On his way home, Darius called Mrs Eloise to tell her that the case had been closed.
"Really?! It's been really closed?!" she beamed with a smile.
"Yes." He smirked with pride. He could sense from the sound of her voice that she was pleased.
"Thank you so much Darius. You've really lifted a heavy load of our chests. My daughter can finally have some peace."
"I told you before, Eloise. I would do anything to make you happy again. I'm determined to put a smile on your beautiful face." He smirked and she blushed.
"I'm not beautiful anymore. I've aged a bit."
"Hello? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? You're a perfect woman. You just need a little pampering and I can give you that." He smiled and she couldn't help but smile too.
"About what happened the other day....I'm sorry. I lost control of myself." He said softly.
"It's...it's fine."
A smile cornered his lips.
"You didn't stop me, Eloise. You have feelings for me but you're too proud to admit to it."