Ch 12: Vieri de' Pazzi

as Ezio explained the reason for the change in her mood, Ali's knuckles had turned white and his nails had dug into his skin from how hard he was making a fist.

he was glaring at the man in question with a deadly gaze as he was thinking of what kind of agonizing pain he should make him go through for what he had tried to pull out.

Ezio's heart warmed up when she noticed his anger towards the person who had tried to violate her.

she smiled warmly and grabbed his hands that were now bleeding slightly from the tight grip and rubbed them gently :"hey, it's alright now.

as I have said, not only did he not succeed, he got even his nose broken. so I'm alright now and there's no need to worry.

but thanks for worrying and getting mad over me anyways. I appreciate the concern. but seriously, it's alright."

Ali unclenched his fists and looked back at her with worry and left over anger :"sigh, no, it's not alright. how does it make any sense that getting his nose broken is anyway comparable with raping you?"

Ezio nodded as she rubbed the back of his hand soothingly :"I know, I really do know. but we were friends before that happened.

and he had never done anything that extreme. so I counted that incident as our friendship being completely broken."

Ali looked back at Vieri and his men who seemed to be preparing to do something with how they were laughing evilly to themselves.

confusion and curiousity took over and he followed their line of sight only for his eyes to widen a little at the sight.

he looked back at Ezio with a dangerous and evil smile and look then :"and I can assure you that won't be the only thing that will be completely broken if what I think is happening. check out where they're looking at."

Ezio furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she followed their line of sights and where Ali was nodded at and her eyes also widened.

what did the two see? well, it was just a nice, beautiful and young lady enjoying shopping and getting stalked unknowingly.

Ezio looked at Ali with a serious face :"are you thinking what I'm thinking? because if you are and we are right about what they are planning on doing, we should definitely help the poor girl."

Ali's gave a toothy and evil smile in response :"you can bet that I will. not only do I get to help a damsel in distress, I can also take my own revenge and take out my frustration on that Vieri Figlio di puttana (son of a bitch). she is beginning to move and so are they, let's follow them then."

Ali would have helped either way since he didn't have anything else to do. but the real reason as to why he wanted to help, was because he recognized that girl.

as Ali and Ezio followed the followers, his mind was also at its own job :'the lady that Vieri is plotting against, is... well, should be the well known deceased first real life of the male Ezio.

but I guess Ezio being a female in this universe caused a butterfly effect and resulted in them not dating... or maybe it should have been later...?

but that's not important since Ezio is a female and has met me. but anyway, because of Ezio being a girl, Vieri also didn't take action on Cristina yet.

so, maybe it's happening now? but I will be helping her either way. since I would help anyways and now, I can also make up for the fact that I stole one of the most giga chads in the history from her.'

as the two followed the three who were following the one, Ezio sighed with a volume that only they could hear :"sigh, I hoped that it wouldn't be true and that he would change at least for the sake of our previous friendship, but it seems that he is really planning on trying to rape her."

Ali didn't take his eyes off of their target for the fear of losing them :"sigh, a man can grow and change, but his nature will always stay the same. guess that's his nature."

Ezio nodded with a disappointed look as they began to follow their targets once again. they finally entered an alley and the assumed Cristina walked to a door.

but was stopped by Vieri who got in her way and put his hand on the side of the door, blocking it as Cristina scoffed :"I told you, I'm not interested."

Vieri took his hand off of the door and put it on his chest with a haughty look :"Si (yes), but I am."

Cristina pushed him aside as she walked to her door with a boss like line :"get in line." burn. but Vieri didn't appreciate the comeback and grabbed her hand.

he then twisted her around and cornered her to the wall with his arm on her neck to keep her in place :"I think not, amore mio (my love). I've decided I'm tired of waiting for you to open your legs on your own."

but he was interrupted by Ali and Ezio walking in as Ali dropped a line of his own :"I think not, asino (jackass). Penso che invece puoi andare a farti fottere (i think you can go fuck yourself instead)."

his line caused an anger to rush through Vieri as he started his line as he twisted his neck :"cane rognoso (shabby dog), what do you want?! this is none of your bus- oh, Ezio.

haven't seen you in a while, guess you were too scared to come out after I tried to prove my love for you, huh, puttana (whore)?"

in despite of Ali's almost growl, Ezio laughed at him mockingly :"me? scared? I remember it was you who ran away like a bitch with your tail tucked between your legs after I broke your nose! hahaha!"

