CH 27: Training

As we continued to walk to where uncle Mario led us, he continued talking :"there's a chapel here, too. The prete (priest) seems a nice enough fellow, but I've never been much of a believer. Did you know the Villa Auditore is almost 200 years old?

It was built by my great-grandfather, a strange man, who carried all kinds of secrets. Keep your eyes open, and you might discover a few of them yourselves... with all the fighting that's been going on, this place has started to get a bit rough around the edges. I wish I could do something about it, but I just don't have the time or money to fix things up. Guess that's life, eh? Here we are. casa dolce casa (home sweet home)! So? What do you think?"

I have seen this place many, many times. In fact, so many times that I have lost count of it. But it's just… wow. Though I have to say, just like Mario said, it has become rather… roughed up.

Ezio :"it's most impressive, uncle."

Ali :"non potrei essere più d'accordo (couldn't agree more)."

Mario :"she's has better days, I suppose. Believe me, I'd have her shining again… if only I had the time. Now that you have had the tour, Ali and Ezio, you should go and outfit yourself. My men in the market are expecting you. Return here when you're finished and we'll begin."

Ezio :"begin? Begin what?"

Mario :"I thought you'd come here to train?"

Ezio :"No, uncle. We came here to escape Firenze, And we intend to take my family further still."

Mario :"but what about your father? He'd want you to finish his work."

Ezio :"what work? My father was a banker."

Mario :"wait… he did not tell you?"

Ezio :"I have no idea what you're talking about…"

Mario :"a cosa stavi pensando (what were you thinking), Giovanni ?! where to even begin… go and fetch your gears in the market. It will give me time to think."

Ezio :"but-"

Mario :"but that's that. We'll talk more later. Some spending money, should you need it. And if you find yourself in need of rest, I've prepared a room for you on the top floor of the Villa."

As the 3'000 something florins (it was 1'900 something in the game. But Ali is here, so there have been some changes obviously) flashed in my screen, uncle Mario and the ladies went inside the Villa and left me and Ezio alone. Ezio sighed with a bit of frustration as she furrowed her perfect eyebrows :"just what is he talking about?!"

I obviously knew what he was talking about, but I couldn't tell Ezio about it as that is knowledge of the future. So I shrugged with a tight lips of confusion :"who knows? Probably something very important, though."

Ezio looked at me and furrowed :"yeah, I could have guessed that. But why is talking in pieces and puzzles?! Just tell me already. Sigh, let's go and buy those armors. He will hopefully start talking then, because he has made me really confused."

As we took a short walk, we reached the blacksmith and Ezio walked forward :"excuse me, signore. But what do you have in store at the moment?" the store owner flashed her a smile :"ah you must be signorina Ezio and signore Ali!

signore Mario informed me that you would come around. I have already prepared your items. Two pair of leather greaves and a dagger. I'm sorry, but there is just not enough items to make better equipment. That will be 2200 florins for the armor and 475 florins for the dagger."

Before I could reach out to my magical waist bag, Ezio's beautiful hand stopped me by gently grabbing onto my forearm as she took out the bag of money that uncle Mario gave her and purchased the items :"thank you for the purchase, Madonna Ezio, Messer Ali. I hope to see you two again soon. I will try to have better equipment in store for you then."

Ezio nodded before we walked away a bit and she turned to me and held out my dagger which I had given her to protect herself before :"here you go. I'm returning it now. Thanks for lending it to me. You can have it back now."

I raised an eyebrow as I smiled warmly at her, making her smile as well :"you know you can keep It, right? That sword may be good, but it's nowhere near as high quality and deadly as my dagger. It can do a better job at keeping you safe."

She shook her head with a smile before she grabbed my arm and forcefully put it inside my hand :"I know. And I'm really thankful and it really warms my heart that you care so much about me. But I would feel very bad if I took your mother's heirloom when I already have my own equipment. I already bought a new dagger, didn't I? I will ask for it if I need it, you have my word, Ashkim (my love)."

I nodded with a smile before I placed the dagger on the left side of my waist for my left hand to use :"alright then. I will trust your words. No matter how precious they are, they aren't as important as your safety and health. So be sure to tell me if you need any of my equipment."

She nodded back in response :"glad to hear that. Now, let's equip these leather greaves already. We should also go and buy some medicine in case we get injured." I nodded again before we both walked to a wall and wore the greaves.

And after equipping them, my health bar got a square added to it. Oh? I haven't told you? Yeah, also have a health bar. it's the same as Ezio's from Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood. It's a nice thing that lets me have a rather clear understanding of my condition.

Though because of my regeneration powers and me being careful to not get injured, it rarely goes down. Ezio also has a health bar, but because of her being a normal person, at least for now, only I see it and keep an eye out for her.

