medicines and weapons, also need to be brought back from the outside, otherwise the production and sales of the base alone will only be enough to feed half of the people in the base.

Search teams work with heavy responsibilities and are as dangerous as rescue teams and stormtroopers.

Before leaving the guild, she found out about Luo Ye from Jin Yu. The mission he received this time was for the search team, but the team he was in set out very early, and the location to be searched was far from the base.

After thinking about it for a few seconds at the beginning, I turned on the bracelet, clicked on the contact page on the top, and called up his location - the function of the bracelet is very powerful, and the communication signal is gradually covered under the continuous upgrading and updating of the technical department. In the entire capital city, as long as it is not an area with no signal, they can track each other's location through contact location.

She felt that she might be a very restless person by nature. She had no idea when she heard that he was going to go out, but now that she was stimulated by the search team and saw his accurate location, her mind began to become active.

In the end, the idea of ​​​​seeing him prevailed. Anyway, it was not the first time that she had done this kind of "whatever she thought" thing. He rushed into the guild Mei Xin's office, poked the place and asked her:

"Is there any motorcycles that can be rented at the base?"

Mei Xin stopped writing and looked up, looking at her vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

Chuchu: "I'm going outside."

"You want to leave the base?" Mei Xin was surprised. In theory, you can't leave the base without a mission. Of course, if you have to go out, you won't stop it, but when you leave the base, your security will not be managed by the base. Now, it needs to fend for itself, and it is up to oneself to die or live.

"Just tell me if you have it or not. It's better to have better performance." Chu Chu is still very confident in her current self-protection ability, otherwise she wouldn't joke about her life.

"Yes, yes, there are a lot of motorcycles parked in the South Gate Square. You can pick it up by yourself, but you have to refuel yourself, but why do you drive a motorcycle?"

Compared with the big car with better safety performance with doors and windows, the motorcycle is obviously exposing itself to the mutant target, and she has never seen anyone drive a motorcycle out of the base.

Chu Chu looked at the ceiling sadly and said, "Because I don't have a driver's license, and I can't drive."

No matter the previous life or this life, with Luo Ye, she has no need to learn to drive at all, which also makes her unable to drive a big car now.

She has a lot of contact with motorcycles and electric vehicles. Although she is also an unlicensed driver, her motorcycle technician is trained by her father who is half a motorcycle racer. When she was a few years old, she was hugged by an unreliable father. Teach her how to drive in front of the car.

Mei Xin can't understand her maverick style, but pays respect.

With Mei Xin's guidance, Chu Chu quickly found Nanmen Square and saw a number of two-wheelers lined up on the square, some of which were still million-dollar luxury cars before the end of the world.

It's a pity, now it can only be placed on the square as useless waste.

I found a car that she liked at the beginning, and the key was also in the car. I tried it and it was still able to drive. There was no problem with the performance. After putting on the oil, putting on black leather gloves, and putting on a helmet, the motorcycle galloped through the streets of the base like an arrow.

Pedestrians on the road were attracted by the arrogant car roar, and they turned around to look. They saw a very cool black Harley appeared from the other side of the road, passing by them like lightning, leaving only a black afterimage.

Who is racing at the base?

It was the first time they saw someone driving a motorcycle at the base after the end of the world. Gasoline is a very precious material, and unless it is necessary, it will not be wasted casually.

Chu Chu drove all the way to the gate of the base and showed Mei Xin's hand letter to the gatekeepers. Although they were confused, they let her go without stopping or asking.

The sound of the Harley's car quickly attracted the variants outside the base. They followed the sound, but before they started to act, the car shadow had disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye, and even the exhaust gas could not be caught, leaving a group of excited people. The variant looked dazed.

What happened just now, why is it different from what I saw before?

The speed of professional motorcycles can reach very fast. As long as the rider can control it, he keeps racing at a speed that makes the variant unable to catch up. Occasionally, if the position on the wristband is shifted, he will adjust it immediately.

Sometimes, on the way forward, a few mutants happened to be blocking the road. Without squinting, she directly increased the accelerator and rushed over. She collided with extreme speed, not to mention biting, and she was knocked into the sky before she got close. No less than a sedan.

