Ch 8: Matching necklaces

as Ali sighed with sadness and satisfaction, Ezio looked at the letter with curiosity :"who is it from? is she someone important?"

Ali chuckled as he nodded with sadness and happiness mixed in his eyes :"yeah, someone who is just like a mother to me."

Ezio smiled at his happiness but grew as confused :"but... then why didn't she just come and see you instead of sending a letter?"

Ali shrugged as he calmed down :"that's how she is, I guess. always likes to switch between being popular or super secretive. and there seems to be something in the letter... scratch that. two objects seem to be here."

as Ali opened the letter {just imagine that he got emotional from the person who sent it, alright? please?} and grabbed the two objects.

he looked at the two objects which hang from his hand and seemed to be necklaces. and not just normal necklaces.

but spider necklace of all things. and there were even eagle like wings coming out of their sides. {image}:

Ali looked at the letter with a raised eyebrow as he read through it in his mind :'dear Ali, I hope that you are having a good time in the multiverse that this piece of you got sent into.

but I already know since I'm omnipresent. but it's still how humans like to write it, so I did it for you haha.

as you may have already noticed, your body is getting used to fighting and battling at a very high speed for humans.

but that has little to do with your very nerfed down evolution powers which would just break the power scale if it was allowed there.

so those is basically your own hidden talents from your previous life that didn't manage to shine because of the era you were born in.

but there is still a limit that you can reach for a normal human, though. so don't worry about being like Saitama and having no fun while fighting.

but you can also break through that limit anytime you want and just put a limiter on yourself like the other pieces of you to enjoy life.

and as I have promised, all of your lover in any universe that you exist in will become immortal and won't die. so there is no need to worry about that. that is all.

I just wanted to give you an evidence that I'm watching over you cause I care about you as if you are a child to me and that it's fun what you will do in your favorite universes.

but don't misunderstand. I am still omnipresent and so I watch over everyone cause they all are like children to me.

but because of the sheer number of the beings, I don't interfere or mess with you all. that is all and I hope that you will be happy alongside your future wife and every other Ali that you will unite with one day.

P.S: since even though you really don't like insects but your wives are weirdly connected to them, I created nice and beautiful spider eagle necklaces for you two.

cause, seriously, both Bibi Dong and Natasha are connected to spiders. and Ezio literally means eagle. now, bye!

with love, your parent, the omniverse.'

he smiled as he calmed down both his emotions and his tears as he folded the letter and put it safely in his inventory like bag.

he then held one of the two winged spider {just the thought gives me the chills and creeps ugh} necklaces in front of Ezio with a smile :"here. there are two of them. and I feel like she would want me to give it to you. will you please take it?"

she looked at him with happiness and hesitation :"really? are you sure you want to give it to me to wear?"

after a nod of agreement from Ali, she nodded herself and turned around as she brought her hand to the back of her neck and held up her hair :"then, here. I want you to put it on for me."

Ali nodded as well as he put the black necklace around her neck and locked it :"there, it's done. you can turn around now."

she looked down at it as she gently rubbed and felt it against her skin :"wow, it's beautiful. and I know a high quality item when I see one for a fact.

this is definitely made out of the best materials I have ever seen and felt. it feels so good and comfortable against my skin.

and unlike how its shape would suggest, it doesn't feel uncomfortable or scratch my skin at all. thank you, Ali. it's beautiful. now, turn around so I can put yours on."

Ali did as she asked him to and also put the exquisite necklace around his neck :"you're right, it does feel really nice against my skin."

they looked at each other with smiles and a little bit of a blush on their faces at the interaction :"thank you, Ali. I'm really thankful for the gift. it's really nice of you."

"don't mention it, you're welcome. I'm happy if you're happy. now, why don't we get back. we don't want the probably already grumpy and annoying Federico waiting any longer than he already has."

Ali said and she nodded as they started to walk back with a happy go lucky and lovely atmosphere around them that just kept everyone away for some reason.

they were some men that had a disappointed and heartbroken look, while some other were glaring at Ali with anger and jealousy.

I mean, like, why wouldn't they be jealous? Ezio even though a fighter, has a reputation of being extremely beautiful.

so of course they would be jealous of the guy who was walking side by sides with her with such an atmosphere around them.

and if not for the face, just look at them TITTIES!!! any man would want to get a feel of them badankers!

