married and not in marriage

Mrs harrison a well train lawyer,beautiful,tall and fair in man in his natural state will set an eye on her and let go due to the level of beauty she posses.

unlike the saying that men are polygamous in nature, mrs harrison's life style and sexual life as a woman proofs that wrong .Mrs harrison who got married to Mr harrison Five years ago still finds marriage irritating and feels is one of the institutions set to deprive women of their pleasure life.Being an african lady ,

living in a cultural setting where cultures and traditions forbides a woman from having multiple sexual partners,talk more of a married woman.

living with harrison was hell like to pearl (mrs harrison) not that he abuses her but for the single fact she finds him boring in bed and prefers a change of meal weakly at least ,as she refers sex to harrison on other hand after a year in marriage finds out that her wedded wife has changed and doesn't like their usual slow music sex any more,this brought misunderstanding in their marriage and was a bridge between the two of them and led to them seeking attention of a sex therapist who advised he should practice more styles with her wife and mrs harrison should try controlling her libido.

After birthing two kids mrs harrison and his husband stop giving birth to reduce the stress of child training on them ,as a lawyer she barely spare time with her family not because of work but because of her numerous adventures which she requires time to carry out. Mr harrison a gym instructor always had to spend time with their kids alone

Mr harrison always find it difficult to blame his wife who he married a virgin and he kept hoping she changes with time ,maybe she exhibit all this because she was a young girl when he married her,secondly being a pastor's wife wasn't given the privilege to flex before marriage.

Friday work ends 4:30pm Pearl left office with a heavy heart thinking of how to remain in this institution called marriage ,just want to be free from any type of law ,she just want to live her life and enjoy it .she thought is time to do something five years gone in this maybe when nothing isn't done entire life time. she left office to her mum's place ,her mum a very beautiful woman I must say pearl got her beauty from her. Mrs theophilus who was surprised to see her daughter gave her a warm welcome , pearly as she always call her what brought you home is unexpected,you didn't even informed me before coming.pearl replied her mum angrily must I inform my own mum before coming home? mum that aside let's not start again,mum sit close ,mum I just want to let you know as my mother,"mum am tired of my marriage,I want to be a free woman,an independent woman mum.mrs ekpan looked at her daughter and smiled ,my daughter you said independent? what type of independence do you want ? you are a successful lawyer,you have two kids and a handsome husband,pearl angrily mum don't start you know what I meant iam leaving my marriage I can't cope again mum am exhausted.mrs ekpan in a mortherly way replied pearl my child when I gave birth to you and your siblings it wasn't easy I had to adjust and fit in marriage is not easy but you have to endure, your dad died five years ago after your wedding since then I haven't met any man sexual but am still living,life is not about sex alone but we have to live for our loved ones ,you have a husband you can turn him to your own lion and enjoy what ever you want than living a life of deceit.

Pearl as usual told her mum that was your era mum ,this is 21st century and I have to live my life ,she stood up mum am going take care of yourself she left after pleasantries.

That evening pearl got home and took her bath and got dressed up ,her husband have already serve dinner by 6:pm they all ate ,mr harrison retired to bed waiting for pearl to come, pearl took her children to their rooms and put them to sleep.she came back to me harrison honey I want to use the library tonight at the firm,I won't be coming home tonight I love you sweetie have a lovely night harrison in disagreement but how do you expect me to sleep well without you tonight with the kids, honey you don't have to worry I will inform Excel to come and spend the night with you guys is just past 8pm she can make it the distance isn't much and you don't have to worry about taking the kids to school she will.pearl left the house with a hand bag which contains some wears and also informed her sister excel to come spend the night with her kids.

pearl on phone call"

"Hello Excel

Excel: hi sis ,what sup

pearl: am cool,can you grant my request asap pls?

Excel: what again ,at this hour

pearl: pls go down to my place and sleep over am not coming home tonight, please make sure the kids go to school in the morning.

and don't try rubbish ,I know you an addict don't try nonsense ,sha I trust harrison .

Excel: please spear me that then why ask for my favour and insult me ,and more over I don't give damn about your husband.i can do my stuffs and handle my self.

and where are you going tonight? having a new catch, remember you are a married woman the life is for us

pearl hanged up .she drove down to underground party house at lugbe ,got dressed up in her party wear in her car and came out ,she walked on her heels down the hallway into the basement down to the party ground .Hello beauty a young man from behind called on pearly ,hi handsome she replied. They both exchanged greetings ,am KK and you? am pearl ,what's the KK? Ken ken my father is mr ken and they named me after him oh enough of the pleasantries can I use the rest room? says pearl the guy said yes can I walk you? pearl replied of course.

they both walked to the corridor leading to the rest room pearl turned and gave him a look and rushed into him,kissing and holding him tight the guy in respond carried her up and rest her back against the wall as he passes his fingers down her skirt fingering and kissing her .pearl you are beautiful and sweet can I own you this night? they both kissed into a booked room ,he off her wear raising her legs down to the bed.

