Chapter Fourteen

That day, Kane returned home and told Darian about everything.

"Wow. So…Miss Caitlin left all the way to lonesprings?! That's so far away!"

"I'm surprised too."

"What will you do now? Will you go after her?"

"I have to. I can't give up now."

"When will you leave?"

"Early tomorrow and you're coming with me this time."

The next day, Kane left to lonesprings on his private jet with Darian. The journey didn't take long and half an hour later, they arrived at lonesprings.

Caitlin was able to get a job after two weeks of searching earnestly. She got a job at a small business company as a secretary. It was a small position with not much pay, but it was manageable. Her boss was a middle aged man in his late forties. He was quite a huge man with a broad face. He looked aggressive and had a very scary, hoarse voice, but he was very nice to Caitlin on her first day. She seemed relieved that he wasn't as mean as he looked, but she had thought too soon.

Kane rested the day he arrived and continued his search in Greenwood the next day. This time, Darian didn't come along with him. Kane loved riding alone most times and didn't take his assistant with him, unless it was necessary. He rode through the town all day but didn't have an idea of what to do as Grace didn't give him Caitlin's home address but he still searched anyway.

Caitlin had a busy day at work and went to pick Sultan from the preschool. She had pleaded with the preschool staff to take care of her son after school while she was at work. It meant extra payments, but it was worth it and Sultan seemed satisfied with the idea too. He never complained about the teachers.

"Mummy! I missed you!" he squealed as they hugged. The teachers smiled.

"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, Sultan." she sighed as they hugged.

"Oh he wasn't sober at all. He played with the toys and games all day." one of the teachers said.

Caitlin was relieved to hear that. After paying the teachers for their services, they left. It wasn't too late so they were able to take a little walk on the sidewalk. The street lights lit the entire area and it was beautiful. Sultan didn't seem tired though. He was full of energy and wouldn't stop jumping around at everything he saw. Caitlin smiled as she watched him chase the bugs into the bushes.

"Be careful Sultan.…." she smiled and he giggled. Suddenly a man dressed in black with a black face mask came out of nowhere and grabbed him. He screamed for help as he struggled to free himself.

"Mummy!" Sultan screamed and Caitlin was horrified. She dropped her bag and rushed towards the kidnapper to grab her son from his grip but he hit her hard with his elbow and she fell to the ground.

"Mummy…!" He screamed louder. There was no one around to help and Caitlin was in a lot of pain. She tried to stand but the stinging pain in her belly forced her to stay on the floor.

"Sultan.…!" she tried to scream. The kidnapper was going to escape when suddenly a man gave him a cruel blow on his face. He groaned in pain and dropped Sultan as he tried to touch his face that had been brutally hurt by the blow. Sultan stood up and rushed to his mother who was still clutching her stomach in pain.

The mysterious man beat up the kidnapper without mercy. He was punched, kicked, pummeled and beaten up until he started bleeding all over. When the stranger was satisfied, he pulled the kidnapper to a spot and pushed him into the gutter. The stranger watched the kidnapper moan and groan weakly. He returned to them and when Caitlin looked up to see their rescuer, her eyes widened in shock. It was Kane! Sultan also looked up and recognized him.

"Daddy?!" he gasped and Caitlin passed out immediately.

She slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a well lit room. She looked around for a while and realized she was in a hospital. There was a drip strapped to her left wrist. She suddenly remembered everything that happened before she passed out. She and Sultan had been attacked by a kidnapper and Kane had rescued them! Her heart beat increased as she tried to sit up but the aching pain in her belly forced her to lay back on the bed.

"Sultan…" she moaned.

Just then, the door opened and he came in with Kane. Her face lit up when she saw him.

"Sultan!" she gasped as he rushed to her bedside and they hugged. Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged and kissed his forehead.

"Sultan….I thought I was going to lose you…!" she said weakly and he wiped her tears with his little hands.

"I'm here mummy….please don't cry."

"Oh my baby!" she sobbed as she hugged him tightly again.

"Are you hurt anywhere?!" she asked again after she released him.

Sultan showed her his right elbow. He had gotten a small bruise when he fell from the kidnapper's hands. However it had been treated and bandaged.

"Hope it doesn't hurt too much?"

Sultan nodded negatively with a smile.

"It only stings a bit mommy. I'll be fine. What about you mommy? Are you OK?"

Caitlin was still in pain, but she smiled and nodded.

"Yes I'm fine… I just need to get on my feet."

"You were bleeding mummy." he added sadly and she consoled him with a warm hug.

Kane stood by the door, watching them quietly. He was so worried about Caitlin and wanted to ask how she felt, but he didn't want her to flare up, so he kept quiet.

After a little while, Caitlin had to rest again. She was elbowed really hard on her lower belly and it really hurt her badly that she bled. The doctor assured them that she would be fine, as long as she spent a day or two in the hospital under his supervision.

While in the hospital, Caitlin ignored Kane completely. She was aware of the fact that he had saved them, but she still felt enraged about the main issue. She was even more upset that he had found out her whereabouts, but it was a good thing he did, if not she would have lost Sultan forever, and there would be no one to help her. She didn't know how to feel about it.

Three days later, she was healed and ready to go. While she packed her few clothes, Kane came in. Their eyes met, but she looked away almost immediately and continued packing her things.

"I'm...glad to see that you're alright now." he said softly but got no response.

"You didn't have to leave Allensouth because of me, Caitlin. If you really wanted me out of your life I would have left. You didn't have to put Sultan through all that."

Caitlin paused for a while.

"You've made your point. Now please just leave. I'm grateful that you saved my son's life, but don't think that I would forgive you just because of that." she said without turning to face him and he stared at her for a while.

He took a step towards her.

"Please Caitlin…. I'm begging you. I've tried everything I can to make you see how sorry I am. I can't just let go of Sultan. He's also my son…"

"Don't you dare!" she fired immediately, turning to face him now. "he is not your son!"

Kane stared into her eyes and could only see pure hatred. This made his heart sink. He had never been so hurt in his life. Tears filled his eyes but he forced them back with a hard swallow. Just then, Sultan came in. He was surprised to see them facing each other. He walked to Kane and stood beside him.

"Daddy will you stay with us?" he said, holding his fingers with his small hands but Caitlin pulled him to her side.

"He's not your father Sultan." she said sternly.

"But mommy….."

"That's enough." She cut him short and he became sad. Kane was agitated to see him so sad. He gritted his teeth in anger.

"If you really want me out of your life for good, then I would leave. Sorry if I bothered you." he said with all seriousness and walked out of the room.

"Daddy….." Sultan mumbled as he left without turning back. He broke into tears and Caitlin didn't console him this time. She let him cry it out to his satisfaction. Kane heard Sultan's loud cries, but he couldn't go back. He had also made up his mind not to. Caitlin had hurt his feelings so much and taken his kindness for granted and that hurt him more than anything emotionally painful he had ever felt.

Maybe it was for the best to leave Caitlin and Sultan alone. Maybe this was his eternal punishment for his crimes against her in the past. He had accepted it and had no choice but to move on from there. He could not bear to hurt his feelings one more time. He had been humble and patient enough.