|NYPD building| 12:45pm|:

"Ma'am,you have to cooperate with me. You have no driver's license and proof of ownership of that vehicle.

If truly it's your father's car,why don't you call him on the phone,hm?" The commish said.

I was in the commissioner's office,sitting behind a desk with him sitting across it and in front of me.I frowned."I can't. It's useless.

"He sighed.

"Young adults of these days be acting delinquent on purpose.

You have a Bentley Bentayga in your possession and you are being adamant about telling us your name and how you acquired such car. Not only,you drove at a speed of 190km/h..."

"You forgot to add the fact that two policemen man handled me!"He slammed the desk.

"And That's because you proved stubborn!"

I scowled,holding his heated gaze. His phone suddenly rang,he took it out of his pocket,swiping to pick.


He suddenly froze,staring at me with panic in his eyes."We are so sorry,sir.

It was a misunderstanding. It won't happen again. We will release her now."I stared at him,not understanding what was going on. I was suddenly released and told to be on my way. It was like drama before my eyes. I left the building,still trying to process what just happened.

I saw the Bentley parked in a corner with a very tall and burly man on dark shades,leaning against the car door,he was busy scrolling down his phone. He was wearing formal clothes.

A black long sleeved shirt with some buttons left undone,giving you a slight glimpse of his chest.

Sleeves rolled up to his elbows,black trousers and a pair of black balmoral boots. He had a gold watch,worn on his left wrist and his neck was adorned with a gold chain.

I looked closely,walking slowly to the car. He lifted his head up to look at me,taking off the shades.When I saw his face,I was shocked beyond comprehension.

"Jake? You... what are doing here?"He smiled.

"I came to get my baby girl. Isn't that what all daddies do?"I should have known,the sudden fear on the commissioner's face. He was the one who made that call to have me released.I began asking myself this question.Who is this guy?.


I was standing in front of him, thinking of what to say. I kept staring into his eyes and they were smiling at me.

"You shouldn't have come here, I can handle it" I said.His countenance changed like that of a mood swing as his eyes looked down my body.

He grabbed my hand, lifting it up to have a look at my wrists. It was then, I saw that the place the handcuffs were, had reddened.

He scowled.

"Did those policemen do this to you?" He asked."

It is fine, Jake. I was being stubborn and they had to use force. It's nothing, really. I was...

"His eyebrows twitched."Let me go have a word with the commissioner."I saw the anger in his eyes, I quickly blocked his path, stopping him from leaving."No! Don't do that.

I said it's fine. It was my fault and I was resisting arrest."He furrowed his brows at me."That shouldn't warrant them to bruise you. No matter what, they shouldn't..."

"Jake, it's fine! Can you just listen to me?!!" I snapped.

He was taken aback as my outburst took him by surprise."I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you." I said.

The anger in his eyes disappeared as though he submitted to me. His eyes softened."Why are stopping me from hurting those who tried to hurt you?"I sighed, stroking my arm gently.

"They were only doing their jobs. I am the one who got all hard to deal with and they had to use any means possible.

"Jake gave me a solemn stare, observing me for a long while.

"You visited that hospital, the hospital Steve's in, right?", He suddenly asked,I went cold immediately.

Cold shivers ran down my spine, making my shook with fear.He took a step closer, almost closing the gap between the two of us.

"Did I not tell you something about having any intimate moment with any other man asides me?"I gulped, averting my gaze."I didn't..."He grabbed me by the neck.

My body jerked to the swift movement."Don't lie to me. Don't even hide anything from me. Don't pretend and lastly, look me in the eye when answering me. What should be touching your lips everyday is the truth, my lips and my cock...

"Sooo lewd!."...

did you or did you not visit Steve at the hospital?"I nodded out of fear."Yes, I did. Let go of my neck, Jake. You are embarrassing me."

"You didn't touch him, did you?" He glared, his eyes had this darkness in them.

"I..." I swallowed hard, praying to God in my heart for help,"... we hugged but nothing happened, it was just a friendly hug."

