CH 52: {2nd L} Fluff and Smut {L}

Warnings: fluff, dom Ali, sub Ezio, dirty talk, pet names, boobjob, blowjob, short smut.


"Daa! Ahahaha!" Gabriel giggled as Ali held him on his lap and tickled him with a smile that was oozing off fondness.

He couldn't help but chuckle as gently tickled and played with his son :"aww, who's a good boy? Who's my adorable and smart son? It's you, Gabriel, it's you!"

Gabriel giggled even louder as he thrashed around on his father's lap :"hahahaha! Daa! Ahahaha!"

With a light chuckle, Ali stopped tickling his son and gave him a chance to catch his breath as Ali let Gabriel hold his pinky.

Whenever he looked at his son, he couldn't stop the smile that would appear on his face. He just loved his family so much, and Gabriel was the proof of his love for Ezio.

Said Ezio was sitting on a fancy and comfortable couch a little away while looking at the father and son with gentle and loving eyes.

There was a book in her hand, but she couldn't focus on reading it when her husband and child were so distracting.

She looked at the clock on the wall and let out a gentle hum :"okay, my love, give Gabriel to me. It's time for me to breastfeed him."

Ali nodded with a smile :"up we go!" Gabriel giggled again as they suddenly gained height. Ali walked towards Ezio and sat down next to Ezio.

"Ecco qui (Here you go), Ashkim (my love)." He gently raised Gabriel so Ezio could take him from his arms.

And Gabriel certainly didn't seem to have a problem with going into his mother's embrace as he reached out to her :"maa!"

Ezio chuckled as she grabbed him and brought him to her embrace with a fond smile :"hello there, my son. Are you hungry? Well, luckily for you, it's time for your food."

She started unbuttoning her top before she completely freed her huge breasts and brought Gabriel to her nipple.

As Gabriel latched his mouth to her nipple, Ezio sat there with a gentle and loving smile on her gorgeous face.

However, Ali was about to drool as he looked at her big breasts. Her assets were always big, but after getting pregnant, they had somehow gotten even bigger!

While Ezio gently swung Gabriel in her arms with her eyes closed as she sang a humming tone to relax her child, Ali raised his hand gently pushed on the free nipple.

Ezio flinched, shivered and gasped as milk came out of her other nipple and Ali picked it up with his index finger before putting it in his mouth :"mmm, dolce come sempre (as sweet as always)."

If her hands weren't occupied with holding Gabriel, she would've definitely slapped his arm. But since she was unable to, she just shot him a glare :"stop that, it's the middle of the day."

A deep chuckle left Ali's throat as he tilted his head with an evil glint in his eyes :"oh? Ma non vedo come questo sia un motivo per fermarmi (But I don't see how that is any reason for me to stop)."

As he spoke, his voice got lower and lower as he placed his lips on her neck and started kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin.

Ezio's glare immediately disappeared as her breath hitched in her throat and tilted her head to give Ali more space :"m-my love, please, not now.

Bianca is cleaning the dishes in another room. And it's still Gabriel's meal time, so we can't do it right now."

Another deep chuckle escaped Ali's mouth as he didn't stop kissing her neck :"oh please, you're talking as if Bianca hasn't heard your moans.

My love, she literally lives with us. And with how loud you are in bed, I'm definitely sure that she has heard you."

Ezio blushed a deep shade of crimson as she moaned gently :"a-at least wait till Gabriel h-has finished drinking, alright? Then I'm all yours, my love."

Ali grinned as he gently bit her neck before kissing her red cheek and pulling back to lay back on the soft couch :"va bene allora, aspetterò fino ad allora (alright then, I will wait till then)."

Ezio focused on calming down as Ali picked up the book that she was reading previously and started reading it himself.

Ali wasn't a stingy person when it came to spending money for himself or for his family, but he was annoyed with how expensive books could be.

He bought just this single book for over a thousand florins! If there wasn't a guide on world domination in this damn book, he would rage on that merchant's ass.

That was how the short time passed, with Ali reading the book nonchalantly and Ezio feeding the baby with a blush on her face.

After around 10 to 30 minutes, Ezio deems it enough and stops feeding the baby. As she pulls Gabriel away, she holds the sleepy child up for Ali to take :"here, hold him for a little."

Ali nodded with a small smile as he put the book aside and held Gabriel gently in his muscular arms.

Ezio fixed her bra and shirt up before she got up and picked up Gabriel from Ali's arms. The couple didn't make any sounds so that their child would drift into a comfortable sleep.

The door to Gabriel's room was open, so Ezio just walked in to see Bianca cleaning the room with a smile.

Bianca was a middle aged and a little fat lady. She always had a small smile on her face in the house.

