Chapter Sixty five

Dean and his mafia gang were severely tortured by the Redron squad until they were badly injured and bled. Jonathan walked into the dark, empty room where they were being kept.

The men had several scars all over their bodies, and they were bleeding so much. They were also very weak and starved.

Jonathan approached the leader, Dean and grabbed his neck with one hand, then pulled him closer to himself.

"So, tell me Dean, are you willing to say everything you know?"he said calmly and Dean, now weak and in pain, trembled as he looked up at him.

"I....I don't know anything about the kidnapped girl! I promise! I wasn't involved in it!" he sobbed uncontrollably and Jonathan looked at him for a while.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" he fired, grabbing his neck tighter as if to strangle him.

"I'm telling the truth! I don't know a thing!"