Chapter Twelve

It was six fifty nine in the morning.

The bus had already arrived at the borders of Lonesprings and was now headed to a nearby bus stop.

Caitlin woke up after a cold, long night and very uncomfortable sleep. Her neck hurt from the odd position she had slept. Most of the passengers were fast asleep, so it was incredibly quiet in the bus.

Sultan was also asleep. His ears were very cold and she rubbed them gently to keep him warm.

"Oh Sultan….i hope you don't catch a cold." she said silently as she adjusted his head on her thighs. It was an hour ride to the bus stop and when they arrived, it was seven fifty eight already. Sultan had woken up and they alighted the bus. They were both shaky and exhausted. Caitlin couldn't wait to get a good rest on a soft, warm and comfy bed.

They took a taxi into town and Caitlin had already done some research on the best places to get a place in the city at affordable prices. One of them was greenwood, a small town in the forest areas of Lonesprings state, but very lively and beautiful.

The houses and scenery were perfect. As they rode into greenwood, Caitlin was grateful that she chose such a beautiful place. They arrived in one of the neighborhoods and it wasn't very difficult to find a house on rent. It was a small bungalow towards the woods. There were beautiful trees and flowers, the grass was low and green and the air was fresh. There was a beautiful pond just beside the house and it made it look so natural and beautiful.

The owner of the house had been in desperate search for a tenant and now there was one. He was a middle aged man named Mr Mcgray and he was very happy to get such friendly looking tenants.

"I'm so glad to finally have a tenant here. I've been hoping to get one for quite a long time now!" he beamed as he showed Caitlin around the house. Sultan had already warmed up to the environment and was chasing lizards and butterflies around.

"My…what an adorable little boy you have!"

"Thank you Mr Mcgray. I'm grateful for this beautiful house you've given us, and at such a cheap price. You have no idea how much this means to us."

"Ah don't sweat it. Just doing my job as a friendly house owner. You don't have to worry about any damages in the house. Everything is fixed and ready to go. I also made sure there's always water, gas and electricity here, as long as you pay the bills, that is."

Caitlin smiled sweetly.

"Thank you so much sir. Why don't you stay and have some tea? It's quite cold here."

"Oh no my dear you just arrived and i don't want to disturb you. Make yourself comfortable. My wife and I will stop by some other time."

"Alright then. Thanks once again."

She waved at him as he got into his car and left. She turned to watch Sultan chase the butterflies.

"Sultan….we've barely unpacked and you're already playing around." she giggled.

"There's so many butterflies here mommy!" he beamed so adorably.

"Well you can chase them later. Come have a hot bath and let's eat something."

They went into their new house.

Kane sat in his study. He was in thoughts for quite a long while, then he turned to look at the beautiful bouquet of rose flowers he had bought. He had planned to give them to Caitlin and he was determined to make her see the good side of him, not the bad side that hurt her three years ago and abandoned her. That side of him had died long ago and he wanted her to know that.

Just then, Darian knocked and came in.

"Those are very lovely flowers sir…do you think that she'd accept them?"

"I'm not sure…but it's worth a try. I want her to know that I'm not the same man that hurt her. I've changed and I've realized my mistakes. I want her to let me be with my son….our son."

Darian was surprised to hear him say that. In his years of serving Kane, he had never seen him so humbled and sincere.

He had always been a man with high ego and great lust for women. He dated so many women and broke each one's heart. To him, it was the best way to live.

He knew that those women would do anything to get an incredibly wealthy and handsome young man like him, so he took advantage of that for his pleasure. But after his encounter with Caitlin, his life changed. There was something about her that touched his heart. The way she cried….the way she pleaded….he didn't know. He couldn't fathom it.

Darian also suspected that his master was starting to develop feelings for Caitlin. Ever since he found out that she had a son for him, he just changed completely.

He was quite grateful that his boss had turned a new leaf, and he was glad that he didn't have to do the dirty work of covering up his crimes against women any more. He hoped against all odds that Caitlin would learn to forgive him and if possible, accept him into her life and they could be together.

After giving it much thought, he decided to go for it. He dressed up nicely and took the gifts he had for Caitlin and Sultan. He had bought some really expensive toys for him and he couldn't wait to see him again.

He rode alone this time to her apartment. When he arrived, he went up the stairs to her doorstep and knocked but there was no response. His heart was pounding now. He didn't know how she would react when she saw him. He knocked again but still no response. He knocked several times but still no one.

He tried to peek from the window but they had been closed shut and covered with curtains. That's odd. No one would keep their windows and curtains down like this if they were around. Maybe they went out somewhere, he thought. He decided to wait a while, but no one showed up. He grew impatient and decided to ask a neighbor.

As he went down the stairs, he bumped into a young woman who lived in the apartment below Caitlin's.

"I'…so sorry! Pardon me….!" she said but suddenly stopped with a loud gasp when she looked up at him. Her eyes widened with each stare. Was she staring at a god?! her heart almost exploded.

"Excuse me…I'm looking for Miss Caitlin. Do you have any idea where she may be?" he asked but she was too busy gaping at his extreme handsomeness. He had to pat her shoulder to snap her out of her wild fantasies.

"Oh….what was that?!"

"I'm here to see Miss Caitlin but she's not around…do you have any idea of her whereabouts?"

"No…Miss Caitlin isn't coming back here." she said, trying to avoid those beautiful, dark, stormy and piercing eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"She left yesterday…i think. She moved out."

Kane was shocked.

"Moved out?! Where?!"

"I don't know….no one knows. We only found out that she moved out last night."

Kane was truly shocked. The young woman still gaped at him with hungry eyes.

"Alright…thank you." he said and walked past her. She turned to watch him leave.

"Ooh la la.…that's the hottest man i've ever seen!" she whispered seductively, touching her body in a lewd way.

Kane got to his car and put the gifts he had bought on the backseat, he got into the driver's seat and took out his phone. He was going to call Darian.

"So…how did it go?" he smiled, expecting some good news.

"Not good Darian. Caitlin has moved out."

The smile on Darian's face turned to a frown.

"Moved out? when? to where?"

"I have no idea. A neighbor said she left last night. No one knew when exactly though but she wasn't around this morning….or her belongings."

Darian was shocked.

"Why on earth would she move out?!"

"It's because of me. I already knew that she would take Sultan to another school….but i didn't know that she'd go this far."

"She's being so difficult right now."

"I know." Kane sighed.

"What are you going to do now sir?"

Kane thought for a while.

"I'm not going to give up. I won't abandon my son…or Caitlin. She needs me, but she doesn't know it. I'm going to find her, one way or another." he said with all seriousness, tightening his grip on the steering.

Darian could only stare with a serious look in his eyes.