Arrival at the Shivneri Fort

In the morning, the cavalry of Jadhav-rao was standing in front of the mansion. Bhosle Soldiers were standing at the side. Balkrushna Hanumante, Shaamrao Neelkanth, Raghunath Ballal, Korade were at the mansion's door. One prestigious palanquin was lying at the first square. Jijau touched Vishvas-rao and Lakhuji-rao's feet and went inside the palanquin.

the palanquin and the company began to move towards the fort. soldier's on the horses were moving in front and back of the carriage. Lakhuji, and Vishvas-rao was walking on the side each. Horses stopped at the bottom of the fort. Lakhuji got off the house. Vishvas-rao said.

"Horses can climb the fort."

"yes, but the way is by stairs. palanquin won't be comfortable."

the palanquin was climbing the fort. sixty years old Lakhuji-rao was leaning on the palanquin.

fort's first gate crossed. after crossing the 'Elephant Gate' Jijau looked back, the junnar town looked magnificent. ascend had begun after the 'Pir Gate'. Lakhuji was moving while muttering 'slowly,' 'slowly.' there was just 'kui' kui' sound of the palanquin that could be heard. The palanquin turned towards the 'Shivai' Shrine after crossing the 'Shivabai Gate'. Palanquin stopped at the temple. after the palanquin touched the ground, curtains were moved sideways. Jija-bai asked.

"fort's here?"

"Jiu," Lakhuji-rao said, "pray to Shivai first; then we will go."

Jija-bai came out of the palanquin. she looked towards the shrine. Jija-bai observed the Goddess's shrine in front of her and went ahead. servants went with plates filled with different things required for prayers. Lakhuji-rao and Vishvas-rao came after.

Vishvas-rao said after entering the shrine.

"Your ladyship, it is believed that if you wish something here it will not go to waste."

Jija-bai took Goddess's offering. Lakhuji said while standing up.

"Daughter, will you do one thing?" suddenly changing his thought he said. "will tell, I will tell later."

noon was about to be begin when everyone reached the fort. gunpowder's warehouse came by while going toward the mansion. the palanquin finally stopped after arriving at the mansion. Jijau was observing the fort. Lakhuje said while pointing at the mountain range.

"Jiu, don't think you're alone. there's the 'Lenyadri' mountain range in front. why fear when you have such protection?"

Lakhuji-rao prepared to leave after escorting Jijau. he teared up when Jijau touched his feet. bringing her closer he wiped his eyes.

"Daughter, are you silly? even if your husband doesn't invite me I will still come to see my grandson. that reminds me, Lakhuji removed a pouch from his waist and gave it in Jijau's hands. he said. "this is one hundred one 'hone'¹. at the shrine, will tell later... I had said. at that time I did a 'navas.²' after the child is born, offer this to the goddess. Daughter, you have my blessings. by goddess's grace, your child may finish all the past karma. your head will always be raised high when you look at his face. no sorrow will come near your heart. don't worry. we shall meet later someday again³"

after he come out of the mansion, Naro Mitral, Hanumante, and Gomaji Naaik bowed.

"capable people like you lot are here so I'm not worried. take care."

"Ji⁴" Naaik said.

Lakhuji-rao's gaze turned towards Vishvas-rao.

"Vishvas-rao, I cannot repay your debt in a lifetime... but if you don't mind..."

"no, don't say anything more. believe me and be relieved."

"if not yourself, then who else do I believe? if there's any trouble then send word."

everyone bowed again. Vishvas-rao went to escort Lakhuji-rao for some steps. The castle guards were patrolling while observing the vicinity. The sun was above the head.

1 - 'hone' is that time's currency

2 - 'navas' is when one swears to the gods to do a specific thing for their wish, or just some event to be completed without trouble.

3 - in India when leaving we say "see you again" rather than "I'm going, or I'm leaving"

the motive is that one needs to be alive and well to meet again... get it?

4 - 'Ji' means 'yes'