I'm sorry...

Hello, everyone. I'm seriously sorry for just sending another "Notice" chapter, but it's seriously important. You see, I've made a decision, I will focus only on 2 of my stories from now on and won't update any other stories for a while.

I'm not dropping any of them, they will be on hiatus, that's all. You see, 1 chapter a week is too slow. That's only 48, that's way too low. All of my stories would need 2 or 3 years at least then. That's why, I will no longer post any of my books other than these two for some time:

Majesty's journey 1: In douluo dalu just for Bibi Dong) Because I've posted nearly 200 chapters, and is probably the book that I will finish the fastest.

Majesty's Journey 6: living Omnitrix in MCU) Because it's based off of the movies, it will also be finished rather fast.

Majesty's Journey 2: Natasha's Symbiote in Marvel) This one will only be from time to time, not like the two above where I will update daily or a chapter every two days.

Again, I'm seriously sorry for the news, but I hope you understand.