"And you were wearing this in front of him, right?"I held his wrist, trying to take his hand off my neck.

He tightened his hold gently.

"Answer me!!!" He snapped, shaking me violently.

"Yes! Yes, I was.

Nothing happened, Jake. I swear to you!!"He let go of my neck."If you love his life that much, then don't ever see him again. Don't even answer his calls or go on any date with him.

Don't visit him, and he shouldn't visit you. Don't receive any kind of gift from him and more importantly, don't hug him ever again. Am I understood?"I nodded, holding his gaze.

His eyes raked my body slowly, before looking up and into my eyes."If you ever come in contact with him again, I will butcher him in front of you.

Now get in the car,I'm taking you out on a shopping spree."I frowned, looking away."I don't wanna go on any shopping spree."He suddenly grabbed my arm, dragging me towards the door of the passenger seat. I looked up to see he was frowning.

Is he angry at me?.

He opened the door, shoving me roughly into the car.

He latched my seat belt and then, he slammed the door at me. My heart was beating rapidly as I watched him move round the vehicle. He opened the door and then he moved in.

"We going out tomorrow evening. Even though I am going to be standing in as your bodyguard, you are my date for that night and afterwards, I am taking you home and I am going to fuck the life out of you..."

I was completely astounded.


Y-You are not that serious. Are you, Jake?"

He started the engine.

"If I can't stop you from going against me, then I have to imprint on you. I don't want to share you with any man and I don't want any man to taste the sweetness of your innocent, fresh nectar.

Only I alone, should."

He is insane!!!"You are a very strange man! How can you be saying these things as though I am an object that was bought by you?!!"

I snapped.He chuckled, tilting his head to the side to look at me."I own you, Rachel. I can do whatever I want with you.

If you don't like it, then, take your life. You can't do it, you love everything life has to offer.

Be loyal to me and I will do right by you."I can't believe this guy. What the hell is he saying?.What's all this piled up balderdash?."And what do I gain from it instead of this kinda torture?"

He smiled.

"Protection, a wealthy lifestyle and the benefits of having a powerful boyfriend."That frigging smile that portrayed him as some type of harmless person.

I looked away from him with anger brewing inside me.

What the hell did I get myself into?.

A brief discussion with this man at that gallery, led to this situation that I can't even deal with.

My father isn't half as deadly as this guy.You could straight up know what my father is up to.

Very predictable and could be easily swayed.

But this guy... nothing at all makes sense about him. One minute, he is all smiles and showing you he cares and adores you. The next minute, he turns into a deadly, defiant predator.

Many personalities in one body.I need to be more careful.

Running away from him will be very difficult. It looks as though, I have been kept under surveillance because, he knows my every move.

At this point, I am in a very small and stuffy four cornered room, with no windows or doors and definitely, no means of escape.

The walls are made of hard concrete and it will be hard to break it or dig through it.

If I am going to be able to release myself from this bondage, I have to think outside the box.

I glanced at him with my side eye as he drove on the busy street. I have to bid myself some time and just keep doing whatever he wants.

With time, surely... surely I will show him.

All I can say is, he is my archenemy now..... We got to a really famous boutique and when we entered, Katie, his personal shopper was sitting on a couch, reading a magazine.

A lady stood behind a counter, busy on her laptop.

"Katie?" He called.

She looked up. When she saw him, quickly dropped the magazine on the seat, getting up abruptly."Bonsoir Monsieur! Oh my handsome, kind boss.

You look so cutie cute cute today..." she said, hastily walking to where he stood. Her peculiar French accent ringing out."... you are getting bigger by the day.

Ooooooh! Just look at your cheeks..." she began dragging his cheeks out with her fingers.

I felt like laughing. Jake on the other hand, didn't seem to bother,"... still, you are darn handsome." She was beaming with smiles.

He flashed her a smile"Bonsoir Katie, someone is obviously standing beside me.

"She stared at him blankly, tilting her head to the side to look at me.

"Oh my word! The boss's girlfriend?!!..." she held my hand, kissing it immediately.

GIRLFRIEND?!!!I felt like puking.