Excel got to her sisters place late ,her sisters children were already a sleep she walked to the kitchen and picked a can of water ,sir am going to bed ,her sisters husband said okay please remember to lock the doors am off to bed too.

Excel walked to the visitors room which is directly opposite the sitting room,this made it easy from someone coming from Mr and Mrs harrison's room to survey the entire building ,the visitors room , kitchen, dinning and the children's room.she looked around and placed the water on the table and went into the shower to bath,she walked out of the shower after some minutes and laid on the bed with a towel rapped around her forgetting to close her door. Excel a sex addict because of her sister didn't go to club today she was prepared to make it up to her self she came with her vibrator .As she laid on the bed she brought it out she used her hand to rub her clitoris down her inner up to her breast masturbating ,the weather was cool and about to rain ,breeze was blowing mr harrison who was hearing the sound of his sitting room door came out from his room to close it and his eyes went down to the visitors room ,the room was wide open and seeing his sister in-law on bed rubbing her self made him feel the absence of what his wife haven't given him for long now,he decided to ignore and walked down to closed the door,he could go front or back when he hard Excel making sounds ussh !!asssh !!uuuhh!!,he walked back to peep he hid and peed from the entrance ,Excel who was far gone couldn't notice his presence as she continued ,she on her vibrator and inserted it at this point Mr harrison lost it and was about to explode he couldn't hold it anymore ,with the insertion of the vibrator Excel screamed more and more ,mr harrison found his lion standing and can't hold it or control it but the thought of his love for pearl kept occuring. He remotely walked into the visitors room Excel who was already squirting and carried away with the pleasure didn't notice his presence,he stood as he uses his hand to rub and trying to calm himself.

Excel stood to clean up and found out that his brother in-law was standing before him ejaculated ,sir am sorry do you need anything says Excel as she walked closer to him ,it seems you have been here for long sir and I love this I can't control sight on it ,pointing his brother inlaw's ejaculated loin, I can make you happy for just now my sister haven't been taking care of you ,I won't tell her,you need this and I do,let me just ride for 5minutes ,she approach him and round her hands on him kissed him and tried to take control, mr harrison slapped her and finds the door ,never you try that again am your sister's husband and I can't have anything to do sexually with you. Excel laughed and shouted just time,time will tell don't let nature kill you,she doesn't even care about you and am here trying to help you, I can satisfy my self and don't even need you.

pearl left the club at 5am to a lodge where she slept and left for work at 8pm in the morning still couldn't catch all sleep ,she was still feeling sleepy.

pearl walked into the firm to her office where she did nothing but sleep for the day.

Ella called on pearl severally and she didn't hear her,she tapped her and she woke up ,pearl what's wrong ?you went to club again? pearly sleepily yes I did and it was hot ,bae there is this guy I met last night he was so hot that the first condom bust and didn't even mind for more use of condom we went raw bae I nearly got mad,I so enjoyed my self girl you singles are enjoying oo my inner had it last night wish my catchs to be his type. Ella replied pearl life isn't what you think bae ,babe how can you? married women even went raw,girl at least for that man's seek always be careful your single mistake can destroy your family.pear with little or no attention laughed and told Ella to go back to her office that the gist is over.

pearl got home that evening and made dinner for her family ,her husband have already done the kids assignment they all ate and went to bed. Around 2am Mr harrison woke pearl his wife up and demanded her attentionhoney you know I love I won't do anything to hurt our family though I know you are having fun sexually outside our union please I demand se respect is no longer becoming funny,you leave me each night horny with your sex addict of a fucking sister please even though you aren't spending night at home don't invite your sister over because next time she tries the rubbish she did today I will so fuck her ass off and wait for the judge over the matter cause am also a human and not a wooden object.

mrs harrison (pearl) shouted her husband up accusing her of trying to cheat on her,pearl to her husband even though I live my life you don't have right to tell me not to bring my sister to take care of my children,don't use your attraction over her as an excuse, you have to endure and control your ass of a thing because my sister will be coming to take care of my children. Mr harrison to end the noise agreed but on one condition he said ,that you will be sexually available for me as your husband.pearl attacked him we have talked over this I told you ,I don't find you attractive again honey you can't even give me as I want talk more of lasting.

Mr harrison tried kissing pearl and making sexual advances she wrapped her self with a blanket not today honey sleep.

Good afternoon lady law, a young man walked into pearls office ,I came to seek for a legal advice ,I want to sue a company for selling an expired goods to me ,can you hear me ma ? pearl shaked yes I can ,lady law I must say you are beautiful,thanks she said and you too you are handsome.she stood up and walked to him what goods? date bought ? quantity? explain more let me understand the guy was lost same as pearl as they glance at each other,he stood up and held her hand ,am going to do what is wrong legally now but it is how I feels,he kissed her and raise her to the table ,pearl wanted this since five minutes ago then why did he delayed it she thought,she stepped down the office table and went to lock her door and window blind and came back to him kissing him he carried her up again back to the table raise her skirt and fingers her pearl moaned and find her way to his trouser zip,gusssssh !!!! please role in more bae pearl said ,raising her one leg up.