She was literally whatever you would imagine when thinking of the gentle mother of an orphanage, kind and caring.

Her husband had gotten injured, so she was working as a maid while her children were taking care of her husband.

She originally wanted it to be a small-time job that would end after her husband recovered, but working for the Ashborne family was truly a comfortable and well- paid job.

She didn't need to do anything exaggerated, just clean the house and take care of the baby when the husband and wife were out.

Even serving them was comfortable, because both the husband and the wife were truly polite people.

So seeing that the work was so easy yet so well paid, she discussed it with her family and they agreed that she will continue working for them.

Seeing that Ezio walked inside the room with the sleepy Gabriel in her arms, Bianca smiled at the two :"aww, is Gabriel about to sleep? Such a cute child."

Ezio nodded with a gentle smile before the blush resurfaced :"yes... Me and Ali were planning on doing somethin-"

But just as she was talking, Ali's loud voice, but not loud enough to wake Gabriel up came :"by she means that I'm going to do her, not something!"

Ezio's blush grew deeper as Bianca laughed and waved her hand :"it's okay, Ms Ashborne, it's okay. You two are so young, so you should have fun while it lasts! Don't worry, I will just clean the room while you two have your "fun", no need to worry about me."

Ezio nodded with a red face before she put Gabriel on his bed and walked back to the living room.

But she didn't see any signs of Ali there. The book that he was reading was just thrown on the couch without a care in the world.

'Maybe he went to our room...' Ezio thought as she made her way to their room to see the door slightly open.

"Dear? Are you... Here..." Just as she spoke when she opened the door, the words died up in her throat as she almost drooled at the sight.

Her husband, naked on the king sized bed without a care in the world as his cock which was nearly as big and long as an adult man's arm was standing tall and proud.

With a cocky and smug smirk on his face and his hands behind his head, Ali raised an eyebrow at her :"are you going to just stand there and stare? Or are you going to join me?"

Even though she had seen Ali's glorious manhood numerous times, Ezio's mouth was as dry as the desert as she gulped down nothing.

She closed the door behind her and locked it before she walked towards the bed with nothing but pure lust in her eyes as she stripped down.

Ali's monstrosity twitched as he watched his MILF of a lover get rid of her clothes and sway her child bearing hips left and right before she got on the soft bed.

She got on hands and knees as she crawled towards Ali who was at the center of the giant bed :"you are really raring to go, huh, Ali?"

Ali chuckled deeply as she wrapped a hand around his manhood and bit her lip as she felt his pulse in her hand :"baby, I'm always raring to go when I'm with you.

Hai solo quel tipo di effetto su di me (You just have that kind of effect on me). You should be thankful that I don't start fucking you whenever you take your giant tits out."

Ezio smirked lustfully as she gave a passionate kiss to the tip of Ali's dick :"I guess I should reward you then for being so considerate. Just lay back and relax while I take care of you with your favorite tits~."

Ali bit his bottom lip and growled as Ezio sandwiched his member between her tits and started bringing them up and down on his cock :"fuck~, that feels fucking amazing, my love."

As she held her tits together, she sucked on Ali's cock at the same time. His member was large enough to poke outside even when her tits were sandwiching it.

While squeezing his member with her breasts, her milk also leaked out. Feeling the mix of soft flesh and milk rubbing up and down on his manhood, Ali gently laid his head back with a grin as he bit his bottom lip :"fucking hell, that's it, my love. That's it. Go ahead and satisfy daddy with everything you have."

However, just that wasn't enough for Ali. He wanted to feel her velvety walls squeeze on his manhood like there is no tomorrow.

So he placed his hand on her head and tried to pull her back. But she didn't want to let go of his member as she continued sucking on it like it was the most delicious food in the world.

Ali couldn't help but chuckle sadistically as he grabbed her hair and pulled her back by force. However, she didn't show any signs of pain.

She panted as she looked at him with doe eyes of lust as her mouth hung open :"hahaha, aww, cock drunk already, my good little whore? Don't worry, I will stuff my pretty slut with her favorite cock right now. Lay down on your back, whore~."

Ezio didn't need to be told twice as she quickly moved to where he was laying down as she laid down.

Ali sat down between her spread legs and smirked as he swiped a finger on her wet slit, causing her to let out a light moan as she arched her back :"so wet for me. How can you not be a whore when you get this wet from just sucking me off?"

Ezio bit her bottom lip at the dirty talking as she spread her legs even more and brought a hand down to spread her folds :"dear, darling, please don't tease me...

P-please just fuck me... Fuck me like I'm your good slut, I can't wait for you to fill me up with your giant cock."

Ali licked his lips as he slapped his manhood on her folds, causing another gasp to escape Ezio's lips :"with pleasure, my darling of a whore~."