Chapter Fourty eight

The school year was going quite slow and the seniors had a lot of work on their scheme. Valentine's day was around the corner and the students were thrilled.

"This year's Val is gonna be awesome! We're definitely going to Diamond island!" Jessica squealed excitedly and Miles gasped.

"But babe, that place is incredibly expensive!" Miles said with cute puppy eyes, hoping to get through her.

"No way! I'm not falling for that excuse." Jessica pouted and Miles's face fell.

"What about you Sultan? don't you have plans for this year's valentine?" Miles asked and he paused for a while and turned to Celina whose face was buried in her book. Jessica and Miles looked at each other and smiled.

"You can ask her out, you know. she might just accept." Miles whispered.

Sultan looked at Celina for a while. She sighed and closed her book, then relaxed on her seat.