I died..
Isn't that what everyone says when they died and found them somewhere else..
Yeah, it looks like I am one of them.
Looking at my current surroundings, I don't think I am hell, maybe I am in heaven..
Expansive navy blue landscape of water, stretching as far as my sight can reach, endless blue horizon making me feel quite relaxed.
Anyway it's not like I have anything to do, So let me narrate my story of how I managed to reach this point …hmmm, did I sound like a successful person right now?
Anyway, So My name….. I don't remember it sorry. So I had quite a hard no no quite a good… Oi what happened I can't remember anything.
My favorite hobby… watching Anime, something is amiss here? Why do I remember my hobby and not my name and my life..
Hey I can't remember anything? What happened?...
" It's no use trying boy"
Huh! looking forward I noticed an old man walking towards me, he was wearing a white kimono? Supporting himself with a golden crane he continued.
" Your soul must have been damage, when you subconsciously entered my domain"
Domain? I looked at him fairly confused about what he was talking about.
" It's quite complicated you know", He shook his head,as he closed the distance between us.
"So are you a God?", I asked Curiously,
I already had a hunch when I saw the old man, but his nod confirmed it.
"I think you can say that since I am the one who created them", He nodded to himself in satisfaction before saying.
Them? So there are many God's ha.
"Follow me", He said before walking away in the direction he came from.
And I followed, it's not like I have any options. Do I?
After walking for a few minutes, we arrived at a Small brick hut? I was not sure what to feel right now, but noticed the old man entering the Hut I decided to follow him inside.
It actually blew my mind, you Know, it was like a royal Castle, completely opposite from the outside, with a luxury staircase reaching the second floor, a giant chandelier attached to the ceiling, furniture including a tea table, couches, flowers vase, everything seemed luxurious.
"Make yourself comfortable", He said pointing at the couch.
But I was still too dumbfounded from the outside and inside of the hut to respond to him.
"Come on, sit down child",
His voice pulled me out of my daze. When I looked at him, he was already sitting on the couch sipping tea. tea? When did he ?
He is a God after all.. as the realization struck me I took the seat opposite to him on a different couch.
"So do you live alone?"
I asked, as my eyes tried to find someone else, but I didn't notice anyone else.
He 'hmm' at me questions, and my mind directly drew conclusion ' A loner I see'
*Cough* Cough*
He Coughed, spilling some of the tea in the cup, he looked at me with a look of disbelief all over his face.
What? I looked at him confused, And it was when I realized he could read my thoughts.
Fuck..it was embarrassing as hell..But thanks to the old man that he again continued sipping his tea without saying anything.
Fuck I feel like digging a hole and bury my head inside, how can you not, I just call a God Loner?
After some time passed by, I decided to ask the question that was bugging me.
"So what will happen to me now?"
"Nothing.. I don't have any plans for you currently?"
He replied in a carefree tone, making me a bit uncomfortable for some reason.
"So doesn't God reincarnate the lost souls?"
"Actually it's the first time some soul broke through the universal barrier and arrived here, So I am not quite sure what to do with you"
Universal barrier?
"It is a barrier separating my creation and my domain", He spoke up, even before me asking him.
"Ohh, I see", I nodded before giving words to my other question,"so what's a domain?".
He stopped sipping his tea, and looked at me with eyes full of seriousness.
"I can answer it, but it will surely scatter your soul in tiny fragments, erasing your existence"
Erasing my existence! Are you kidding me? I looked at the old man with bewilderment written all over my face.
"It's simple as that, if you don't believe me I can surely explain it to you",
He continued with a smirk as if challenging me to say 'yes'.
"No, it's ok.. Actually I am not that curious",
I replied, trying to sound calm and cool about it.
Only to receive a chuckle from the old man. He looked at me and he said with a mischievous and evil smile on his face.
" Actually it would be better if I tell you about it, your curiosity will be fulfilled and I also don't have to think of a way to fixed the problem your soul created arriving here",
"Nah,..I'm not curious at all", I replied with a firm voice this time.
"Hmmm..you are no fun", He sighed before continuing," You are just a wimp, I see"
Wimp? We are talking about erasing my existence. Do you think I will agree to hear that?
"Sorry for being a wimp",
I said with a weird smile and tried to sound sad, as much as I could.
Finally, the old man got up from his seat, and looked at me with a genuine smile.
"I don't think it will be that bad to have a company, I am looking forward to your stay child", He said as he approached me and continued while patting my shoulder, "You take anyroom you want and enjoy yourself until I find a solution for you".
It didn't take much time, as he called me out on the third day here .
Sitting in the hall room we discussed what was going to happen to me now.
"So you are saying you can send me to the anime world?"
I asked the old man suggestions of sending me to another universe, which sounded unreal, but after all he was a God.
"Seeshhh…It's not anime kid, it just a different universe I created along with the one you were living previously"
Fuck, Do that mean Naruto really exist?
Actually, now that I think about it, if God exists then why can't the anime world.
*Sigh*" Call it whatever you want. I don't care anymore", He let out as he looked at me and continued,"But there is a catch you see".
"What catch?"
I asked instantly.
"You will enter the world of my wish and we will do a fair draw for the benefits you will receive", He said smilingly.
I don't know but I have a bad feeling about it.
"You are thinking to much", He shook his head,
Now it's confirmed.
I asked I don't want to end up in a scenario I am not aware of.
"What why?, I don't know what you are talking about", He looked away as if he was caught redhead cheating his wife.
"You know what I am talking about", I stared at the old man, I am sure he was thinking of doing something behind my back.
The staring continued for a few minutes, before the old man back down and sighed.
"Okay, I will be honest", He finally spoke,"The universal barrier is interrupting me to see the progress of the universe and world, I built previously, So want to inspect the world with your help"
What? he want to set a camera on me or something?, And why will I agree there is something called privacy, you know.
" I knew it you won't understand me", He sighed making a sad face and continued," How will you understand the pain of living alone for so many years, with no entertainment or anything, *sigh* if only someone understood my pain"
What am I feeling? I don't know why but for some reason I was feeling sad for the old man but why?
Fuck..No don't do it…
Shit what did I do.
Immediately a tiny fragment light entered my body.
"Sorry for manipulating your emotions but you see, if you didn't agree then I wouldn't be able to connect me to you", He chuckled.
What the fuck!!!!
"Let's start the power draw", He said hurriedly, as a giant rowlet appeared out of nowhere.
My words surely fell on deaf ears as the old man pulled the lever making the rowlet spin at great speed.
In only a minute or so the rowlet's speed slowly went down before stopping at an image of a burning skull.
"Ghost rider", I murmured, seeing the image. How can I not know him.
But that wasn't important right now, I was still not done with the old man.
"Okay have a good life child", he chuckled, making me instantly turn towards him only to see him smiling and waving at me.
"We will meet again soon",
And before I realized I was already being sucked into the blackhole that appears behind me.
To be continued...