CH 31: {1st L} first time {L}

yo, what up, bitches?!so here is the first smut of this book, hope you all like it.

Warnings: soft dom Ali, fingering, titjob, blowjob, facial, eating out, fluff

words: 2.9K


I smiled warmly and with love at her as I gently grabbed her hand :"it would have cost a lot normally. But for you, just a kiss filled with love would suffice." She smiled happily in return and blushed a little as she moved closer and circled her arms around my neck before kissing me.

It has been a long time since we have known each other. We became lovers in 1476, when Ezio's father and brothers died. But since we came to Monteriggioni, two years have passed since uncle Mario began training us.

Our love for each other has only grown ever since then, especially because of me willing to stand by her side and protect her despite the dangers that she was, is and will be facing. But the situation didn't let the right time to take the final step to come.

So basically, we are just one step away from banging. As our lips connected, we put every bit of overwhelming love that we had for each other inside of the kiss. As we kissed I couldn't stop the lust that I had towards her body and quickly became a little hard.

I roughened up the kiss considerably and made it obvious that I had more intentions than just kissing from how hot the kiss had become. I swiped my lip over her bottom lip and gently tugged on it to make her open her mouth.

She gave a low whimper that did not help my dick that was getting harder by the second at all. When she finally opened her mouth for me, I immediately invaded her mouth with my tongue and looked for her tongue.

After a little while of our tongues dancing a lustful dance, I parted our lips when we really needed oxygen. As I looked at her half open eyes and charming blush, I gave a growl of lust and hunger as I tightened my hold around her tiny waist :"let's go to my room."

The way wasn't that long, but our rooms were on the top floor, so the way for the impatient me felt like a fucking eternity as I pulled her by her hand to my room. After finally reaching my room, I closed the door before turning to her again and immediately going back to her lips.

As I parted my lips from hers once again, I looked at her blushing face with lust unhidden in my eyes. I moved my hand lower and grabbed on to her Assassin's clothes as I said with a deep, growl like voice :"Ezio, can I?"

The blush on her face grew even deeper as she looked at my eyes while panting and nodded. I smirked as I also panted slightly and started to undress her :"oh, my love, I'm going to take you for the ride of your life."

After finally opening up her front, I spread her shirt which let her big breasts get the freedom they deserved. And damn boy were they big! I smirked as I bit my bottom lip hard and brought my hand up to gently caress her big boobs :"damn, my love, you were hiding these beautiful girls from me all this time?"

She blushed as she looked away with a shy expression :"d-don't talk like t-that…" I smirked at her bashfulness as I gently squeezed, making her moan gently before covering her mouth with her hand. But I obviously didn't like that, so I grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her hand away from her mouth.

I growled as I looked at her with lust filled eyes :"don't cover your mouth, I want to hear your beautiful moans." I stopped talking then as I slowly lowered my head and kissed her nipple. She moaned as her breathing became faster and gently grabbed onto my hair.

Her nipple started to become hard while in my mouth as I kissed and sucked on the beautiful meat before licking it and brought my hand to her other breast as I started to gently caress, rub and pinch it.

Her moans started to become louder and deeper as her nipples became completely hard while in my mouth and between my fingers. Noticing that her legs are getting weak because of me, the ultimate incubus pleasuring her, I let go of her nipples before I straightened my back and picked her up bridal style.

I placed her topless body on the bed as she panted and immediately reached out to me once I let go of her and stood up. I chuckled deeply as she held on to my collar with begging eyes :"don't worry, Ashkim (my love), just enjoy the show."

After saying that, I grabbed her wrist and gently guided it away from my body before getting up from the bed and starting to undress. After taking off my jacket and then my top, I noticed how her mouth watered at the sight of my strong abs.

I chuckled in my deep voice as I looked down on her like she's my prey :"what? See something you like, Ashkim (my love) (Ashkim (my love))?" she blushed and looked away after cleaning the drool from the corner of her lips. I chuckled again as I moved to the bed again and got on top of her before kissing her passionately once again.

I then moved lower slowly as I kissed her cheek, chin, neck, chest, stomach and then grabbed onto her pants before I looked up at her for permission. She smiled softly at my thoughtfulness before nodding.