After both of us equipped our new armors and bought medicine for ourselves, we finally went back to see aunt Maria and Claudia as Ezio comforted them :"don't worry, we're only staying here for a little while."

Claudia :"I don't like it here. I want to go home." And have your head chopped off? Sigh, this girl can act so fucking spoilt sometimes. There is no need to worry about me and Ezio since we literally can't die, but you're screwed if you get caught.

Ezio :"sigh, I know." They left us alone once again as they walked away to probably their room. Me and Ezio walked to the room that had the "main mission" mark on my map and saw uncle Mario who immediately looked at us.

Ezio :"Salute (hello), uncle. We did as you asked."

Mario :"and quickly too. Ben fatto (well done)! Now let's teach you how to fight." But Ezio was still being stubborn and wanted the safety of her family before anything else :"No. as I said, we are leaving."

But uncle Mario was an Auditore as well, so he still didn't give up on trying to persuade her :"Ezio! You barely held your own against Vieri. You won't survive a week on the road. If you want to leave, so be it. But at least do so armed with the skills and knowledge necessary to defend yourselves. If not for me, for your mother and sister."

I looked at her as I gently grabbed and held her hand as I began to rub it comfortingly :"he's right, Ashkim (my love). We may have the weapons needed to aid our journey, but we don't have the skills that are necessary to use them as best as we should."

Ezio sighed with a serious look as she looked at me and uncle Mario :"fine."

Mario :"Ottimo (very good)!"


Some time later, we were on the training circle like field as Ezio and uncle Mario stood outside the ring while I was inside with one of uncle Mario's men a few meters in front of me. I had said that I wanted to go first so that Ezio can watch and learn first so that no problems can rise.

As Mario stood outside of the ring with Ezio, he started the training as he instructed me and Ezio on what to do :"you can swing a sword, to be sure. But offense alone will not carry a battle. You must survive long enough to strike. I will teach you how to dodge."

While I started training and practicing after uncle Mario told and taught me what to do, he and Ezio were having their own conversation with a volume that I could also hear :"you said my father was more than just a banker?"

Mario :"no use dancing around it, I suppose. Your father was an Assassin, Ezio."

Ezio :"I told you before: my father was a paper pusher."

Mario :"No. he was born and bred to kill."

Ezio :"I find this difficult to believe."

Mario :"what of the list you carry? Do you think it's merely a catalog of debts? It holds the names of those responsible for your father's murder."

As their little conversation ended, Mario didn't take his eyes off of me and neither did Ezio as she watched and learned. Just like how I did when the small "quickstep skill learned" flashed in my vision as Mario deemed it satisfactory and told Ezio to lean it.


As I stood inside of the fighting ring once again, uncle Mario got to instructing me and Ezio beside him once again :"bene (good). I've taught you how to avoid your enemy's attacks. Now you'll learn how to turn them to your advantage!"

Ezio :"all this talk of Assassins and Templars. It reeks of fantasy." Oh my love, if only you knew what fantasy is about. You have no idea how much of a fantasy element your lover's life has, do you, Ashkim (my love)?

Mario :"like something from an old parchment covered in arcane writing, perhaps?"

Ezio :"how did you know…?"

Mario :"you have your father's blade. I figured you'd have the codex page he was hiding as well."

Ezio :"codex?"

Mario :"sì (yes). A guide to the inner workings of the order, its origin, purpose and techniques. Our creed, if you will. Your father believed the codex contained a powerful secret. Something that would change the world. Perhaps it's why they came for him…"

Ezio :"Assassins, Templars, Codex pages… this is a lot to take in."

Mario :"you need to open your mind, Ezio. Always remember: Nothing is true, Everything is permitted.

"counter kill skill learned"


"you two are making fine progress, Ezio, Ali! Today I'm going to teach you how to position yourself in battle. Where you stand and how you move can make all the differences." As I got to training once again and also showed Ezio how to do it, they began to talk again.

Mario :"don't think I haven't seen you picking apart my library. I trust you believe me now?"

Ezio :"yes. My father was an Assassin. But why the need for such a secrecy?"

Mario :"are you familiar with the Templars? One of the several knightly orders d=formed during the Crusades. History teaches they were disbanded 200 years ago in France. Only they weren't. merely pushed underground where they continued their nefarious work."

Ezio :"what work?"

Mario :"the Templars seek dominion over man. And we, the Assassins, are sworn to stand against them."

Ezio :"was Uberto one of them?"

Mario :"yes."

Ezio :"and the other names on my father's list?"

Mario :"Templars as well."

Ezio :"that means Vieri…"

Mario :"just like his father, Francesco. Likely the entire Pazzi family."

Ezio :"sigh, it would explain may things..."