Ali laughed beside her as a look of rage took over Vieri's face :"puttana (whore), guess you also got conquered by a man at the end, huh?

but no matter. you will pay for what you did the last time and I will make both you and your man here pay. kill them!"

the moment he threw a punch at Ali, unlike how Ezio thought that he might take his time and enjoy both fighting and beating down Vieri, he immediately kicked him in the BALLS!!

and it wasn't just a normal kick either, it was one of those critical hits which also stopped time for a second to get a good look at and vibrated the camera and the controller!

everybody took in sudden breath as the top of Ali's foot landed square on Vieri's balls, causing him to even lift a little from the ground and his eyes roll back from the pain!

but just when he bent down and the he got himself together to scream in pure agony, Ali gave him a perfect uppercut to his chin!

it was another critical hit as everybody's heart shook from the sight. but just as they thought that he wasn't going to do anything else, he punch Vieri who had become straight now square in the face with another critical hit and a menacing and enraged grin on his face!

the two lackeys gulped as they didn't want to fight him but couldn't run away either. Ali looked at them with a stern gaze as he pointed at Vieri's groaning body on the ground which was holding his probably broken balls.

he scoffed with a look of disgust and warning :"prendi questo bastardo e vaffanculo (take this bastard and fuck off).

or else, I will do some more damage and then come after your damn ass and make you wish you weren't here tonight."

they quickly ran to Vieri's side and helped him up by supporting his arms as he groaned and slurred out :"I... I will make you pay...! I will make your family pay!"

he then spit out to look cool but something more came out too as they then ran away... or more like somethingS, cause there wasn't just blood and ONE tooth.

there was blood and THREE teeth that broke after Ali's critical uppercut square to his jaw! a surprise, but a happy one.

just like when you meet your online girlfriend in real life and she is actually a girl. seems like sorcery but is real.

Ali scoffed as he watched him run away... or get draged away by his goons :"bet you wouldn't be talking shit if I landed some more kicks, huh? and who's the whore now, whore?"

he finally turned around to an impressed Ezio looking at him and nodding :"wow, Ali. when you said beat him up and take out your frustrations out on him, I thought you might take your time.

but I didn't think that you will just go for such a ruthless attacks out of nowhere and not give him any time.

and about that kick to his... cough cough, you know where... crotch! yeah, crotch, wasn't that kind of really dirty?"

Ali shrugged without any guilt and smugness in fact :"life isn't fair. and it wasn't fair when he wanted to force that lady's hand either. so I think what I did was pretty fair."

he got his answer in the form of a nonchalant shrug as he then turned around and looked at Cristina :"you alright, lady? that bastard didn't harm you, did he?"

she shook her head with a grateful smile :"no. no, I'm not hurt. thank you for saving me. who knows what he might have done if you didn't show up in time.

I'm Cristina Vespucci and I am the daughter of a nobleman. you can ask for help anytime so I can repay this kindness. grazie (thank you), again, signore..."

Ali nodded and tapped the side of his forehead gently in the form of a salute with a smile :"you are very welcome, Cristina. my name is Ali Ashborne, and there isn't any need to worry about it since I saw that I could help and I did. and this is Ezio Auditore by the way."

Cristina gave her a grateful nod as well without a hint of jealousy :"yes, I'm aware. in fact, almost everybody in Florence knows who the beautiful Ezio is.

you are really lucky, signora Ezio. you have found yourself a polite, handsome and strong man. congratulations. and thank you for saving me as well. would you two want some tea? please come in."

Ezio mimicked Ali's gesture with a smile in response :"you're very welcome, Cristina. and there isn't any need to be so polite with me, just call me Ezio and him, Ali.

it's nice to meet you. no, we should get back now, we have spent a long time outside and should get back.

and we aren't lovers... not yet at least *gives a teasing wink to Ali, causing him to smile and raise his eyebrow with expectation*.

{so, I'm gonna write it so that Ezio and Cristina become friends. but it won't be any extra, just friends. and this story isn't harem, so you don't need to worry either. the reason for this is because I don't want Ezio to have rumors to be a whore because she always hangs out with guys and actually has female friends. and also because of that one mission where Ezio threatens to kill her fiance if he doesn't stop gambling. so yeah, I want them to be just friends.}

Cristina smiled and nodded as they started to walk away :"I hope to see you two again, Ali, Ezio! take care of yourselves! and please visit me too!"

as the two protagonists walked away, they waved at her without looking back as they faded from her vision :"we will!"

she looked at the place where they left with a smile as she shook her head gently :"those two really suit each other."