I then undress her bottom as I moved my hands to her back and brought the pants down along with her underwear. She blushed as she brought her hand down to cover herself, but I grabbed onto her hands and kept them away as I looked at her beautiful, wet pussy :"whoa, Ashkim (my love) (my love), you're so wet for me."

I brought my lips closer and kissed her wet pussy, making her moan out loud before I licked my lips :"mmm, so delicious. Just let yourself enjoy the feeling, my love." I said before swiping my finger over her slit and then gently pushing it inside her tight hole :"fuck, you're tight, baby. We're going to take our time before you are prepared to take me in."

As I continued to finger her, I crawled up to her as I kissed her nipple and started sucking on it again while she moaned. She started to shake and twitch in my embrace after a little as she whimpered out between moans :"I-I'm- mmm, I'm cumming! Fuck, I'm going to cum!"

I had already added a second finger, but she still needed one more to be able to take my dick in. so I added a third finger as she moaned out and started to finger her faster as the palm of my hand also stimulated her clit. After a few seconds, she screamed out which probably no one heard since we were at the top floor and squirted with a strong force.

I continued to gently finger her to get her down from her high as I kissed her lips and cooed beside her :"good girl. So good for me. You did awesome for me, Ashkim (my love). Come here." After she came down from her high but still was twitching a little from her powerful orgasm, I brought my hand up with a hunger :"just look at the mess you've made on my hand."

I smirked as she blushed and looked away while panting. I brought my hand to my mouth and started to lick my fingers which had all of her juices on clean as I purred out :"mmm, so fucking delicious."

She blushed as she saw my action but couldn't look away as I gently grabbed her chin and held her head in place before kissing her passionately, letting her taste herself on my tongue. As I parted our lips to let her breath again, she looked up at me with half open eyes of lust and a little tiredness.

She looked at me and whimpered out :"now it's your turn to feel good. I'm all prepared for you, so make me feel good again, Ashkim (my love)." Seeing her care, I smiled softly before smirking at her after pecking her lips.

I moved down and between her parted legs, and when she looked down at the bulge in my pants, her eyes grew wide as she gulped. I smirked devilishly as I unbuckled my belt and lowered my pants a little before grabbing my hard cock which was forced to go down on one of my legs and pulled it out.

I held the base and slapped it on her pussy, making her flinch as I smirked proudly at her scared but horny expression at my 12 inch cock :"you think you are ready to take all of this in, baby?"

She started to tremble a little which made me feel bad for her, so I rubbed her legs soothingly and kissed her beautiful knee :"how about this, since you are still too tight to take my dick, heck you might hardly take the head in, so why don't you make me cum some other way?"

She let out a sigh of relief before she looked at me with an adorable tilt of her head indicating her confusion :"alright, but how?" I guided her knees down and made her legs straight with a malicious smirk that made her gulp.

I moved up and positioned myself a little lower than her big boobs before I slapped my big dick on her tits :"well, you will do it by squeezing my dick with your huge breasts, Ashkim (my love)." She gulped a pout :"you pervert… fine. Do whatever you want."

I chuckled as I parted her huge boobs a little and positioned my dick between them before squeezing and sandwiching it there as I lowered myself a little :"fuck~ this feels so damn good, Ashkim (my love). Your huge boobs are so fucking soft around my dick but firm enough to feel heavenly."

I grabbed her wrists and brought them to her chest as I growled and made my blushing lover squeeze her own tits together :"here, squeeze my dick with your big breasts, love." As I lowered myself just enough to not actually sit on her, I began to move back and forward as I fucked her tits.

She also looked down at my dick with an embarrassed but horny expression the entire time. But I wanted to feel more, so I grabbed onto her head and beautiful, soft hair as I moved her face closer to my dick.

Her eyes went wide with surprise as she looked up at me with surprise before I said in growl like, low moans and pants :"fuck, *pant* suck on it, love. *pant* suck on it like a good girl and make me feel even better."

She pursed her lips in a pout, but opened her mouth and I pushed the tip of my giant cock inside of her pretty little mouth. She was still a virgin and of course didn't know what she had to do, so I guided her :"lick all around it with your tongue. Fuck… especially the back of the tip."

