

When Dade and his men arrive at their hideout, Dade quickly activates the protective spells, effetely hiding them from Lyra and the weird man who seems to have something to do with shadows. Dade curses as he slams his fist through the mud wall, breaking it.

His men groan, holding their chests as they try to understand what just happened. Chris steps up and asks, "What the hell happened? Didn't you say she couldn't break the spells?" Dade turns and glares at him before saying, "She couldn't. Those spells were written by her, but I was the caster. She wouldn't be able to touch them but..."

That golden power...

Dade lifts his hand, tightly touching his face. It was like all his exposed skin was slightly burnt. It was like he had been out in the sun for hours! His hand moves down to his chest with a look of unease. When he was hit with the shockwave given off by the golden light, it felt like his soul, magic, and body were all trying to separate from each other.

He had never felt something like that before... she was truly a descendant of the first witch! Her power was truly endless!

His eyes take on a gleam as he tries to think of another plan. He had planned to keep his word and allow the insignificant family to live, but he would have taken her after knowing she was powerless. It would have been perfect, he would have both, but the golden light had ruined everything!

Whatever it was... it was magical. The magic was ancient and powerful. He lifts his hand, looking at it with a crazed look in his dark blue eyes. It was the purest magic he's ever felt. He slowly closes his fist as he turns to the others and says, "We need to come up with a different plan. She'll have to be unconscious for us to grab her."

His men look at him with hesitation, but they still nod their heads in agreement. They wanted more power, and they wanted the money he was offering them, but they weren't stupid! How could they enjoy any of that if they were dead?



Vanir and the other council members step through the rip in the air with a strong wind. Their dark cloaks blow around them as the rip closes up behind them. The four of them stand behind Vanir as they look around at the darkening woods with sharp gazes. Vanir looks around the woods with a look of concern.

He lifts his aged hand and releases his magic. A small beam of light shoots out and points north. His heart beats faster as he prays that she's still safe. She was smart, resilient, resourceful, and strong. If anyone could survive this, it'd be her.

He and the others silently follow the beam of light as the sun begins to set.

Vanir clenches his other hand as he silently says, 'Hold on Lyra, we're almost there.'



When I open my eyes, I find myself in a familiar room. When I hear sniffling, I turn and find little Mei crying next to me.

I blink.

I lift my hand and say, "Are you okay?" She sucks in and looks over at me with eyes full of worry and concern. Her chin trembles before she bawls saying, "You're okay!! I'm so happy you're okay!" She lays her head down on the bed next to me, leaving me in an awkward position.

I lift my hand and lightly pat her head, not really knowing how to comfort her. I awkwardly smile as I say, "I'm fine, I promise. How is your neck?" Li Mei looks up with tears running down her face and quickly shakes her head saying, "I'm fine! There are no marks."

Li Jie walks up and places his hand on Li Mei's shoulder as he looks at me with eyes full of emotion and says, "We're all safe thanks to you." I frown at that and say, "No, you were all put in danger because of me."

Li Jie shakes his head and says, "We wouldn't be here as a whole family if it weren't for you. This is nothing. If someone has a problem with you, let them find us! It doesn't matter." Feeling even more awkward, I find it hard to say anything to that. I want to call him stupid, but I keep silent.

Suddenly, a low voice breaks the awkward silence as he says, "I need to have a few words with Lyra." little Mei looks up, quickly wipes her tears, and gives Bolin a starry-eyed smile as she pulls a scowling Li Jie out of the room.

I sit up, pushing the covers off as a silent Bolin walks over. He stands next to the bed, staring down at me with anger burning in his eyes. I try to ignore it as I get up, fixing my dress. He finally breaks the silence and asks, "Are you okay?"

I pause, looking up at him with clear eyes before saying, "I'm perfectly fine. I need to find Dade and his men." Bolin lifts a hand and says, I had my men following him, but he disappeared. It's like he disappeared out of thin air. I'm sure it has something to do with the magic you and your people have."

He steps closer and says, "What did you do? Were you really going to give him your magic?" I look up into his dark cold eyes for a few silent moments before saying, "Yeah, I was but luckily something prevented that."

Rage flashes through his eyes and before I know it, I find myself pinned on the bed. His black eyes look like pools of death as he softly grits out, "You would give up your life that easily?" His power is heavy and cold, making it hard to breathe.

When I try to move, I realize I can't! I can't even move a finger!! How? I keep a blank look on my face as I stare up at him. I need to tread carefully...

"I wouldn't have died if I had given him my magic," I say staring into his dark eyes. He silently stares at me as his anger hangs in the air around us like an unspoken threat. I softly add, "I've lost everyone who was important to me when I was younger. I didn't have the strength to protect them..."

His eyes soften a bit as I continue, "I finally found people who treated me like family and treated me with kindness without wanting anything in return. This time I had the chance to protect them... I couldn't not save them. If I had let Dade kill them... I would never forgive myself."

The heavy silence still hangs in the air around us but when he lowers his head down, I find myself tensing. He slowly leans all the way down and stops by my ear. He softly whispers, "You're no longer alone little demoness. My strength is yours. When you find yourself backed into a corner, just whisper my name."

He leans back, looking into my eyes with a profound look as he says, "I thought you had a plan, so I didn't intervene." He leans in closer and whispers, "My shadows had his feet, they had him and all his men."

Shock and surprise flicker through me as I realize I had made a mistake. He was there the whole time and yet, I only thought of him causing problems. I never once thought he could help. Why had I never turned to look at him? Why didn't I ask for his help?

As if seeing the look on my face, his own face softens as he says once again, "You're no longer alone." A deep unfamiliar emotion rolls through me, causing my heart to skip a beat. He suddenly leans down and kisses me!