I mean, just look at the sheer size of them babies! it should be illegal to be that large! and the same goes for her ass!

in fact, most of them are jealous of him having the chance of playing with her body. there are other pretty girls too, but girls with those kinds of assets of beauty and banging body are relatively rare.

but it's not like only men were glaring. women were glaring at Ezio too! though, she had already gotten used to the stairs of jealousy that women threw at her for her beauty and attention.

but this time, they were also jealous of the fact that she was walking around with such a handsome and good built man!

the sight of a man chasing after Ezio and getting on his knees or whatnot to try and impress her and win over her heart had almost became common, but her actually walking and hanging out with a man with that kind of smile and mood was a first!

the two were also wearing matching necklaces too! and even though necklaces aren't rare and are pretty common to wear, the unique design of their made it obvious that they were matching.

but only women caught onto the necklaces at first because of their sharp observation in judgement. men only noticed them after a final look to her impressive body.

and that made their already high jealousy rise even higher at how lucky this unknown man is. young, handsome, strong, rich looking and a pretty lady by his side. how lucky was he?!

and some of the women were jealous because of how the heads of the men accompanying them turned at the sight of her.

so with a hmph, all of them walked away from the two who just ignored all the idiots and walked back to Federico who was waiting for them.

he was leaning on a wall when they finally came back and threw his hands up in exaggeration :"ah, finally! thought you wouldn't show up for a second.

I see that you have gotten the flowers. oh? and it seems that isn't the only thing that you got. you also got matching necklaces. how cute~. baby sister has finally gotten herself a man~."

Ezio rolled her eyes at him with a small blush :"vai a seppellirti (go bury yourself). let's go home now. I think we have wasted enough time already."

Ali nodded as he held the flowers in his hand :"lead the way. I will follow you." and he did as he said and followed her who walked in front.

Ali caught up to her and looked at her with a look of expectation :"so, how are your mother and father like? should I be careful of how I act?"

she chuckled at his slightly nervous look and shook her head :"non c'è bisogno di preoccuparsi (no need to worry), sciocco (silly).

just don't act like a fool or act weird and you are in the good list. they would like it if you were polite though, which you already are.

my father may seem strict, but he actually just cares a lot. so don't worry if he acts protective or grumpy a little. non significa alcun male (he doesn't mean any harm)."

Ali nodded with a slightly serious face which caused her to giggle :"va bene, annotato di nuovo (alright, noted again).

Lo ricorderò (I will remember that). e tua madre (and what about your mother)? com'è lei? (what is she like)?"

she smiled warmly at the conversation about her family which heat up Ali's heart like summer :"she is calm and kind, but can be annoying sometimes.

just act natural around her. knowing your true self, she will trust you more then. and I bet that she will try to help and comfort you if she knows about your parents... I'm sorry to mention them, I just want to help you, I guess..."

it was Ali's turn to give her a warm smile as he gently patted her head :"hey, it's alright. in fact, I'm thankful that you're looking out for me. Grazie (thank you)."

Ezio leaned away from his hand with a small, cat like grin and slapped his hand away gently with a small blush :"hey now, don't just touch a lady's head like that. she might take it the wrong way."

Ali smirked and raised his sword like eyebrow {?!?!?!} :"oh? and what if I actually want her to think that way to make my intentions easier?"

Ezio shook her head with an amused smile :"oh stai zitto (shut up), idiota (idiot). and~ we're finally here.

welcome to our home, the house of Auditore. the place where I have been born and raised in. come on in, make yourself at home."

"scusami e grazie per avermi (excuse me and thank you for having me). wow, it's beautiful. it's a nice place to grow up in."

Ali said as he walked inside through the gates and took a look at everywhere of the house. sounds of footsteps came as the voice of a young lady came with it :"finally! you two have returned. I need you to do somethi-..."

as the three looked at who was talking with a frustrated voice, they saw a young, teenage girl in a brown dress and brown hair that had some similarities with Ezio, but wasn't as beautiful as her.

the girl suddenly went completely silent as she saw Ali and Ezio standing together with flowers in his hand and necklaces, matching ones around their necks.

she looked from Ali to Ezio and to Federico who had a knowing smirk on his face as Ezio talked gently with her hands up to calm her. :"Claudia, non arrabbiarti (do not freak out). calmati e ascoltami prima (calm down and listen to me first)-"

but she was cut off by the suddenly screaming and running girl who was knows to be Claudia Auditore herself :"madre, madre (mother, mother)!

Ezio portato a casa un uomo (brought a man home)! ha portato un uomo a casa (she brought a man home)!! e sta portando fiori (and he is carrying flowers)!! indossano anche accessori coordinati (they are also wearing matching accessories)!!

Ezio sighed with an embarrassed blush as she rubbed her temples while Ali chuckled and Federico outright laughed at her :"oh, cazzo (fuck)...