
Aiya and her men were now torn, trying to guard against me and whatever was down the dark street, but I couldn't care less about them at the moment. My gut told me that whatever was down there was far worse than Aiya and her little kiddy parade.

Bolin was instantly by my side, pulling me back as he silently shook his head. I frown at him, wanting to argue when suddenly another blood-curdling scream is heard! I quickly look back to see another man being dragged in by his foot but this time, he's dragged up the wall before disappearing!

I take a step back with fear burning in my eyes. What was strong enough to drag a full-grown man up the wall like that!? Aiya curses, glancing at me before yelling, "Retreat!!" They quickly run before throwing potions to transport away.

Bolin and I remain on the street as the smell of fresh blood drifts through the air. Thunder rolls again as the wind continues to pick up. It seems like it's about to rain once again. I swallow my fear as I try to step forward but Bolin's grip on me tightens.

I glance up at him to argue but he pulls me back, slowly backing away as his dark eyes never leave the side street. He whispers, "The street is filled with them. They're even crawling along the walls. Going over there would be a death sentence."

Shock fills my eyes and I quickly glance back over to the street, but I dig my heels into the ground. I keep my eyes on the street as I ask, "Is this normal here in your world?" Bolin lets out a small laugh and says, "No, I've never seen anything like it, and I've seen a lot of things."

My guess was right then, this was somehow caused by the Artifact. I can't just ignore this. I try to shake his hand off, but his grip is solid. I turn and hiss out, "Let go! I need to kill them, or they will kill more people! This time it won't be people from my world, it'll be the elderly or the children here in your world!"

Bolin's cold dark eyes flicker for a moment, hesitating. I pull my arm from him and glare at him. He glares back as he says, "There are so many, I can't even count them!" I fix my dress, roll my shoulders and slowly walk over.

I really don't know how he can 'see' or 'count' them from all the way over here but it's none of my concern at the moment. I focus on the street as I come to a stop. I keep my distance, trying to see but it was like the whole street was shrouded in darkness.

As if reading my thoughts, Bolin grits out, "You can't see anything because there are so many of them." Surprise flickers through my eyes. Did that mean the entire street was tightly packed with... whatever those were!?

My palms start to sweat as I call my magic. I quickly place a containment spell on the street, trying to keep them from running as I crack my neck. I have a feeling this is going to suck... I go to step forward, but Bolin's large hand grabs my shoulder, refusing to let me go.

I grit my teeth as I turn to glare at him, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking behind us. As soon as I turn my head, something dark lunges at us! Bolin pushes me out of the way, colliding with the dark thing while I roll to a stop off to the side.

He unleashes his power, causing the air around me to rush past! I hear a large explosion and find that Bolin and the dark thing had gone through the wall of a house and were now inside the home fighting! Another explosion rocks the house causing bits and pieces of stone to crumble and fall.

When I feel the containment spell being pushed, I turn back to see them trying to burst free! Torn, I hesitate for a moment before running over to the street. Bolin is powerful so I'm trusting that he can hold his own against whatever that was.

Even if he just buys me enough time to make it back to him, that works but I can't let these things escape! I call upon my magic, wrapping both my arms with magic runes. They twist and wrap around my arms, constantly moving as I walk through the containment spell and onto the street.

As soon as I step passed the containment spell, they lunge at me! I bring my arm up, blocking the first attack as I lift my other hand, blasting the others back. The thing bites down, trying to tear my arm off but the protective runes keep me safe. When I look down and see the very humanlike form, I freeze in shock.

Was the Artifact changing people!? I reach down with my other hand, grab its head and push my magic into it. Its head explodes, covering me and everything around me in black blood! I grit my teeth, lift my leg and push it away as more come at me!

Why doesn't my magic seem to be having much effect on them!? Suddenly, one of them grabs my foot! I feel myself being thrown! I fly through the air, hitting some of them before hitting the ground and rolling to a stop. I curse, quickly sending out a blast of magic when I feel them rushing towards me with animalistic speed.

The blast knocked them back but doesn't do much to them! What the hell!? They approach me slower this time, almost as if stalking me and sizing me up. They cover the walls on both sides of the street, holding on with all fours as if gravity wasn't a thing.

When they step closer, I see why. Their hands were in various states of turning into claws! My mind races with fear when I think about Bolin. I quickly push myself up, turning so that I face them in a crouched position, ready for the next wave of their attacks.

Suddenly, I'm hit with an idea.

I ignore my own blood dripping down my face as I give the dark creatures an equally dark smile. I unleash the black flames, pushing them out of my body at terrifying speeds! Black flames engulf the entire street as I slowly stand. Cracking and popping can be heard as the temperature rapidly changes.

Hissing and screeching are all I hear as everything is swallowed by the black flames. When I feel the last one die, I pull the flames back. My dark hair flutters around my face as my breath is seen in the air. I look at all the frozen bodies with a racing heart.

I release the containment spell and watch as the wind starts blowing them away much like it did with the black roots. It looked as if there was a blizzard with how much was falling and spinning around me. I quickly make my way back over to Bolin. When I see the creature flying out of the house and tumbling to a stop on the street, I raise my eyebrows.

Dark black shadows circle around Bolin's dark form as he steps out of the house, following behind the creature with a dark smile. He looks pissed. I go to take a step forward but stop short when Bolin disappears for a split second and then reappears in front of the creature.

The creature was just getting back up when Bolin grabbed the thing by the head and shoulder. He rips the thing's head off before the shadows surrounding him attack it! It happened so fast; I feel like I would have missed it if I had blinked!

Within the blink of an eye, the creature was gone! It was like it had been completely devoured by those things! The dark shadows fly back to Bolin, wrapping around him before dissipating altogether. If mine looked like snow, his looked like burning embers.

What the hell was Bolin? It even seemed like he was holding back...

As if sensing my gaze, he turns and stares at me with those dark black eyes. He disappears once again and reappears in front of me with a look of concern. He reaches out to my face and says, "You've been hurt."