5. Start of the Practical exams

3th April , <8:30am>

I checked my school bag a last time before moving towards the front door.

"Did you take everything?"

My mom asked as she stood behind me at the front door.

"Yes, I had checked it three times already",

I smiled at her and then nodded.

"Your Examinee I.D"


She sure worries a lot. Not wanting to get late for the exams, I quickly gave her a hug and shouted while exiting from the door.

"Don't worry too much, I will be studying in U.A high for sure"

Running out of the apartment ,I took a quick glance at  room no 12, 

It was the apartment where Izuku and his mother lives. Halting my steps, I knocked at the door.

*Knock* knock*

It didn't take long before the door opened and I saw Izuku's Mom standing.

"Ohh!! Jin",

"Good morning, Aunty",

I greeted her before I got straight to the point.

"Aunty, Is Izuku ho....."

I was not even able to complete my sentence before a shout came from inside.

" Mom, is it Jin?"


She responded, and looked at me, then continued with a smile.

"Come inside,Jin"

She politely invited me inside, but I quickly peeked at my watch<8:34am>

" Okay"

I followed her inside, every apartment in the building are similar to each other, and I have also been here countless times, so without shying around, 

"Aunty, I will go and help him out ",

Saying that I quickly, went to Izuku's room

Entering through the door, I was greeted by a sight of Izuku pulling his pants up.

" shouldn't you knock before you enter"

He yelled in a panic voice, as he fixed his clothing..

"Yeah..yeah..", I nodded before seating on the bed beside him,"It's not like there is anything to see"

"Anyway get ready quickly, I don't want to get late",

I spoke, before he could argue.

As he prepared his bag, I took a glance at the room, Almight1…Almight 2.... Almight 8..

Has the number of posters increased ha?

What a fanboy..*Sigh*

After a few minutes, when everything was done. We finally moved out, Izuku's mom even wished us best of luck.

Taking the subway, we reached our destination, U.A high school around <8:56 am>

The school looks pretty cool from outside, four building's connected to each other. 

I have heard the security of the school is pretty high.. I thought as I looked around while walking towards the exam hall.

Only then did I noticed that Izuku wasn't beside me.. Fuck where did he go?

*Sigh*, massaging my temples, I let out a sigh.

It's not like he is a kid,that needs constant watching or maybe he is.

But anyway, I went inside the exam Hall.

Taking a seat towards the corner, I waited for the examination to start.

After a few moments, the hall lit up and a teacher showed up on the stage.

"What's up U.A candidates, thank you for tuning in with me your school's DJ. What's up?"

He spoke in a with enthusiasm and cheerfully, as he hoping for the crowd to go wild..But there was


I seriously felt bad for him..

Not minding the unresponsiveness.

He continued 

" Okay, let get straight to the main point of how the practical examination will go down"

He started by talking about the 10 minutes mock battle exams that will be conducted on the  different urban setting training grounds, divided into 7 groups.


Hmmm, I got the G, 

He continued with explaining the other details that were already provided to us, as our syllabus.

There will be three types of robots in the training ground. 1 pointer, 2 pointer and 3 pointer the more the points the stronger it will be the robot.

And then comes the last one  0 pointers, they will be the strongest of all, but they won't provide any points they will just act as an obstacle..

I have read everything already.

After the explanation was over, the students were separated according to their respective training grounds.

And then students were to board on different buses.

Checking in the bus for training ground G, I quickly boarded it.

It took us around 10 minutes, before we arrived at the training ground G.

"Woow, how huge is it?"

"U.A high sure lived up to its name".

"I can't imagine how much it could have cost"

Murmurs and discussion were all-over, the place.

Anyway not that it matters.

"Get moving, there is no countdown in battle, run run run , listeners"

The same teacher that explained the details shouted from the top of a tower..

What was his name again? Soinc..

My thoughts halted as I noticed the large door to the training ground opened..

I dashed out of the crowd, and I became the first person to enter.

This is one of the many strengths of Ghost Rider, that is speed..if someone who don't know about my quirk details, he can easily mistake me as speedster.

Leaving the crowd in dust, I noticed the first robot coming out of an alley.

2 pointer.

Clenching my right fist, I launched it at the 2 pointer at full power.

I was itching to check my full strength for a while.


On contacting. With a blasting sounds, the robot flew back more than fifty meters before blasting a hole in the wall of the nearby building.

Great, the physical power without transforming are already on par with most strength enhancement quirks.

A smirk creeped up on my face, as I decided to go on a rampage.

"I have been holding back for a while now".