Because of her rampage all the way, all kinds of flying eaves and walls, ignoring obstacles, and constantly insisting on shortcuts between two points and one line, it only took more than half an hour, and she was less than one kilometer away from the position of the red dot.

The place where Luo Ye and the others performed their tasks was a commercial plaza, which included supermarkets, clothing stores, restaurants, furniture and electrical stores, and other stores. There were many supplies, and it was one of the best choices for the search team to find supplies.

But correspondingly, in this kind of place, there are many variants of wandering, and for some unknown reason, most of them are fierce. The city that used to be human is now occupied by all variants. Collecting supplies from the shopping mall under the blockage is a problem that the search team has to face.

There are only five members of the search team. Compared with the direct and variant frontal hard steel missions of the stormtroopers and rescue teams, the search team adopts more guerrilla tactics, using the least number of people and collecting the most materials.

This is the first time that Luo Ye has performed such a task that requires "dogs to hide".

Although he could wipe out all the variants, his teammates were obviously not used to this hard-core combat style, so in order to cooperate with them, Luo Ye had to resist the urge to kill the Quartet and hide behind them in a small area. "Tactics" were discussed in the alley.

Their usual guerrilla tactic is to attack the east and west, and some of his people will cover and lead away the mutants wandering outside the mall, and the rest will go into the mall to search for supplies.

Sounds really time-saving and labor-saving, not even a single soldier.

"How can you guarantee that there are no variants in the mall." Luo Ye pointed out the loopholes in their plan.

The others were stunned when they heard the words.

They have carried out many search missions, but they were in such a small supermarket, convenience store, and such a big mall before, and this was the first time they came here.

There are many floors in the mall, and they can't see the situation inside at all from the outside, and they don't know whether there are variants inside. If anyone who enters is alarmed by the possible variants inside, then this plan is completely self-defeating.

Luo Ye rubbed his eyebrows, feeling that he might have taken the wrong task.

In his experience, after the mutants occupy a city, they often look for a place as a nest, and any place may be their nest, so he always kills them directly. This kind of guerrilla warfare is really not suitable for him.

"In your opinion, what should I do?" they asked Luo Ye.

Luo Ye is a new face, they have never met before, originally thought he was a novice, but he was quite experienced.

Luo Ye snapped down the safety pin of the power grab, and said blankly, "Go straight ahead."

other people:"???"

Just **** outrageous.

The other four chose to ignore his suggestion, and they would rush straight forward if they were crazy. There are hundreds of mutants around here. How could the five of them be able to fight.

Luo Ye, whose suggestion was not adopted, felt that this was the most tiring task he had ever performed.

The other four were still chattering about tactics, Luo Ye leaned against the wall boredly, and played with the hood of a lighter.

Suddenly, the sound of a car from far and near broke the tranquility of the city, and the arrogant roar seemed to wake up the variants of the entire city.

The few people who were squatting on the ground and discussing in a low voice were all dumbfounded: Who the **** is dying?

Luo Ye also looked up in surprise and looked in the direction of the sound of the car. A petite figure came into view, and the man who had been careless immediately stood up straight.


The motorcycle that roared and crashed into several variants drifted precisely at the alley where they were located, stopped steadily, stepped on the ground with one foot, and took off the helmet with both hands off the handlebar, revealing a The face of a soft and cute girl who is harmless to humans and animals.

The other four seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt.

What happened to this world?

The girl raised her face in their direction and smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth: "Handsome guy, do you want to get in the car?"

They saw the novice with long legs stretched out, walked over, stepped into the car, and then grabbed the girl's waist with one hand, lifted it up, threw it to the back seat, and took over the car by themselves.

"Sit down."

Chu Tso leaned over and hugged his waist.

Under the terrified gazes of the other four, the two aliens drove their cars and rushed towards the mutant group that gathered here.

Crazy crazy, crazy one is not enough, but also made up a pair.

The author says:

That's right, this is to show off your skills, it's embarrassing and cool (bushi)