As she got to it and began to suck on it like a good girl while I fucked her tits, it went on for a little bit before I finally felt that I was reaching the edge :"fuck, gonna cum, baby. Gonna paint and mark all over your face and chest with my cum."

After a little while of me moving like that, I finally took out my dick from her mouth and came all over her face as I bit my lip with a growl and closed my eyes shut. After still moving a little to chase my own high, I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me with one eye half open as the other was closed with cum on it.

She looked so fucking gorgeous with my cum all over her. I smirked as I looked at my lover who was panting with my cum on her cheeks and lips before bringing my hand to her face and gently caressing her lip :"taste it, Ashkim (my love). You should get used to it, because even though I don't look like it most of the time, I'm quite a lustful and horny person. So we will probably do this quite a lot in the future."

She parted her trembling lips and licked some of my cum before she reluctantly swallowed it, she must have thought that it will taste bad, but her eyes went wide when she actually tasted mine :"it tastes good?! But all the girls who had done it said it tasted bad! Yours tastes sweet!"

I smiled proudly at the passive effect of my ultimate incubus form brought :"well, my body is quite special. Couldn't you tell by the sheer size of this rod of mine right here? Hahaha." She blushed as I slapped my cock on her tits :"hmph, who would have known you were such a pervert?"

I smirked maliciously as I looked down on her and looked back at her cunt :"you're calling me the pervert here? I know how lustful I am, but you who got so wet again by just sucking on my cock aren't too bright either."

She quickly closed her legs to try and hide how wet she had become, but I chuckled before looked back and grabbing her chin :"clean up my cum and eat all of it. I want to see you enjoy the taste of my essence."

She blushed before bringing her trembling hand up to her face and bring every bit of my cum to her tongue before licking her hands clean and swallowing it. After she cleaned herself up, I smiled hungrily with a still hard cock that would never go down unless I wanted it to since I was the ultimate Incubus :"good girl. You're such a good girl for me. And what do good girls get? They get rewards. And you are gonna get yours."

She had a look of confusion, but that quickly turned to one of shock when I quickly went back to down on her and spread her legs before moving my face to her pussy. She had already came, but me cumming had taken quite a while, so she had already calmed down.

But instead of fingering her, I put my lips around her clit and started sucking on it, making her let out moans loud, almost scream like moans at the feeling. As her legs started twitching and trembling, I put them over my shoulders and held them in place as I moved my mouth down and fucked her with my tongue while nudging her clit with my nose.

The pleasure was too much and came too fast this time, so she was reaching the edge really quickly this time. She was more sensitive because of consuming my cum as well, so she screamed out before cumming inside my mouth :"fuck, I'm cumming again…!"

I happily swallowed all of her delicious juices and helped her come down her high as I moved my tongue some more. I gave her beautiful pussy one last lick, making her shiver and throw her head back for who knows how many times before I crawled up and laid down beside her.

I covered us up so we wouldn't get cold as I kissed her forehead :"did that feel good, Ashkim (my love)?" she smiled weakly at me as she nodded tiredly :"yes, the best I have ever felt. Thank you, my love, and I'm sorry."

I looked at her sad expression at the end of her sentence with a calming face as I caressed her cheek :"why are you apologizing? I felt really good too. You saw for yourself." She shook her head :"not that, I know you felt good. But I'm apologizing for the fact that we couldn't really "sleep" together."

I smiled as I chuckled and kissed her cheek again :"baby, if someone has to apologize here, it should be me. You are just a virgin who has never been touched, it's reasonable that you are really tight. But I'm too big for you, so we have take our time to get you used to me.

And besides! Don't feel so bad about it! After all, you are giving me an excuse for us to do this even more~" I said as I winked at her with a teasing smile. She blushed again as she brought the cover up and hid her face under it :"pervert…"

I chuckled again as I kissed her fingers which were out because of her grabbing the covers :"yes, yes, I'm a pervert. I love you too." She uncovered herself as she kissed my lips and smiled gently and warmly :"I love you too. And you may be a pervert, but you are my pervert."

I smiled back full of happiness and a little tear of happiness in my eyes as I kissed her strongly again before both of us rested with me big spooning her and falling o the land of sleep.