Dark Obsessions

Bolin pulls her soft but warm body closer, wanting to pull her all the way into him. He deepens the kiss, becoming more aggressive as he tastes the sweetest thing he's ever tasted in his entire life. He wants to consume her, all of her especially if that meant she would never leave him.

When he feels the black markings on his chest move, he suppresses it as his grip on her tightens. His thoughts and desires darken as he thinks of ways to keep her with him. Should he strip her of her power so she can never leave him?

That way he could lock her up and never have to worry about her flying away or going somewhere he can't reach.

She breaks the kiss but he doesn't allow her to back away completely. He looks into her grey eyes that now held flecks of gold in them and instantly dismisses the idea. No, she was magical. If he took her magic, it would be like stripping a butterfly of its wings.

Plus, she would hate him and the idea of her hating him caused an unsettling sensation to rush into his cold heart. How could he keep her? Maybe if he gave her this entire world and all the riches in it, she would choose to stay.

But would she still want him? What if she grew tired of him? Then he'll kill everyone else, that way there is only them left. She would be stuck with him then. His dark eyes deepen as he realizes that his obsession with wanting her and only her was growing. It felt as if it was spiraling out of control, and he had no intention of stopping it.

She kissed him this time, she couldn't blame him now. She couldn't blame him when all he wanted to do was eat, sleep, and breathe her. Now that he's tasted her, he can't go back to the way things were before.

Now that he's tasted her acceptance, anything else would fall flat and dull.

He leans in, kissing her again, almost as if placing his claim on her before breaking the kiss and allowing her to pull away. The second he releases her, his fingers tingle with the loss of her warmth.



I step away with my face slightly burning. My lips feel swollen... When I see the hungry look in Bolin's dark eyes, I quickly look away and say, "We need to hurry and collect the remaining Artifact pieces. There are only three of them left."

Without looking back at him, I start walking in the direction of the Artifact, trying to calm my racing heart and mind but I was failing miserably. When I don't hear him following me, I turn to find him right behind me!

I jump, startled a bit before stumbling back. He quickly reaches out to help steady me as he asks, "Only three? So, after this one, you only have two more?" I blink, trying to ignore the rain as I slightly nod my head and say, "Yeah. After collecting them all, I should be able to return."

As I say that, I find myself frowning. Return? Did I really want to now? No, I need to return. It's only right that I do. I was finally officially accepted as a council member. It's something I've worked on for years.

It's been my dream, my goal, for years!

My eyes drift to Bolin's large hand holding my arm and I find myself frowning even harder. If that's really what I want, why am I now hesitating? As far back as I can remember, my grandfather spoke of me joining the council and becoming a great leader with great power.

My heart races as my mind does the same thing but this time it was for different reasons. Bolin's finger lightly touches my chin, lifting my face to him. Our eyes lock in silence once more but this time his eyes held questions. Bolin slightly tilts his head and asks, "What's wrong? What are you thinking so deeply about?"

With the cold rain seeping all the way through my clothes, I suddenly find myself lost. This time he frowns as he leans in closer, clearly concerned about the look in my eyes. I turn from him, breaking away from his touch as I say, "Nothing, I just realized that I was living for a promise to someone who's no longer here."

Bolin's eyes harden as he asks, "Who did you promise? What did you promise?" I remain silent for a few moments before saying, "My grandfather." I turn back to Bolin, giving him a sad smile as I say, "I promised him I would join the council and become the most powerful witch but..."

His frown deepens as he asks, "But?"

Our eyes lock once again as many unspoken things pass between us before I say, "But I don't think I want to." His frown is instantly replaced by shock as I turn and walk away. I head straight for the Artifact, ignoring everything else.

As soon as I reach the abandoned graveyard, I sigh. This was the second one that landed in a graveyard. As I walk through it, I see all the empty holes once again. I really hoped that it wouldn't happen again, but my gut had told me otherwise and unfortunately, it's never wrong.

I lift my hand, bracing myself as I use my power to call the shard to me. It hits my hand without mercy, tearing into my hand with extreme pain. I spin with gritted teeth, breathing through the pain as dark red blood drips from my hand.

I watch the skin slowly heal as the black veins stretch out under my skin like an unwanted curse. I stand up, turning to find Bolin silently watching behind me. Unlike the last time, I feel the world turn as my vision blurs.

I fall into Bolin's outstretched arms as darkness swallows me.

When I open my eyes, I'm greeted by large golden eyes. I whisper, "Abell..." She widens her large eyes as she smirks and says, [Why do humans always feel the need to give things names or nicknames?]

I give her a strained smile as I say, "What can I say? I guess it's just human nature." I remain silent for a minute before asking, "Why was I forced to come back this time? I thought I would be able to collect the rest before coming back here."

Abell tilts her head and says, [Every time you collect a piece, it tries to consume you. The more you collect, the stronger it becomes. Every time you come here; it's trying to consume you. When you leave, it means your power has overpowered it.]

I balk at her, blinking in shock. I lift a hand to my chest, slightly rubbing it with a grateful heart. I then glare at her as I snap, "And you're only telling me that now!?" She snorts and says, [I didn't say anything because I knew you'd be fine. It just means it will take you a little longer to leave each time.]

I look at her doubtfully as I ask, "Anything else you're keeping from me?" Her smile grows as she says, [Oh, lots.] I blink, waiting for her to emphasize but she remains tight-lipped. My face falls as I cross my arms.

I sit on the ground and stare at her as she stares back without blinking. After a few moments, I blink several times and look away. My eyes were starting to burn. Her low chuckle echos around the small space causing my own lips to twitch in amusement.

Abell smiles at me as she asks, [What's weighing you down, little witch?] I look back over at her and fridge ignorance as I say, "Why do you think something's weighing me down? I'm fine." She gives me a knowing look as she says, [You can lie to others but not a dragon, we can see the heart of those we know.]