3. Two discoveries and timeskip

Skateboarding through the building's roof, I stopped at a particular roof, as I glanced at my watch.

<2 :00 am>

I had plenty of time, making my skateboard go normal. I walked to the end of the roof.Underneath was a dark alley, where a group of 3 men were smoking.

Good, Looks like I won't have to search for them.

These three men were just some street robbers with some pickpocketing and purse snatching cases on them. 

How did I knew?

Actually I have been tailing them every night, and it's not that hard as I commonly found them here, always smoking at the same time.

As for why? You see, I have been aching to try my powers, but the laws are strict, making it impossible for me to train my quirk in public places and renting an area to train is quite expensive for the current me.

So here are my ginny pigs, On whom I going to try my powers. And I can also gain some fighting experience, 

One stone two birds.

Taking the form of the ghost Rider, I jumped down of the roof, with I bang I landed on the ground, making the dust rose up in air.

Without wasting anytime, and taking advantage of the dust I quickly dash to the man on the left.

If I remember correctly, he has the ability of enhance sense. So taking him out first will be the best option.

Making my fist land on his abdomen, his body was pushed back before slamming at the tin Dustbin behind him.

Bingo… My strength seems to easily capable of overpowering an adult.

Bang.. with a loud bang, I felt my body flying and slamming itself on the wall.

Hmm..there is no pain? Looks like it was worth it.

Lifting my head I glanced at the fat man who just slammed into me a moment ago.

Strength enhancement quirk. I reminded myself as I noticed him charging at me again.

But this time I was prepared, moving my body slightly towards the right, I connect a right uppercut, His body flew a meter high before falling down on the ground lifelessly.

Boxing videos, did pay off.

"Hey whatever you are? Hands up or I will shoot",

Pulling me out of my daze was the voice of the third man, standing at a corner while aiming his gun at me.

Should I try it? It was the first thought crossed my mind noticing the gun.

I slowly walked towards him, as I decided to check a hunch. Even it goes wrong, I am sure with my quirk it will heal in no time.

Glaring at man infront of me, I looked into his eyes, 

Fuck..I can see it. A soul? 

And before anything else I heard the man screaming in pain and agony as he kneed down before me.

" Two more discoveries",

I murmured before taking the third man's phone and texting the police, to get them.

With everything done, I grabbed my skateboard and move out of the alley.

I quickly turned of the transformation, as I pulled my hoodie and stake out of the area, finally reaching my home and going to sleep with a satisfied smile.

Days continued normally from that day on, wake up, breakfast, school, lunch, dinner and then the search for new ginny pigs.

I didn't wanted to take on tough villains, so it's better to look for weak ones.

And I even started to train in using a chain efficiently. It's only been a few days but I am sure I will get use to it.

Afterall I remember seeing Ghost Rider using the chain so effectively.

Day, became week, while week became months, and months became years.

Time passed pretty quickly as I trained in my skill, And I am also pretty sure my strength is increasing with the each passing day.

I haven't found any ginny pigs after beating the trio, so I am not quite certain of my own strength.

"Jin, are you sure you are ready for the tomorrow's exams".

My mom asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I am almost done",

I replied, I am currently 15 and I will be attending the written exams of UA high tommorow.

I am pretty excited for it, after all the best way to earn money was to become a hero in this world.

Man whichever world you are in, money speaks everywhere.

After revising a last time I moved out of the apartment to get some fresh air.

"Hey Midoriya, what are you doing",

I asked him as I noticed Midoriya walking inside his apartment.

"Reading for tommorow's exam"

He replied before shutting the door behind him.

*Sigh* He don't listen do he?, I have told home countless times that it will dangerous course for him without a quirk but he doesn't listen to me at all.

All he says is that..

"Someone believes in him, so he can't let him down"

Hmmm…whatever, I already did my job of warning him, and it's also better if he experienced it himself.

Walking to the park, I did some drills with my chain, and did some shadow fighting.

Anyway that was all I did as I returned home with a cola can.





( A/N :- To be honest I don't want to drag the childhood much, but flashback may come later on)