The Dead

I quickly clean up and grab the dress that Bolin had left for me. My eyes sparkle as a small smile pulls at my lips. I lightly brush my hand over the soft, luxurious fabric, loving that it was black with silver threading.

It was so very... me.

Back in my world, nearly everything I own is black. While I do think the white dresses with pastel flower patterns are beautiful, I felt like they really weren't me. This made my very soul smile. I get dressed, admiring the way the dress fits every part of me perfectly.

The fabric made the other dresses I wore feel like potato sacks. I smirk, nodding my head in acknowledgment. The man really did have good taste and an eye for detail. Mago makes a noise of disdain before saying, "Yeah, yeah, it looks okay."

My smirk bleeds into a smile as I head out. When I make my way to the front of the estate, I find Bolin speaking to Haun. Haun bows to him then turns to me and bows again before quickly disappearing. Why was he bowing to me?

When Bolin turns to me, his eyes deepen as he takes me in. He slowly lifts his hand out to me and asks, "Are you ready?" I come to a stop, looking at his hand and then back to him in question. His dark eyes give nothing away as he says, "It's faster to travel with me. Otherwise, it will take several days to reach the next village."

I nod, reaching out and placing my hand in his. For a moment, I think about how we're technically matching now with our black outfits. I dismiss the thought as his large hand swallows mine. He pulls me close, wrapping his other hand around my waist as he pulls me up against his solid chest.

My heart beats a little faster when I feel his body's warmth. His seductive lips pull into a wicked smile as he lowers his head next to my ear. His deep voice makes my stomach dip as he softly says, "Don't worry, I won't let go."

Before I can say anything, everything turns black as dark shadows erupt from him and swallow us whole. Everything disappears before reappearing but this time we're in a new location. When the smell hits me, I know we're in the right place.

I step away from Bolin's embrace, not missing the way I didn't necessarily dislike being there against his chest, wrapped in his strong arms. I shake my head, telling myself to focus as I lift my hand up to my nose.

The smell was much stronger here...

When I look over to the village entrance, I see several groups of people leaving with bags and even a few with wooden carriages. As we make our way over, an older couple stops and says, "You should keep moving. A mysterious sickness has fallen upon this village. It's not safe!"

Others just gave Bolin and I wary looks as they kept going. I look back at the older couple and ask, "What happened?" The older couple both look at each other before lowering their voices and saying, "All the animals have died! They just dropped dead overnight! We all came together to gather the animals and burn them but suddenly, people started dropping dead! We were so scared we went straight home and started packing. Even as we were packing, we noticed our plants dying!"

The old man gives us a grave look before saying, "In all my years, I've never seen death move through a village so quickly and I have NEVER seen it affect the plants and crops before! No, this isn't right. Something bad is here and if you're smart, you'll stay far away from it."

People were dying too!? I try to hide the surprise in my eyes as much as possible but even I can tell it's slipping out. I turn to Bolin to find him looking up at the sky above the village. I turn and look but I don't see anything.

I tell the older couple "Thank you" slipping them a few golden pebbles before walking straight into the village. They tried to give the gold back, but I didn't give them the chance. I avoid the villagers as I use my magic like an Artifact metal detector. I ignore the crying and rushing villagers as I turn and twist through the village.

The further I go, the worst the smell gets. When I get to the town's well, I come to a halt, refusing to walk any closer. Why was it in the well!? I grit my teeth, trying to forget all the horror movies I've seen in my life.

Bolin comes to a stop beside me, his entire body overshadowing mine as he looks at the well with dark eyes. His deep voice pulls me out of my thoughts as he asks, "So this is it?" The well had large black roots climbing up and out of the well before stretching out all over the ground. They pulse and move as if alive, making me shiver a little.

I lift my head, rolling my eyes as I look up at him and sarcastically ask, "What gave it away?" Bolin's dark eyes take me in as a smirk pulls at his lips. He lowers his head, leaning in closer as he whispers, "I didn't want to give it away, but my observation skills are top-notch."

I feel myself smile as I say, "We'll see how true that is." I turn and walk over to the well with a somber look on my face. I can't believe people are dying as well... was it because they touched the dead animals or was it because of something else?

I'll have to investigate after this... When I get my hands on Dade...

I carefully avoid the roots, grateful to have shoes this time as I step over to the edge of the well. Because of the roots, it was solid black inside the well, making it almost impossible to see anything down in it.

I nod my head as I mumble "Of course, it has to be creepy and ring-like..." Bolin's dark eyes narrow on me with a look of slight confusion, having no idea what I'm talking about or what I mean. I don't bother explaining as I lift my hand and place it over the center of the well.

The once bright sun was now hidden by clouds, casting everything in an ominous light. When I recall the pain I felt when the last one went into my hand, I find myself wanting to pull my hand away.

I steel myself and call upon my magic. The roots pulse again, all together at the same time. Just like last time... Suddenly, a discolored grey-black hand shoots up out of the well and grabs my wrist! I suck in, momentarily shocked and scared. I try to pull my hand away as Bolin quickly appears by my side.

He tries to grab the hand, but I quickly yell, "Don't touch it!!" Bolin's other hand was already wrapped around my waist, holding me against his chest. He freezes, unsure of what to do. I fight the urge to scream like a B-rated horror movie actress.

The hand tries to pull me down, but Bolin's grip is stronger. I try to shake the thing off but something heavy was clearly attached to it! I call upon my magic, wanting to blast the thing when suddenly black flames burst out of me, attacking the hand! A cold wave washes out around us, but it quickly disappears with the black flames.

What the hell was that!?

The thing makes an ear-piercing screech before releasing me and falling back down into the well. A nasty hand mark is left on my arm as my hand shakes. Bolin tries to pull me away, but I fight him and say, "Not yet!"

I use my power, quickly calling it up as I pull the Artifact to me. At first, I can feel whatever's down there fighting me but then it flies up at the speed of light and straight into my hand! I suck in, gritting my teeth as I quickly pull away.

Bolin curses under his breath as he scoops me up and quickly moves us away from the well. I grip my wrist as the pain spreads up from my hand and into my arm. I keep my mouth shut as I watch my blood drip onto the dark ground.

When Bolin is far enough away, he finds a place to sit. He sits with me in his lap as he grits out, "Let me see." I bring my hand up showing him the now healed hand with a weak smile. The black veins were back though.

Bolin's eyes darken as I use my magic to burn away my blood.

Yup, it still hurts like a bitch.